

Accused of Killing a Gambino Mob Boss, He’s Presenting a Novel Defense

Anthony Comello is obsessed with conspiracy theories. His paranoia is being litigated in a Staten Island court.

Anthony Comello, 25, has been accused of gunning down Francesco Cali, who investigators say was the underboss of the Gambino crime family.Credit...Mark Makela for The New York Times

Four days after pulling off the most high-profile mob killing in decades, Anthony Comello sat down with New York Police Department detectives and told them that the C.I.A. had infiltrated the Mafia. And, he added, the government was spying on him.

He had put his phone in a copper bag to protect it from “satellites,” he told them, and Democratic operatives in Washington were doing business with Joaquín Guzmán Loera, the Mexican drug kingpin known as El Chapo.

In the nine months since that conversation, Mr. Comello, 25, has claimed to his lawyer that he killed Francesco Cali because the mob boss was part of “the deep state,” a member of a liberal cabal working to undermine President Trump.

At one court appearance, Mr. Comello scrawled on his hand a symbol and phrases associated with the far-right conspiracy theory, “QAnon.”

Now, Mr. Comello’s paranoia is being litigated in a Staten Island court, where he is charged with the murder of Mr. Cali, known as Franky Boy. His lawyer has taken the first steps in a legal battle that hinges on a question made for the internet age: At what point does belief in a far-right conspiracy theory make you legally insane?

An undated photo of Francesco Cali.Credit...Italian Police, via Associated Press

How the crime’s three major components — an aimless drifter from Staten Island, the underboss of the Gambino crime family and a far-right internet conspiracy theory — collided on a dark street in Todt Hill has perplexed law enforcement officials and mob watchers alike.

Conspiracy theories and disinformation campaigns have seen something of a renaissance with the rise of social media, in turn becoming embedded in modern political discourse. But while millions have read unsupported theories propounded in dark corners of the internet, some have been prompted to act violently.

In December 2016, Edgar Maddison Welch, 31, traveled from North Carolina to Washington, D.C., and began shooting inside of a family pizza restaurant after reading an unfounded internet conspiracy theory that claimed Democratic candidates were running a child prostitution ring in its basement.

In October 2018, Cesar A. Sayoc Jr. mailed a series of pipe bombs to prominent Democrats and others he believed were members of the “deep state.”

Mr. Welch and Mr. Sayoc eventually pleaded guilty and apologized for their actions and were sentenced to federal prison. Neither used an insanity defense, but legal experts say their crimes showed how conspiracy theories can influence people.

“When they perpetuate conspiracy theories online, it’s combustible,” said Rick Alan Ross, the founder of the Cult Education Institute who has studied far-right conspiracies. “That fuel ignites when someone who’s disturbed finds the substance of their conspiracy theories.”

Still, most of the people who believe in conspiracy theories are perfectly sane and never commit a crime, experts on the insanity defense said. “Even people with these conspiracy theories certainly act out on them very rarely,” said Michael Perlin, a professor at New York Law School who specializes in mental disability law.

Mr. Comello, 25, stands accused of carrying out one of the city’s most brazen — and apparently unsanctioned — mob killings in history. Prosecutors say he shot and killed Mr. Cali outside of his Staten Island home in March. Mr. Cali, 53, was reputed to be the underboss of the Gambino crime family.

Mr. Comello’s lawyer, Robert C. Gottlieb, has maintained that his client was deeply deluded by conspiracy theories. He went to Mr. Cali’s home to arrest him and turn him over to the military, then shot him when he resisted being taken into custody, Mr. Gottlieb said.

Mr. Comello’s lawyer, Robert C. Gottlieb, has argued his client is not competent to stand trial and should receive psychiatric treatment.Credit...Kevin Hagen for The New York Times

“He ardently believed that Francesco Cali, a boss in the Gambino crime family, was a prominent member of the deep state, and, accordingly, an appropriate target for a citizen’s arrest,” Mr. Gottlieb wrote in a court document filed in July.

At the time, Mr. Gottlieb said those delusions were evidence that Mr. Comello was unfit to stand trial and instead should be given psychiatric treatment. The judge has since imposed a gag order, and Mr. Gottlieb has declined to comment on the proceedings.

In New York, the legal bar for an insanity defense is high. Defendants must show not only that they have a mental illness, but that the illness prevented them from understanding the consequences of their actions or from knowing they were morally wrong.

Prosecutors have proceeded in court as if Mr. Comello is mentally competent and can be held responsible for his actions. At a hearing in October, the lead prosecutor, Wanda DeOliveira, said that Mr. Comello’s mind was “crystal clear” when he waived his right to a lawyer during his interview with detectives.

She argued that Mr. Comello appeared rational in the interview. He gave careful thought, for instance, to one question and asked for it to be repeated before answering. “If you watch the defendant while he comes into the room — his physical condition, his mannerisms — he waits when he is talked to and spoken to, he responds normally,” Ms. DeOliveira said. “He’s reacting fine.”

Using mental illness as a defense in such a case is not without precedent, Mr. Perlin said. Almost all of the early insanity defense cases were political in nature, he said, going back to the attempted assassination of King George III in 1800.

“You’ve got a real, real tradition of insanity defense cases of very, very seriously mentally ill people who committed their crime out of some kind of utterly bizarre political motivation,” he said.

Police guarding the street in the Todt Hill section of Staten Island where Mr. Cali was fatally shot outside his home in March.Credit...Stephanie Keith for The New York Times

How Mr. Comello came to associate Mr. Cali with far-right political conspiracy theories — which typically target Democratic politicians, not Mafia bosses — remains unclear. On an Instagram page associated with him and identified in court filings, Mr. Comello posted memes and symbols associated with “QAnon.”

The theory, promulgated by an anonymous poster known as “Q,” is based on unfounded claims that a legion of undercover agents exists within the government fighting against an entrenched bureaucracy that is secretly plotting against the Trump administration and its supporters.

Mr. Ross said people like Mr. Comello, who his family said had been behaving erratically for some time before the killing, can easily be drawn into “the kind of networking that is being done online.”

“He was already sick, he was a train wreck waiting to happen,” Mr. Ross said. “But who sent the train down the rails to wreck him? It was ‘QAnon.’”

Mr. Comello appears to believe he is mentally sound. On Wednesday, he refused to take a psychiatric exam administered by a doctor from the prosecutor’s office. The judge, William E. Garnett, warned his refusal could jeopardize his right to use an insanity defense.

“Perfectly fine with that,” Mr. Comello said.

Over the last nine months, Mr. Comello has at times seemed engaged and focused during court hearings, but at other times he has appeared distant, staring blankly, whispering erratically and speaking out of turn.

Mr. Gottlieb has argued that Mr. Comello’s initial confession should be kept out of court because Mr. Comello’s state of mind was too impaired at the time to allow him to knowingly waive his Miranda rights.

On Thursday, Judge Garnett denied that motion, suggesting he believed Mr. Comello understood his rights and was competent.

According to court documents, Mr. Comello gave detectives several different explanations for why he killed Mr. Cali. At first, he said he had been smoking marijuana in front of Mr. Cali’s home before the shooting and he did not know Mr. Cali was a reputed mobster until the next morning. He then claimed the family of John Gotti had asked him to kill Mr. Cali and had threatened to blackmail him if he did not.

Finally, Mr. Comello told detectives he had gone to Mr. Cali’s home to warn him that the Gotti family wanted to kill him. It remains unclear why Mr. Cali wound up dead in this version of Mr. Comello’s story, which a detective said in court he did not believe.

“You can’t ask a rational question about this and hope to come up with an answer,” Mr. Perlin said. “It just slips through your fingers, because when you’re on one of these conspiracy benders, everything makes sense.”

Ali Watkins is a reporter on the Metro desk, covering crime and law enforcement in New York City. Previously, she covered national security in Washington for The Times, BuzzFeed and McClatchy Newspapers. More about Ali Watkins

A version of this article appears in print on  , Section A, Page 1 of the New York edition with the headline: ‘Deep State’ Paranoia Defense in Mafioso’s Death. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
