

The Public Editor

When Reporters Get Personal

BILL GRUESKIN remembers being an editor at The Wall Street Journal in 2004 when Farnaz Fassihi’s e-mail, meant for a few friends’ eyes only, began to circle the globe. Ms. Fassihi, an Iranian-American, was a reporter for The Journal, and the exposure of her views about the deteriorating situation in Iraq, provocative and incisive, was shocking. Published outside the normal bounds of painfully balanced journalism, her missive gave readers an unfiltered blast of reality.

“It was startling to read it, and the reaction was explosive,” said Mr. Grueskin, now the academic dean at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism.

Since then, the debate about whether reporters should expose their personal views has only gathered power and velocity. The debate — in a different form — flared again a few weeks ago when I wrote on my blog about The Times’s Jerusalem bureau chief, Jodi Rudoren. Ms. Rudoren, writing on Facebook, had expressed personal thoughts about Palestinians in a way she later regretted. But some observers, saw an important lesson in the situation.

“Journalists’ thoughts and beliefs DO matter, enough of this ‘objectivity’ myth,” Jillian York, a free-speech advocate, wrote on Twitter.

The message from some readers: We don’t want a reporter’s personal beliefs covered up, even if we disagree. One who commented on my blog, Mark from Sydney, wrote:

“I think the instinct to maintain the old fiction that professional journalists can free themselves of their personal views and habits of mind is doomed to failure.”

In an increasingly polarized society, this is an increasingly important subject, and a complex one. Does objectivity matter? Is the idea of impartiality worth preserving? Let’s acknowledge upfront that it is a two-headed beast: partly about the personal biases that reporters may bring into their work, and partly about the middle-ground reporting that muddies the truth in the name of fairness.

Jay Rosen, a New York University journalism professor, believes that traditional notions about impartial reporting are fundamentally flawed. For starters, he thinks journalists should just come out and tell readers more about their beliefs.

“The grounds for trust are slowly shifting,” he told me recently. “The View from Nowhere is slowly getting harder to trust, and ‘Here’s where I’m coming from’ is more likely to be trusted.”

Pushing back are editors like Philip B. Corbett, The Times’s associate managing editor for standards. “I flatly reject the notion that there is no such thing as impartial, objective journalism — that it’s some kind of pretense or charade, and we should just give it up, come clean and lay out our biases,” he said. “We expect professionals in all sorts of fields to put their personal opinions aside, or keep them to themselves, when they do their work — judges, police officers, scientists, teachers. Why would we expect less of journalists?”


Neither of these thoughtful journalists, though, is black-and-white on the subject.

Mr. Rosen won’t go so far as to say that The Times’s Washington bureau chief, for example, should have a Web page summarizing whom he voted for, whether he believes in abortion rights, and what political party he is registered with. While he believes that is the right direction for journalists, “I also understand that there are lots of practical problems, including the simple fact that the Washington bureau chief will get attacked for saying that.”

And for his part, Mr. Corbett doesn’t expect reporters and editors to be faceless, impersonal entities. He encourages them to take part in Web-based chats where readers can get to know the people behind the bylines. He supports Times journalists’ use of Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms to communicate in a more personal way.

But that’s a far cry from making public declarations of political opinions, a practice he believes would “erode our credibility and feed the false notion that there are no real facts, no impartial reporting or analysis — just spin and polemic.”

I agree with Mr. Corbett that The Times’s credibility would be damaged if its reporters began declaring their partisan beliefs. As he notes, readers already have a hard time accepting that reporting is fair-minded.

But I also appreciate an element of Mr. Rosen’s philosophy. In his view, objectivity is problematic when it involves “taking the midpoint between opposing sides and calling that neither/nor position ‘impartial.’ ” He’s dead right about that.

As I’ve written before, what readers really want is reporting that gets to the bottom of a story without having to give opposing sides equal weight. They also want reporters to state established truths clearly, without hedging or always putting the words in a source’s mouth.

They’re most interested in truth. Smart journalists may reasonably differ on how to get there. Mr. Rosen says, “Tell us where you’re coming from.” Mr. Corbett says, “Check your personal beliefs at the door.”

I’ll offer these conclusions:

¶The idea that “transparency is the new objectivity,” as the author David Weinberger puts it, has merit. Journalists can let readers get to know their backgrounds, their personalities and how they do their jobs. The Times has embraced that move toward transparency, through social media, Web-based chats with journalists, and even its employment of a public editor who explains the paper to readers.

¶But there should be limits, especially for news reporters, as opposed to opinion writers. The Times should continue to enforce its rules that bar journalists from the most visible forms of partisanship: contributing to campaigns, joining rallies or making public shows of support for candidates or causes. It would be hard for readers to believe that a reporter who contributed to a campaign or carried a sign in an abortion-related rally could report without bias.

¶If “impartiality” means an even split between opposing beliefs in every article, the concept deserves to be tossed out. Get at the truth, above all. But getting at the truth can require setting aside personal views to evaluate evidence fairly. If that’s impartiality, it remains not only worthwhile but crucially necessary.

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