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The Connection Between Forex and Gold

Date Modified: 26/07/2023

Up until the mid 20th century, global currencies were directly linked to the amount of gold reserves they held, controlling the amount of paper money they could print and the potential value of their currency. This was referred to as the Gold Standard, because it standardized the value of a currency against Gold.

While this kept national currencies in check, it had some noticeable flaws such as a lack of flexibility and an assumption that all national banks remain transparent.

In 1973, the US went off the gold standard, allowing Gold to be traded on the free market while the US dollar would be controlled by the US Federal Reserve. This brought the greenback unprecedented volatility as the country was adjusting to a new system of controlling inflation. Today, the dollar has stabilized and traders look at XAU/USD to closely track the price movements between these valuable instruments.

Understanding the way today’s central banks use Gold in relation to their currency helps traders to understand the relationship between Gold and the Forex market.

Gold and Forex.

Gold as a Currency

The ending of the Gold Standard did not put an end to Gold’s value. On the contrary, it allowed Gold to become a global “currency”, recognized by traders, individuals, and even governments as holding value.

This global recognition created a type of international currency that governments can use to exchange for paper currency and more. Unlike paper currency, there is no central bank to stabilize its value. Instead, value is decided by a free market where governments and traders influence its price. This independence from central control can tell us a lot about how Gold is valued in relation to global currencies.

This has given Gold a significant power over currencies and the governments that hold a large reserve of it. When countries hold large gold reserves with respect to the amount of cash in circulation, their currency is viewed as stable. If they choose to sell some of their gold, their currency value rises since they now hold a greater amount of foreign currency. On the other hand, central banks that wish to purchase gold as a means to stabilize their currency must print more money to fund their transaction, temporarily devaluing their paper currency in the process.

Correlation Between Gold and Forex

The correlation between Gold and paper currencies is a give and take that has been taking place for decades. Countries use gold to increase the value of their currency but must devalue their currency in order to obtain it.

From the perspective of traders, Gold is yet another currency where they can park their value in times of instability or currency deflation.

While there is no certainty that Gold will retain its value, traders rely on historical prices to estimate that a falling paper currency may instill a lack of confidence in the currency, creating a further devaluation of said currency. Other events that can affect the value of a currency are inflation, political uncertainty, significant trade deficits, and any other significant event which may affect its value.

As a currency drops, traders may turn to gold. If enough traders turn to gold at a given time and create waves in the market, it will increase demand without introducing a matched supply, causing the commodity to climb in line with demand. On the other hand, if individuals invest in a stable currency and new Gold supply exceeds demand, then the price may fall.

For example, when a trader holds GBP and recognizes that there is a large trade deficit within the EU, which has resulted in a devaluation of the British Pound, he may look to gold as its value may be on the rise in comparison to the currency he holds.

On the other hand, if an investor is holding Gold and the value of GBP rises, he may shift his investments towards currencies.

One of Many Factors

While Gold holds influence over the value and stability of currencies, it is just one factor among many that can shift a currency’s value. Global markets, political events, central bank decisions, trade, and a slew of other events can affect the value of a currency, as well as gold, rapidly or over time.

Individuals who trade in the Forex market can use Gold as an additional instrument, allowing them to make trades on the precious metal alongside the movements of global currencies.

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Gold FAQ

Gold is a commodity subgroup and is one of the world's most traded precious metals. Other popular precious metals include silver, copper and platinum. Gold’s price is quoted per troy ounce (oz t), in US dollars. As such, it is often seen as a currency - XAU or XAU/USD.

The main drivers for the price of gold are the aggregate supply and demand for the numerator (XAU) versus the value of the denominator (USD).

Find out what other factors can shift Gold prices in our "What Moves Gold's Price" article.

Among the main factors determining gold prices are:

Geopolitical tensions and uncertainty - Political uncertainty, and/or instability is probably the single most influential factor determining the price of gold. Not knowing what will happen to political, social and economic realities has a psychological effect on day traders who hope to profit from changes in gold and other financial instruments.

Monetary policies of leading economies - particularly US Federal Reserve and People's Bank of China which are the central banks of the world’s two largest economies. Central banks affect global gold markets by purchasing and selling gold bullions in an effort to balance the country’s payments system, and to stabilise their currency’s exchange rate in relation to other foreign currencies (Forex).

Supply and demand - within the commodity markets on which precious metals are traded as futures and on spot markets. Supply and demand of gold correlates to their availability in nature (discoveries) and expected value as an exchangeable commodity.

Follow these steps to trade gold CFDs:

  1. If you don’t already have a Plus500 account, open a Trading Account Here.
  2. Complete registration and deposit funds.
  3. Search for gold under ‘Commodities’ or type ‘Gold’ in the search bar.
    * You can add Gold to your Watchlists, by clicking the Watchlists star in the instrument’s info screen.
  4. View gold’s chart indicators and check for events affecting the price of gold on the Economic Calendar.
  5. Trade gold by opening a position according to the direction you think it will move. You can consider adding stop orders that can help you protect your profits and limit your losses.

Historically, shares and gold are considered opposites. When stock markets rise, the price of gold tends to fall, and vise versa. This has mainly to do with gold’s status as a 'safe haven' (i.e. a financially stable asset) when compared to stocks which are seen as more volatile.
However, when trading gold and shares using leveraged CFDs, the differences between these assets are not so substantial.

Plus500’s leverage ratio for trading gold CFDs is 1:20, meaning with as little as R750 you can gain the effect of R15 000 capital. For a list of all our commodities, click here.

The leverage ratio available for shares CFDs is 1:5. For a list of all our shares, click here.

In addition, please note that as a CFD trader you do not actually own the underlying asset, but rather you are trading on the expected changes in its price, in the form of a Buy or Sell position.

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