Portrait of Isabel Kershner

Isabel Kershner

Along with several Times colleagues in Jerusalem, I cover Israeli politics, society and culture. I also cover Palestinian affairs with a focus on the Palestinian minority in Israel. I am particularly interested in political, societal and generational change in Israel and how the various sectors of the population interconnect and compete for influence in a deeply divided country facing significant domestic and external challenges, and where there is no separation of religion and state. I write news stories, analysis pieces and more colorful features. To do so, I interact with officials and people from all walks of Israeli life, often traveling around the country. I also follow Israeli popular culture and enjoy writing stories about cultural events that stir internal debate.

I joined The Times’s Jerusalem bureau in 2007 after 17 years as a journalist for other news outlets, primarily covering Palestinian affairs for The Jerusalem Report, an independent magazine. I have been based in Jerusalem for more than 30 years. I was born, raised and educated in England. I speak fluent Hebrew and working Arabic. Over the years I have covered wars, Palestinian uprisings and rounds of peace talks, multiple elections and the 2019 Eurovision contest in Tel Aviv. I have also covered Israeli movies, television and exhibits that have had an impact locally or have been of wider interest. I have written two books, most recently “The Land of Hope and Fear: Israel’s Battle for Its Inner Soul.”

All Times journalists are committed to upholding the standards of integrity outlined in our Ethical Journalism Handbook. Covering the Israeli-Palestinian story comes with particular challenges, given the conflicting narratives going back many decades and the passionate, clashing agendas held by many of the people living this story and observing it. Aware that every word counts in such a charged environment, I always strive to be accurate, honest and fair. I try to take constructive criticism while blocking out superfluous noise. After so many years covering this story, I try to remain humble, to listen and to learn. There is always more to learn.


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