

Personal Technology

Tech Fix

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  1. What the Arrival of A.I. Phones and Computers Means for Our Data

    Apple, Microsoft and Google need more access to our data as they promote new phones and personal computers that are powered by artificial intelligence. Should we trust them?


    CreditDerek Abella
  2. Welcome to the Era of the A.I. Smartphone

    Apple and Google are getting up close and personal with user data to craft memos, summarize documents and generate images.


    CreditSisi Yu
  3. The New ChatGPT Offers a Lesson in A.I. Hype

    OpenAI released GPT-4o, its latest chatbot technology, in a partly finished state. It has much to prove.


    ChatGPT-4o trying to solve a geometry problem
    CreditArsenii Vaselenko for The New York Times
  4. Smartphones Can Now Last 7 Years. Here’s How to Keep Them Working.

    Google and Samsung used to update smartphone software for only three years. That has changed.


    CreditDerek Abella
  5. Hey, A.I. Let’s Talk

    Meta, Google and others are driving a renaissance for voice assistants, but people have found the technology uncool for more than a decade.


    CreditDerek Abella

Tech Tip

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  1. Artificially Intelligent Help for Planning Your Summer Vacation

    Travel-focused A.I. bots and more eco-friendly transportation options in online maps and search tools can help you quickly organize your seasonal getaway.


    Layla is one of the many travel-oriented online services that use artificial intelligence to help plan vacations and other trips.
  2. The Basics of Smartphone Backups

    It doesn’t take a lot of work to keep copies of your phone’s photos, videos and other files stashed securely in case of an emergency.


    Backing up your iPhone, left, or Android phone can be automated so you don’t have to think about it until you need to restore lost files.
    CreditApple; Google
  3. Time-Saving Tips for Using Your Phone as a … Telephone

    The latest smartphone software includes tools to help you more easily connect with the people you want to contact — and avoid those you don’t.


    Apple’s Siri, shown here, and other virtual assistants can look up and call telephone numbers for you by voice command or tap.
  4. How to Give Your Photos and Videos a Vintage Look

    Retro-photography apps that mimic the appearance of analog film formats make your digital files seem like they’re from another era.


    A sampling of retro-photography styles from the Hipstamatic and FIMO apps. The images were captured on either an iPhone 14 Pro Max or a Google Pixel 7 and then transformed with filters to give them all a vintage appearance.
    CreditSoftware by Hipstamatic (3) and FIMO; photographs by J.D. Biersdorfer
  5. How to Cut Down Your Screen Time but Still Get Stuff Done

    Google’s Routines and Apple’s Shortcuts combine multiple steps into one command to make your phone or tablet do more of the work for you.


    Apple's Shortcuts app for iPhone, iPad and Mac offers a collection of timesaving automation scripts for specific actions that you can run by voice, tap or tapping.




More in Technology ›
  1. New Tactic in China’s Information War: Harassing a Critic’s Child in the U.S.

    A covert campaign to target a writer critical of the country’s Communist Party has extended to sexually suggestive threats against his 16-year-old daughter.

     By Steven Lee Myers and

    CreditBing Guan for The New York Times
  2. When the Terms of Service Change to Make Way for A.I. Training

    Tech companies have been making subtle and not-so-subtle changes to their rules for better access to data for building A.I. We took a look at some of them.


  3. The A.I. Boom Has an Unlikely Early Winner: Wonky Consultants

    Rattled by tech’s latest trend, businesses have turned to advisers at Boston Consulting Group, McKinsey and KPMG for guidance on adopting generative artificial intelligence.


    Boston Consultant Group’s Vladimir Lukic says clients are eager to figure out what to do with generative A.I.
    CreditPhilip Keith for The New York Times
  4. A.I. Is Getting Better Fast. Can You Tell What’s Real Now?

    Test your skills in this quiz.


    CreditThe New York Times
  5. Uber and Lyft Agree to Give Massachusetts Drivers Minimum Pay

    The deal, which includes a $175 million settlement with the state, keeps the drivers classified as independent contractors, not employees.


    CreditBrian Snyder/Reuters
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