Portrait of Russ Buettner

Russ Buettner

Russ Buettner is a reporter on the Investigations desk at The New York Times. Since 2016, his reporting has focused on the personal finances of Donald J. Trump, including articles exploring the vast inheritance Mr. Trump secretly received from his father, the huge business losses and tax avoidance schemes evidenced on several decades of his tax returns, and his record of failure in Atlantic City.

In 2020, Mr. Buettner and two fellow reporters, Susanne Craig and Mike McIntire, produced a series of articles based on two decades of Mr. Trump’s tax return information, revealing his struggling businesses, dubious write-offs, a secret audit battle, and the more than $400 million Mr. Trump received thanks to his star turn on “The Apprentice.”

That report came a year after Mr. Buettner and two colleagues, Ms. Craig and David Barstow, were awarded a Pulitzer Prize for their work shattering Mr. Trump’s myth that he is a self-made billionaire and revealing instances of fraud used to increase his share of his father’s fortune. They received a George Polk Award for the same body of work.

In 2012, he and his colleague Danny Hakim were named finalists for the Pulitzer Prize for public service for a series of articles highlighting abuse, neglect and deadly mistakes in New York’s system of caring for developmentally disabled people. The project also received a Scripps Howard Award for investigative reporting.

Mr. Buettner joined The Times in 2006 after working on investigations teams at The New York Daily News and New York Newsday. His reporting at The Daily News included a series that resulted in New York publishing physicians’ previously secret malpractice histories, and another series that led to the criminal investigation of Bernard B. Kerik, a former New York City police commissioner. Mr. Kerik eventually pleaded guilty to state and federal charges and was sent to prison.



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