

In Pursuit of Tastier Chickens, a Strict Diet of Four-Star Scraps

Chefs from high-end restaurants in New York are feeding chickens on an Amish farm in Pennsylvania.Credit...Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

EPHRATA, Pa. — They may be the most pampered chickens on the planet.

On certain days, a truck pulls up alongside their quiet, spacious coop on an Amish farm here and delivers a feast that seems tailored to a flock of two-legged aristocrats. Before long, the rust-colored birds are pecking away at vegetable peelings and day-old bread from some of Manhattan’s most elegant restaurants, like Per Se, Daniel, Gramercy Tavern, the Modern and David Burke Townhouse.

It is all part of an experiment that is bringing together elite chefs, preindustrial farming practices and a breed of French poultry that is rarely found in the United States. The goal: to see whether American restaurants can turn back the culinary clock and rediscover “what a chicken should taste like,” said Ariane Daguin, the pioneering businesswoman who is behind the idea.

Can scraps from acclaimed restaurants, where the best ingredients are used, create the table-to-farm-to-table chicken of the future — and the past?

New York diners will get to nibble on the results this week. After having been fattened up in Pennsylvania, about 220 of what the D’Artagnan company is calling Green Circle chickens will start showing up (usually roasted) on dinner plates at the same restaurants that helped feed them. For high-end chefs, who engage in a perpetual contest to track down the purest and most rarefied ingredients, it is a tantalizing prospect.

“When I tasted it, I was like, ‘Whoa,’ ” said Jean-Georges Vongerichten, who plans to start incorporating the chickens into his ever-evolving menus. Witnesses say that after his first bite, Mr. Vongerichten was on the verge of tears; Daniel Humm, the chef at Eleven Madison Park, consumed an entire chicken in one sitting.

The chickens on the farm are fed bread soaked in fresh milk.Credit...Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

Still, a few raised eyebrows are to be expected. The image of chickens gorging on four-star ingredients can seem a rather operatic manifestation of today’s obsessions over food.

“I do think in some ways it’s a wonderful reaction to corporate poultry and corporate farming in general,” said Matthew Mills, a creator of “Fodder,” a satirical online show from the Cooking Channel. “But at the same time, it swings so far to the other side that it’s almost an Onion headline.” He cited a well-known episode of “Portlandia,” in which two diners aggressively interrogate a waiter about the provenance of a chicken.

Clark Wolf, a prominent restaurant consultant, agreed. “On one side, it sounds kind of wonderful and magical, and on the other side it sounds like the biggest stunt I’ve ever heard,” he said. “I mean, you know — let them eat zucchini?”

Ms. Daguin, the French-born founder and chief executive of D’Artagnan, a company that has played a major role in bringing ingredients like foie gras, game birds and Berkshire pork into the broader American marketplace, said that it was not a stunt, but part of a continuing mission to change the world by changing its palates.

Ms. Daguin, 55, recalled moving to Greenwich, Conn., from France in 1977 to work as an au pair and getting her first bite of mass-produced American chicken. “It was a crime,” she said.

The scraps from acclaimed restaurants would have otherwise been destined for a compost heap or trash can.Credit...Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

For Ms. Daguin (as for Gallic chefs like Mr. Vongerichten and Daniel Boulud), a distaste for chicken that was “mushy and full of water,” as she put it, was intensified by nostalgic memories of chickens back home that wandered around the yard nibbling on carrot tops, onion skins and old baguettes — and ended up tasting rich and meaty, with an almost chewy texture.

What would happen, she wondered, if you took a heritage-breed chicken (in this case, one common to Gascony, the region of southwestern France where she grew up) and fed it scraps from fine restaurants?

For chefs like Michael Anthony at Gramercy Tavern, there is a philosophical appeal in finding uses for those scraps — and in supporting a fresh but old-school alternative to factory farming. “We know the horror of the caged birds,” Mr. Anthony said.

Ultimately, it comes down to taste. In restaurant circles, a chicken that tastes like chicken is something of a holy grail. About half a dozen chefs have signed up so far, though the roster of restaurants is still in flux.

When Ms. Daguin approached Mr. Boulud with her proposal, he grasped it instantly, having grown up with similarly pastoral experiences. “For me it was not a foreign idea,” he said. (He contributed scraps from his restaurants as the food supply for a test run.)

Scraps from Daniel. The goal is to see whether American restaurants can turn back the culinary clock and rediscover what some aficionados say a chicken should taste like.Credit...Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

Of course, these chickens are not dining on stale loaves from grandmother’s breadbox. On a recent afternoon at the farm, where a few hundred creatures inhabit a peaceful, 15,000-square-foot coop that would dwarf the size of most New York apartments, they clucked and ambled around pans of bread soaked in fresh milk, and white buckets full of leafy trimmings that would make a tremendous tossed salad.

“Some of this is nicer stuff than I have to eat when I get home,” said Mike Charles, a local poultry expert involved in the project.

The birds live on property owned by Leon Zimmerman, an Amish farmer and father of 12 who passed through New York City just once. “We’re not used to quite that much traffic,” he said. He has been raising chickens for decades, but never quite this way.

“We explained the concept,” Ms. Daguin said, “but for him it’s like: ‘What? You’re driving two and a half hours to give me vegetable scraps? I have them right here.’ ”

D’Artagnan poured more than $250,000 into research and start-up costs. Using the expensive hatchlings of a heritage crossbreed, and feeding them for longer than usual, has more than doubled the normal cost of raising chickens.

The chickens live on property owned by Leon Zimmerman, an Amish farmer and father of 12.Credit...Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

Mr. Anthony plans to serve a dish with breast and thigh meat from the chicken, as well as sausage fashioned from it, as a $22 lunch item at Gramercy Tavern. At some spots, the chicken will simply be incorporated into existing multicourse menus.

In spite of the expense, Ms. Daguin intends to take the experiment a step further, creating separate pens and roaming yards for the chickens that belong to each restaurant group. The Per Se chickens will eat only Per Se peelings and bread; the diet of the Gramercy Tavern chickens will come only from Gramercy Tavern.

The theory, anyway, is that each cluster of birds will have its own taste. (To get enough calories and protein, the chickens also feed on pellets made from corn and soybeans.)

“It’s kind of like a weird competition,” the chef David Burke said. “It’s like, ‘My chicken eats better than yours.’ At least that’s how I’m looking at it. I’m going to spoil my chicken like a pet.”

He spoke of trying to influence the flavor of the meat by throwing in mushrooms, celery root, pumpkin seeds, pretzel bread and maybe figs for sweetness. “Listen, if the chickens ate ginger and lemon, you would have a gingery, lemony chicken, I think,” Mr. Burke said. “You are what you eat.” (Alas, advance word has it that they avoid citrus.) Mr. Boulud wants to try garlic.

No matter what they eat, all these one-percenters of the poultry realm will meet the same fate. After 60 days, almost double the life span of a regular commercial bird, they’ll be trucked off to be slaughtered and air-chilled.

If the flavor of the birds and the spirit of the idea catch on with consumers, Ms. Daguin may add more Amish farms to the project. She sees it as a growth opportunity for her company, as well as an experiment in consciousness-raising that could influence cooks and diners around the country.

For chefs, the chicken is an experiment in creating an echo chamber of flavor. Or as Mr. Burke mused, “Maybe we’ll poach it in the same peelings that it ate.”

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