How does it work?

Our whole operation is based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which is one of the most commonly used psychotherapeutic approaches for treating mental health problems. CBT helps you to identify, challenge and overcome your dysfunctional thoughts, behaviors and emotions.

Checkout the video and Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD will tell you all about what’s included in your subscription. Or read below for details.

Qualified Therapist

Your personal therapist will be by your side - from start to finish. Guiding you to a happier you through the sections, worksheets, unlimited messaging and live sessions (available as video, voice only or text chat). You can do this from wherever you are in the world.

Qualified Therapists
Are you a therapist? Join us today!
Start talking to your therapist today!
Like chapters in an interactive book!


Each section includes all the information and hands-on tools that you need to identify, challenge and overcome your problems. The sections are available as video (guided by Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD), audio and/or text.


There are several worksheets in each section. In each worksheet you will answer questions and get valuable hands-on tools and tips from your therapist on a daily basis.

You will get a reply from your therapist within 24 hours
Live Sessions
Get instant support and feedback through the chat!

Live Sessions

Each week, you will have access to a 45-minute live therapy session with your therapist, available via video, voice-only, or text. This provides a perfect opportunity to receive instant guidance and support. Live sessions are available only with the Standard or Premium plan.

Unlimited Messaging

In addition to communicating with your therapist through the worksheets and the live sessions, you can always send them a message with any questions or thoughts.

Whatever’s on your mind, just send a message!
Helps you to start and end your day on a good note!


This easy-to-use journal helps you start and end your day in a more positive way. You will soon notice a big difference in your attitude towards yourself and life by just writing a few notes each morning and evening.

Activity Plan

This is where you add and schedule the things that will add extra light into your life! The activity plan also serves as a written agreement with yourself. It greatly increases the chances of you carrying out your plans!

Activity Plan
Our happiness philosophy is: do something each day that brings you joy!
Check out the intro video with our yoga teacher Petra.


This is the latest addition to our ”happiness-toolbox”! These simple videos are perfect when you need help coping with your depression, anxiety or stress. They are perfect when you need an instant boost of gratitude and happiness.

We’re here to help you get happier NOW!

Your therapist is ready to start the journey with you today. So what are you waiting for?

How do I get started?


Choose your areas of concern to get matched with your therapist.


Choose the subscription plan that best suits your needs, starting at just $40/week (20% discount first month).


Get instant access to your online therapy program, including sections, worksheets, diary, activity plan and more.


Start communicating with your therapist through worksheets, messages and live video, voice or text chat sessions.


With the help of the tools and the support of your therapist, you will start getting happier, day by day.

It only takes a minute to get started!

Our toolbox has been reviewed and approved by the best

Frequently Asked Questions:

Discover How Online Therapy Works with is dedicated to improving mental health through cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a widely recognized and effective psychotherapeutic technique. CBT helps you to identify, challenge, and overcome your dysfunctional thoughts, behavior, and emotions. This overview explains what’s included in our therapy services.

Structured CBT online therapy program including live therapy sessions

Our entire program is built around the principles of CBT. When you sign up, you gain full access to our comprehensive online therapy platform, which includes:

  • Live therapy sessions: Depending on your subscription level you get access to weekly live therapy session(s).
    • Standard subscription: Includes one 45-minute live therapy session per week.
    • Premium subscription: Includes two 45-minute live therapy sessions per week.
    • Basic subscription: Does not include live therapy sessions; suitable for those who prefer self-guided therapy with therapist support via messaging and worksheets.
  • Eight interactive sections: Each section is designed to help you work through different aspects of your challenges. These sections are guided by Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo and are accessible in various formats (videos, audio, and text)—providing a flexible learning environment that caters to different learning preferences.
  • Therapeutic tools and resources: Your subscription gives you unlimited access to communicate with your therapist through messaging and interactive worksheets, available Monday to Friday. Additionally, you can utilize tools such as your daily journal, activity plan, yoga and meditation videos, and tests to monitor your progress.

Choose your path to mental wellness

Whether you’re looking for comprehensive support with live sessions or prefer a more self-guided approach, has a plan that fits your needs.

How much time do I need to spend on online therapy?

The time commitment needed for effective online therapy varies based on individual needs and preferences.

Therapy is a personal journey that involves unpacking and altering lifelong patterns and behaviors. For some, this might mean dedicating several hours per day to work through the therapy program’s components, including live therapy sessions, messaging your therapist, worksheets, videos, and journaling. Others may find that a few hours each week is adequate to make significant progress. Learn more about our different subscription plans that suit individual needs and schedules.

Finding your own therapy rhythm

It’s crucial to approach therapy with an understanding that change is a gradual process. The depth of change required to modify established negative behaviors that have been built up over a lifetime requires patience and persistent effort. The more time and practice you invest in your therapy, the more profound and lasting the transformation can be.

If you feel the time is right, our therapists are ready to help guide you back on track with your mental health.

For how long should I use your therapy services?

At, we cater to a wide range of needs, which can influence how long you might choose to use our services.

Initial recommendation

We typically recommend that new clients commit to at least one month of therapy. This duration allows you ample time to familiarize yourself with the therapeutic process, work with your therapist to identify and address issues, start developing strategies for improvement, and get to know the different parts of the platform.

Varied client needs

The right duration for therapy can vary greatly depending on your specific circumstances and goals. Some clients find that a few weeks of guidance are sufficient to regain their footing, while others may benefit from longer-term support to thoroughly work through more complex issues.

Long-term engagement

For those facing ongoing challenges or who wish to explore deeper aspects of their mental health, staying engaged with therapy for an extended period, such as a year, might be beneficial. Long-term therapy provides a sustained space to learn and apply coping mechanisms, leading to profound personal growth and stability.

Can I put my subscription on hold?

At, we currently do not offer the option to put your subscription on hold. However, we understand that life can be unpredictable, and you may need to take a break from therapy for various reasons. To accommodate this, we have a straightforward process in place to ensure you can pause and resume your therapy seamlessly without losing any value.

Steps to pause your therapy

  1. Cancel your subscription: To prevent any unwanted charges, you should cancel your subscription first. This can be done easily through your account settings.
  2. Reactivating your subscription: When you’re ready to return to therapy, simply contact our support team. They will assist you by reinstating any unused pre-paid days to your account, ensuring that you don’t lose out on the time you’ve already paid for.
  3. Resuming therapy: Once your pre-paid days are used, you can re-subscribe to your previous plan or choose a new one that better fits your current needs.
What are the online hours for my therapist?

Ensuring you have access to your therapist when you need it is crucial for effective therapy. At, we accommodate your schedule by matching you with a therapist whose working hours align with your time zone.

Therapist availability

Here’s what to expect regarding your therapist’s online hours:

  • Daily online presence: Your therapist is typically online for eight hours each day, Monday through Friday. This schedule provides ample opportunity for you to engage in sessions and communicate as needed through worksheets and messaging.
  • Time zone matching: We make every effort to match you with a therapist whose working hours fit your local time zone, facilitating easier scheduling and consistent support.
  • Customer service hours: In addition to therapist availability, our customer service team is available 24 hours a day, Monday through Friday. Whether you have questions about scheduling, billing, or using the platform, our team is ready to help ensure your experience is smooth and beneficial.

Connect with your therapist

Are you ready to engage with a therapist who is available during hours that suit your lifestyle? Sign up at and start your therapy journey today.

How do I cancel my subscription?

We understand that circumstances change, and you might need to pause or stop your therapy for various reasons. Our easy cancellation process is designed to respect your choices and make transitions as smooth as possible.

Easy cancellation process

To cancel your subscription, simply follow these steps:

  • Access your subscription details: Log into your account and navigate to the subscription section. Here, you can view all details related to your current plan.
  • Cancel with a click: Within your subscription details, you’ll find the option to cancel. Just click the button and follow the instructions to terminate your subscription immediately — no questions asked.

Considering your options?

If you’re thinking about cancelling but have questions or need assistance, please contact us. We’re here to ensure that your experience with meets your needs, every step of the way.

How many live sessions are included?

At, we offer different subscription levels to cater to various needs and preferences, each including a specific number of live therapy sessions. These sessions are designed to provide you with real-time, interactive support from your therapist.

Our subscription plans

  • Standard subscription: If you choose our Standard plan, you will receive one 45-minute live therapy session per week. This allows for consistent, scheduled interaction with your therapist to discuss progress, challenges, and strategies for improvement.
  • Premium subscription: For those seeking more intensive support, our Premium plan includes two 45-minute live therapy sessions per week. This option is ideal if you feel you would benefit from more frequent therapeutic contact.
  • Basic subscription: Please note that the Basic subscription does not include any live therapy sessions. This plan is best suited if you prefer to work independently or are seeking therapeutic guidance primarily through messaging and worksheets.

Flexible session formats

All live sessions, regardless of the subscription plan, can be conducted through video, voice, or messaging, depending on your comfort and technological capabilities. This flexibility ensures that you can choose the communication method that best suits your needs.

Choosing the right plan for you

Selecting the right subscription plan will depend on your specific therapeutic needs and how often you wish to engage directly with your therapist. Assess your own preferences and requirements to determine which plan will best support your mental health journey.

How long will it take for my therapist to respond to the worksheets and my messages?

At, we understand how important it is to maintain a flow in your therapy process, especially when it comes to interactions with your therapist. This overview will help you understand the response times you can expect from your therapist and how our communication system supports your therapy journey.

Response times from your therapist

  • Standard response time: You will typically receive feedback from your therapist within a maximum of 24 hours, Monday through Friday. This ensures that even though the worksheet and the messaging communication isn’t in real-time, you still receive prompt and consistent feedback on your entries and your messages.
  • Faster replies: Often, your therapist will respond much quicker, sometimes within a few hours or even minutes, depending on their availability and the complexity of your worksheet entries and your messages.
  • No scheduling required: The beauty of communicating through worksheets and messaging is that it does not require real-time interaction. You can write down your thoughts and read your therapist’s comments whenever it is convenient for you, making it easier to fit therapy into your busy schedule.

Live therapy sessions

In addition to worksheet and messaging communication, you can schedule live therapy sessions. These real-time sessions are available as video, voice, or messaging, providing versatile options to meet your needs.

  • Standard subscription: Includes one 45-minute live therapy session per week.
  • Premium subscription: Offers two 45-minute live sessions per week.
  • Basic subscribers: Live sessions are not included in the Basic subscription. If live interaction is important to you, consider upgrading to the Standard or Premium plans for enhanced direct support.

Issues with response times?

If you experience delays or are not receiving timely responses from your therapist, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our goal is to ensure your therapy experience is smooth and beneficial.

Can I review previous worksheet and messaging interactions with my therapist?

Online therapy offers several advantages over traditional face-to-face therapy sessions, especially when it comes to reviewing your therapy history. At, you can easily access and review past messages and feedback from your therapist at any time.

Why reviewing past messages is beneficial

  • Improved retention: During in-person therapy sessions, it can be challenging to recall all the details of the advice and feedback given by your therapist. Our online platform lets you revisit previous worksheet and messaging interactions with your therapist as often as needed, helping you fully absorb the information.
  • Progress monitoring: Access to past interactions is not just about remembering what was said; it’s also a valuable tool for tracking your progress. You can review earlier messages and feedback to see how far you’ve come, noting improvements and areas that still need work.
  • Enhanced reflection: Being able to look back at your therapy history aids in reflection and deeper understanding. It allows you to observe patterns and growth over time, enhancing the therapeutic process.

How to access previous worksheet and messaging interactions

Simply log into your dashboard on and navigate to the worksheets section. There you’ll find all previous entries, along with messages and feedback from your therapist. This setup ensures you never lose track of valuable insights and advice, empowering you to progress effectively in your therapy journey.

Take advantage of comprehensive therapy tools

With, not only can you engage in impactful therapy sessions, but you also benefit from having a detailed record of your journey accessible anytime. Start your therapy with us today and take full control of your mental health progression.

Need more help?

We're here to help you. Therefore, if you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us »

Join the thousands that have become happier!

Our online therapy service has received an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars.
Now it’s your turn to get more joy in your life.