Security Guard Vendors FAQ

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1. How do security guard vendors get on the list of qualified vendors?

Applications to become a qualified security guard company are accepted on a rolling basis. Security guard vendors interested in submitting an application for this program need to first enroll in the City Record Online (CROL). Once you are enrolled in CROL, you will be able to download any bid solicitation. To access this application, search CORL for nonpublic school security or download the instructions and application from the For Security Vendor Page. Vendors should also enroll in PASSPort, the City’s procurement portal. In addition, vendors should periodically check the DCAS website for updates.

Security guard vendors should not contact HHS Accelerator or attempt to register with them.

Security guard companies that seek inclusion of the qualified provider list must meet the requirements listed in the rules promulgated by DCAS.

All questions and requests for additional information concerning the application and approval process should be sent via email to the Non-public School School Security Reimbursement Program.

2. What criteria will my firm need to meet to be qualified?

The security guard company must meet the minimum qualification requirements listed in the application. If the application is responsive and the determination is made that your organization is responsible, the firm will be added to the qualified provider list.

  1. Applicants must be fully licensed pursuant to Article 7-A of the New York State General Business Law and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder by the New York Secretary of State. The applicant shall append its license with its application.
  2. A security guard company must be a responsible company as set forth Title 55, Chapter 14- 02(i)(e)(1) of the Rules of the City of New York (the Department Rules).
  3. A security guard company must have a minimum of two years prior experience as a security guard company. The applicant shall provide at least one relevant reference from an entity that paid it directly for its services. Include the name of the referenced entity, a brief statement describing the relationship between the applicant and the referenced entity, and the name, title, and telephone number of a contact person at the referenced entity.
  4. The security guard company must certify that it has exercised due diligence and has conducted a background investigation to verify the credentials of each security guard that it employs, pursuant to the requirements set forth in Article 7-A of the General Business Law by completing the Applicant Certification Page in the Application for Security Guards.
  5. The security guard company must ensure that each of its security guards hold a valid registration card, which has not expired, been revoked or suspended, pursuant to Article 7-A of the General Business Law by completing the Applicant Certification Page in the Application for Security Guards.
  6. The security guard company must be incorporated, a limited liability company, a person or firm at the time of submitting the response pursuant to Article 7-A of the General Business Law. The security guard company shall append its certificate of incorporation with its application.
  7. Upon retention by a non-public school from the qualified provider list, a security guard company licensed pursuant to Article 7-A of the General Business Law, must maintain throughout the term of its agreement with the school commercial general liability (CGL) insurance from an insurance company licensed to do business in New York State. The CGL policy shall name the school and the City of New York, including its officials and employees, as additional insured, with coverage at least as broad as the most recent edition ISO Form CG 2026. All required insurance policies shall be maintained with companies that have an A.M. Best rating of at least A- / VII or a Standard and Poor’s rating of at least A, in accordance with the provisions of §14-05(c) of the department rules. A security guard company must also maintain Worker’s Compensation, disability benefits and employer’s liability insurance in accordance with the laws of the State of New York and in accordance with the provisions of §14-05(c)(3) of the department rules. Proof of all required insurance coverage must be produced within 10 days of the security guard company’s retention by the school, or upon demand by the department.

3. How will I be notified if I am selected as a Qualified Provider?

DCAS will notify responsive and qualified vendors via letter of their inclusion to the qualified provider list.

4. How are schools selecting firms?

Non-public schools will have discretion in selecting a security guard company from the qualified provider list provided by DCAS.

5. How can I learn about other contract opportunities with the City?

You can create an account in the City’s Payee Information Portal (PIP). Enrolling as a vendor in PIP gives your firm the opportunity to be included in the City’s bidders’ lists.

6. What should the security vendor invoices include?

The security vendor invoice must contain the following fields:

  • Address of the school
  • Invoice date
  • Invoice period
  • Dates of service (for every week ending Saturday within the quarter)
  • List of security officers' names and length of service for each
    • Regular
    • Overtime
    • Holiday
  • Vendor hourly rate (regular and overtime)
  • Total weekly payment
  • Falsification statement (Certification)

7. What should the payroll report include?

The payroll report must contain the following:

  • School name, address and contract number
  • Security company name, address, telephone number, and tax ID number
  • Name, address and last four digits of the guard's social security number
  • Security guard's date of hire and length of service
  • Dates for the work week
  • Straight time and overtime hours worked for each day and total for the week
  • Base rate and supplemental benefits rate paid to guard
  • Total paid to guard
  • Falsification Statement (Certification)

8. What percentage will DCAS reimburse for administrative costs?

DCAS will reimburse schools a maximum markup of 25% for administrative costs. However, security guard companies have the ability to charge schools a higher or lower markup, depending on the written agreement between the school and the security guard company.