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Semi-Final Results from the Les Gets DH World Cup 2024

Jul 5, 2024
by Ed Spratt  
After qualifying earlier today, the Elite racers went back against the clock to decide who would progress to finals.

Vali Höll makes it a perfect day of racing in France as she backs up her fastest qualifier with another fastest time in semi-finals. Höll is looking to be back in winning form this weekend as she is unrivalled so far on the slippery slopes in Les Gets. Myriam Nicole is hungry for a win on home soil as she went across the line in 2nd, 1.29 seconds back. Tahnee Seagrave is right in the mix as she went third, just 0.13 ahead of Les Gets expert Monika Hrastnik.

Dakotah Norton joins Höll in taking wins in qualifying and semi-finals as he is getting closer to a first World Cup win and getting redemption for just missing out in Val di Sole. Amaury Pierron couldn't match Norton today as he went 1.395 seconds back and will have to search for more time on track ahead of finals tomorrow. Loic Bruni came back from a slower qualifying run as he went third and was the only other rider within three seconds of Norton.

Check out the results below.


Elite Women

1st. Vali Höll: 4:01.702
2nd. Myriam Nicole: 4:02.992 / +1.290
3rd. Tahnee Seagrave: 4:03.222 / +1.520
4th. Monika Hrastnik: 4:03.355 / +1.653
5th. Mille Johnset: 4:03.776 / +2.074

Elite Men

1st. Dakotah Norton: 3:24.322
2nd. Amaury Pierron: 3:25.717 / +1.395
3rd. Loic Bruni: 3:27.037 / +2.715
4th. Luca Shaw: 3:27.508 / +3.186
5th. Rémi Thirion: 3:27.710 / +3.388

Full Results:

Elite Women

Elite Men

Author Info:
edspratt avatar

Member since Mar 16, 2017
3,298 articles

  • 107 3
 You'll see me crying tears of freedom if Dak gets his first W over the 4th of July weekend.
  • 28 1
 Top 5 elite men after semis:

True red, white, and blue showdown in the finals. I’m so pumped for tomorrow.
  • 4 0
 Bro, save some “Merica” for the rest of us!
  • 8 6
 come on, not gonna happen... the french are the dream killers of world cup DH.
  • 17 0
 @slayerdegnar: Loic seeing a glimmer of hope in an up comers eyes is like a shark smelling blood.
  • 4 0
 @farkinoath: Loic has taken the gold from so many who haven't gotten it before. and its on their home turf... apparently people forgot about last years les gets podium and the last race.
  • 2 0
 @sfarnum: liberty—hot right now
  • 1 0
 @ceecee: Let's remember that Layfayette gave the key to the Bastille to George Washington. Whoever stands atop the podium tomorrow, it's Liberty that wins.

  • 3 0
  • 1 0
 @sfarnum: and for $28 the Ladies' Association of the Union will let me have a look at it, and so much more!
  • 56 3
 Woo! Frida through to finals. May be a big weekend for Tennessee’s favorite power couple.
  • 45 1
 Dakotah Friggin Norton!
  • 41 0
 Norton Nears a Coup
  • 4 0
 Dang, that’s really good.
  • 33 0
 Glad to see the Goat gettin back up there and into the finals! That said, let’s go Stack Norton!
  • 3 4
 I'm a big Minnaar fan. but he snuck in here, barely making finals. he might be more comfortable, but he was better last year. it's sad. Regardless, Finals will be a great show!
  • 14 0
 @snomaster: I hear ya. Still though, racing through the shoulder injury and still getting in is awesome. Also bodes well for the rest of the season with the long break coming up. Hopefully he can do decent tomorrow, get healed up during the gap, then come in confident in the 2nd half of the season
  • 1 1
 Does Oisin being protected and not in the top 30 bump Minnaar out?
  • 15 0
 @trickland: Pretty sure it’s top 30 plus any protected riders outside the top 30. So no bumping the GOAT.
  • 6 0
 @snomaster: why is it sad?
  • 30 1
 Dak attack, just doing that thang
  • 27 0
 Yes Dak!!
  • 24 0
 Jakob Jewett gettin faster and faster. Good to see.
  • 3 0
 I don't think he's even near his full potential yet. He's going to be a podium guy for sure.
  • 20 0
 Holy moly. If Dak could actually upset the French tmw in Les get. Benoit went three for three last year. Qualies, semis, final, would be amazing to see Dak do the same this year.
  • 21 0
 Lets go Lou Ferg!
  • 13 1
 Has there ever been any official comment on Daprela, by him or his team? Seems an odd situation and warrants a bit of coverage as it would be with any other sport.
  • 4 4
 its not worth giving time to that, will only shed negative light on industry. there is a Vital MTB article about it and check the comments... but not worth restating
  • 5 7
 I don't know much, but I know enough to know the superior Thibault is Thibault Laly
  • 5 1
 @OPD351: A wise man once said if it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth.
  • 4 0
 @boozed: which is why its not worth mentioning nobody "knows" anything its all rumours and speculation
  • 2 0
 He has no team
  • 13 0
 Mille is making it work!!
  • 11 0
 Yeah Dak! He's not in my fantasy team this weekend, but I'm feeling it. He's on for the triple!
  • 11 0
 Good to see Greg in the finals, hoping Danny is protected. This semi format sucks
  • 1 0
 There's no P next to his name, so I think he isn't protected. He's currently 13th in the overall, which (I think) is enough for the semis to be protected, but not for the finals.
  • 8 1
 I know it’s been said before but semis suck!
Also in particular who came up with the idea of only 30 men in a stacked field of close to 200 Elite men where you can lose out due to being off by a micro second. This needs an overhaul IMHO
  • 3 0
 Same with the women only being 10 moved into finals. Semis was kind of cool when it was broadcast but I would much rather they streamed all qualies and went to a proper finals broadcast
  • 10 4
 Honestly watching downhill on site these days has become a bit of a joke. Hundreds of anonymous riders on track who’d be better of in their national leagues, all track is marked super wide for crew and media, sections of the track inaccessible even for experienced hikers, no coverage of semis in the finish area so everyone is staring at their phones trying to figure out what’s going on. A lot of people were waiting for semi broadcast in the finish area and were super irritated when the big screen kept showing advertisements. Way to win new fans uci
  • 7 0
 I had a blast on the hill, with my kids, not sure what you want ? Heckle under the road gaps or into the track ? I did not pay much attention to the bunch of riders that qualify after the main lot, but i dint think this is anything different from any era recent or more distant in the past…
  • 4 6
 @Lagr1980: sure it’s fun if you want to see some gaps or jumps, just stay there and enjoy with your kids, perfectly fine. However, if you actually want to see line choices and figure out where time is lost or won it’s not great
  • 6 2
 @stefkrger: LOL looking at one section of track won't do that and its not possible to view all riders going through multiple sections so your just making crap up. I'm certain the riders are happy the sidelines aren't clogged with fans who can interfere with the race, like has been done in the past from people crossing the course to knocking big rocks into lines. There are still plenty of areas to watch from but I guess some people just like to bitch.
  • 2 1
 "even for experienced hikers"

1) how would the venue ascertain your level of hiking experience? after said assessment, would they give you a wrist band so that they could pay staff to verify that authorized hikers only are entering these areas?
2) maybe it's just better if don't have have spectators trampling vegetation and eroding the steep slopes even further (beyond what the track is already doing)
  • 1 0
 @pmhobson: regarding 1), it should not be accessible by experienced hikers only, that’s the opposite of what I meant. On this track the spectator paths are marked very poorly and there is no ropes and stuff to help people get up or down. It’s just not very spectator friendly that’s all
  • 1 0
 @stefkrger: Its a MOUNTAIN.
  • 8 0
 How many good semis results has Dak had? Just needs a bit of luck of race day.

Hang on...
  • 2 0
 Kind of interesting that his best finish this year (a 2nd place) came in a race where he finished 56th in semis and made it into the finals as a protected rider.
The flip side is that in the 2nd race this year he was 1st in semis and ended up 31st in the finals.
  • 8 0
 @Bibico: He's got a bit of 1st win jitters. Once he gets a win under that belt I think the pressure will be off and his confidence will build.
  • 9 0
 So happy Greg just made it!! Go DAK!!
  • 7 0
 Word from hear is the race may be cancelled if the weather is as bad as forcast. Not up to UCI but government , if canceled semi final results stand
  • 2 0
 Looking at the Junior start times on the UCI Youtube channel it looks like they are shifting everything back a couple hours perhaps to let the weather clear
  • 3 0
 For the men, anyway, there seems like so many on the course at the same time...
  • 4 0
 Searchable results! Yeah
  • 2 0
 But no protected rider status. Two steps forward…
  • 18 0
 @bykeco: I've just added protected rider status to the result tables.
  • 1 0
 @edspratt: cheers!
  • 2 0
 Stoked on Dak! Good luck to him for finals. Trying to figure out where Matt Walker is, why tf did I have him in my lineup…
  • 3 0
 I’m in the same boat…He qualified 85th, so didn’t make the semi-finals. He was 7th and 12th at the first two splits, and then something happened.
  • 1 0
 @mikekazimer: Thanks for the deets! Didn’t get a chance to watch yet so was a little dumbfounded...
  • 3 0
 Relax Dak. Once you hear the Beeps it will unfold in front of you.
  • 1 0
 Didn't realize Greg Williamson was injured and wasn't racing until I checked my team today. Oh well, that's how my teams year has been going...
  • 1 0
 Yup, for those of us that had yesterday off as a holiday and spent it away from electronics, we missed that very important piece of information. The rest of my team looks good.
  • 3 0
 They are making the call at 7am
  • 1 0
 Anyone else from the UK noticed the finals race coverage on Discovery+ is unavailable?
Watched it so far this year on Discovery+
  • 2 0
 Pretty damn awesome that the ladies top 5 times are considerably tighter than the men’s. Gals are scrapping!
  • 2 0
 Has Laurie G not made a finals this season
  • 4 0
 he didn't start this round
  • 9 0
 Watch WynTV for an update, he’s dealing with “post-viral” (I assume this mean long-Covid type) symptoms, has seen a new doc and has a plan to get back on track later in the season.
  • 8 0
 Sounds like he may have some sort of auto immune thing going on. Hope he’s ok.
  • 7 0
 @wolftwenty1: i think he said it was Epstein Barr
  • 5 0
 @sfarnum: he looked super rough in Wyntv poor guy. autoimmune diseases are no joke
  • 3 0
 Dak stack FTW
  • 2 0
 Top 5 elite men after semis:
  • 2 1
 (What are all the asterix for?)
  • 5 0
 Under 23 riders.
  • 2 3
 On Vinny T’s intsragram, he had a Les Gets number plate on his bike. Anyone know if he is racing? Stoke to see him I’ve it a go
  • 8 0
 Look at the results?
  • 2 3
 @nateb: he’s not in the results, so I was curious if he raced
  • 2 0
  • 2 1
 Not a fan of the cutting to 30. Still.
  • 1 0
 Does anyone know what time finals are streamed?
  • 2 1
 Where can I watch this?
  • 9 0
 It's a blind show! Dare on you WB/UCI...
  • 3 5
 PB booted Dak from my fantasy DH squad, because they rejigged the $$$$ and I went over budget! Didn't catch that before they locked it for the race.....Grrrrrrr!!!!!
  • 2 3
 The Megavalanche is also this weekend,not a single article about it this year?
  • 3 2
 Call me when there's a video of 600 riders crashing into each other.
  • 3 1
 Yep, I made same comment earlier - you can find discussion in 'below threshold' thread below.
PB editor Ed Spratt replied " . . . World Cup racing especially downhill gets significantly more views and attention than Mega coverage" - which makes no sense at all since there is no Mega coverage
  • 1 0
 @tigerfish50: could it be that they’ve covered Mega in the past and they know that relatively few pinkbike readers clicked on those articles?
  • 1 0
 @pmhobson: Who knows? Laziness? Bloody-mindedness? Maybe somebody slept with somebody's boyfriend in Alpe d'Huez? Perhaps Kilian skipped out on buying a round of drinks? Could be anything.
  • 2 0
 @tigerfish50: my comment did make sense in the context of your original comment where you stated the megavalanche gets millions of views on YouTube and more than World Cups. Which is not the case for articles of the race on Pinkbike.

We cover the event every year and we will have coverage once the race has happened tomorrow.
  • 1 0
 @edspratt: I'm glad to hear it - looking forward to seeing your coverage.
I imagine the 6.4 million views for GoPro footage of a single rider represents a slumbering giant. IMO if this unique event was given some half-decent professional exposure it could turn into a MTB version of the IOM TT or Bol d'Or.
Thanks for your reply
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