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Gida Malafronte


By learning Arabic through the University Language Programme, I feel more confident in being able to achieve my career goals.

More about Gida

As well as being a Joint Honours in Humanities student, Gida is also learning Arabic through the University Language Programme (ULP).

Tell us why you chose to study abroad and why you chose NTU?

“I chose to study abroad because I had always wanted to study in the UK, and I chose NTU because it is a student-friendly city, with many opportunities for students. NTU also had the degree I was interested in.”

How did you feel about coming to a UK university?

“I was very excited about coming to university in the UK, it was a new experience for me.”

How does the way you study at NTU differ from your previous experience of studying?

“Studying at NTU is different because I have more time for self-study, which is not something I was used to at the beginning.”

How do you feel that you have grown personally as well as academically at NTU?

“I have become more responsible and learned to manage my time better. I have had to balance my studies, extra-curricular activities, and part-time jobs. I have learned that it is possible to do many things.”

What do you enjoy most about living in Nottingham? Is it what you expected?

“I love that Nottingham is not too big or too small, and that it is so diverse.”

What has been your greatest achievement as an NTU student?

“My greatest achievement as an NTU student was gaining a Distinction scholarship from NTIC, as well as a scholarship to study in China. I have also been able to participate and be involved with the University as a volleyball player, a student ambassador, a classroom associate, a course representative, and alumni telephone fundraiser, which have helped me gain valuable skills.”

How was your experience at Nottingham Trent International College (NTIC), and how do you think it helped to prepare you for coming to NTU?

“NTIC was a great way to progress to NTU. I really valued the experience as well as my time there. I had the opportunity to learn and adapt to the English system, and I felt more prepared than some of my University classmates when I moved to NTU.”

Gida's experience of the University Language Programme

“I heard about the ULP during Fresher’s Fair and I noticed that it offered the language that I really wanted to learn – Arabic. The course is taught by native speakers, which really appealed to me. I also liked that the hours were flexible and fitted well within my timetable.

“The teachers on the ULP are really well prepared and teach you the target language in the best way, especially when you study a non-European language, you’ll have to learn the alphabet again. The academic staff are always available to help and will schedule one-to one appointments with you.

“Before I started the programme I could not speak a word of Arabic and now I have a very basic understanding of the language. I can introduce myself, talk about my family and their jobs, our nationality, I can buy food and goods and talk in the past and present tense.

“NTU offers many resources to help you learn a language. Through NTU’s workspace - NOW, I have access to all the listening materials of my textbook and useful websites such as Rosetta Stone to practice and improve my Arabic language skills.

“My greatest achievement has been being able to learn a new complex language. I can now communicate and understand basic expressions when others have spoken it. I’ve also learnt how to manage my time effectively and each day I dedicate some time to learning the language.

“In the future, I would like to work for the United Nations as well as taking the time to aid and volunteer at refugee camps. By learning Arabic with the ULP, I feel more confident in being able to achieve my career goals. Now, I just need to start practicing and applying my language skills more!

“You will not regret enrolling on the ULP. Learning a new language is hard and takes time but it is the best feeling when you’re able to understand some words when others are speaking in the target language. You’ll be proud of yourself and eager to learn more.”

Choosing just one subject to study at university can be a challenge! If you’re stuck weighing up different subjects, a joint honours course could be the ideal solution!

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