26 June 2024
Report IV: Emigration
On the eve of October 7, about a third of Gazans and about a fifth of West Bankers said they were considering emigrating from Palestine. The main drivers seem economic, political, educational, security and concerns about corruption. The most preferred destination for immigration is Turkey, followed by Germany, Canada, the United States and Qatar. The vast majority of Palestinians reported receiving no remittances from relatives in the diaspora. The vast majority supports the right of foreign domestic workers in Palestine to always have their passports, to a day off a week, and to a bank account in which they receive their salaries. 
28 September and 8 October 2023

These are the results of the latest wave of the Arab Barometer (AB) poll in Palestine, the 8th to be conducted since the start of these polls in the Arab World. This report is restricted to findings related to Palestinian perception of governance. The poll was ....More

Support for a two-state solution among Palestinians and Israelis s declines to just one-third on each side, along with growing opposition to the detailed items of a permanent peace agreement for implementing a two-state solution. Slightly more Israeli Jews support one unequal state under Israeli rule than the two-state solution; but both publics still prefer two states to any other democratic framework for resolving the conflict. Pairs of reciprocal incentives can raise support somewhat on both sides, showing some flexibility particularly among the Israelis. But trust is declining to new low points, and a majority of Palestinians reject four proposed confidence building measures while a majority of Israelis accepts half of them.

PressRelease   Table of findings 

These are the results of Palestinian-Israeli Pulse: A Joint Poll conducted by the ....More

12 June 2024

More than 60% of Gazans report losing family members in the current war on Gaza, but two-thirds of the public continue to support the October 7 attack, and 80% believe it put the Palestinian issue at the center of global attention. About half of Gazans expects Hamas to win the war and return to rule the Gaza Strip; a quarter of Gazans expects Israel to win. Increased demand for the resignation of President Abbas is accompanied by a rise in Hamas’ and Marwan Barghouti's popularity.  Increased support for armed struggle is accompanied by a drop in support for the two-state solution; more than 60% support the dissolution of the PA

26 May-1 June 2024 
This poll has been conducted in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Ramallah

These are the results of the latest poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip between May 26 and June 1, 2024. The period prior to the poll witnessed the continuation and expansion of the war on the Gaza Strip, to include the ground offensive in the outskirts of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, the occupation of the Rafah crossing with Egypt, the control of the Salah al-Din Corridor, also known as Philadelphia Corridor, and the return of the Israeli army to occupy Jabalia and other areas in the northern Gaza Strip. These developments led to an escalation of humanitarian suffering, and the displacement of about one million displaced and non-displaced people from the Rafah area and shelters to the Al-Mawasi area and other areas from which the Israeli army withdrew in the Khan Younis area, Deir al-Balah and other areas in the central Gaza Strip. .More

 May 2024 
 The Prospect for the Gaza War Expansion into a Regional War and What that Means to the PA and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

 Khalil Shikaki

 It is no exaggeration to say that the reverberations of October 7 have impacted the Middle East region and beyond in ways that no other past Palestinian-Israeli confrontation did in the past two decades. It is almost certain that it will define the manner in which the history of the conflict will be written in this and perhaps future decades. On top of that, it might be a defining moment for our understanding of the meaning of the principles of human rights, international law, and free speech. We can already see some of the current aftershocks impacting not only the domestic Palestinian and Israeli environments, but also the manner in which the international community and global public opinion interacts with the conflict, as well the regional dynamics and balance of power.....More

Settler Terrorism is the Biggest Threat to West Bank Residents

With the increase in settler attacks, the fears of Palestinian citizens in all areas of the West Bank of terrorist attacks and displacement increase, and in light of the beliefs in the Israeli army's collusion with the settlers, and the lack of confidence in the intentions and performance of the Palestinian security forces, the public places much greater confidence in the effectiveness of Palestinian armed groups and sees the formation of these groups in the targeted areas as an effective and realistic response to protect their areas from these attacks. 
28 September-12 October 202

The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research conducted a special poll on Palestinian public opinion in the West Bank between  the period of September 28 and October 12, .....More

With humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip worsening, support for Hamas declines in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip; and as support for armed struggle drops in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, support for the two-state solution rises in the Gaza Strip only. Nonetheless, wide popular support for October the 7th offensive remains unchanged and the standing of the Palestinian Authority and its leadership remains extremely weak 
5 -10 March 2024

These are the results of the latest poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip between 5-10 March 2024. The period leading up to the poll witnessed the continuation and expansion of the war on the Gaza Strip to include a ground offensive in the center and south of the Gaza Strip, with few exceptions. This development led to an worsening of the humanitarian suffering, the displacement of hundreds of thousands more, the killing of some thirty thousand, mostly women and children, and the arrival of signs of famine in the northern Gaza Strip, which has received little food aid delivery. There were also fears of the magnitude of the catastrophe that may befall the Rafah area if the ground war spreads to it. ....More