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Allegra Masciarelli


Course studied: BA (Hons) Spanish and International Relations

We now offer: BA (Hons) History with International Relations

I feel like I have grown a lot during my time at NTU, both personally and academically. Living abroad by myself has made me more independent. My course prepared me and helped me to develop many of the skills I will need in my future career.

More about Allegra

During her time at NTU, Allegra has crossed five continents, spending a period of time abroad each year as part of her degree. She participated in three summer schools in different parts of China learning Mandarin, went on an international exchange semester to Australia, spent a year abroad in Argentina doing her work placement, and is heading off to New York this year to take part in a United Nations conference at their headquarters.

Why did you choose to study abroad and why did you choose NTU?

“To be honest, I didn’t consider it as an option until I came to England to get a summer job and improve my English. Once I was in the UK, I started speaking with local students and I was just amazed by their stories and all the opportunities they had. So I didn’t think twice about it and started searching university courses online. Nottingham was my first choice. Luckily I was offered a place at NTU during Clearing and my dream came true.”

How did you feel about coming to a UK university?

“I was thrilled but a little lost at the same time. It was a big step and a last minute decision. It didn’t take a long time to adjust. Moving to the UK has been a life changing experience for me.”

Is there anything that stood out on your course?

“The International Exchange Semester and the Year Abroad option.”

Allegra Masciarelli in Argentina
Allegra in Argentina

Can you tell us about your work placement in Argentina in your third year?

"For my Year Abroad, I undertook a placement with the David Mather Foundation, an English charity dedicated to supporting young people in disadvantaged communities achieve their aspirations to higher education.

"My job consisted in investigating and reporting on the foundation's impact on the young people, families and communities in Salta. Thanks to this internship, I improved my Spanish and broadened my knowledge about Latin America, in particular about Argentina. I also gained valuable experience in the charity sector."

What was the highlights of all your trips abroad, and how do you think going on exchange will help you in your future career?

"For every place I visited, I always wanted to get a deeper understanding of the many traits each country presented. I never wanted to live merely as a tourist, but instead tried to enter the real life of these worlds. I persevered in discovering the food, culture, traditions, history and peoples' way of living. Travelling with more observant eyes was the real highlight of all my trips; something that goes hand-in-hand with the analytical skills NTU helped me build, and that will certainly help in my future career. I am happy to say that, thanks to NTU, my work horizon is the world.

“NTU has opened so many doors for me, and driven my hunger for discovering the world and other cultures. What lies ahead is exciting, yet unknown, and I hope to build a career in fulfilling social and environmental justice on a global scale.”

How do you feel that you have grown at NTU?

“I feel like I have grown a lot during my time at NTU, both personally and academically. Living abroad by myself has made me more independent. I believe in myself and I am more determined to achieve my goals. My course prepared me and helped me to develop many of the skills I will need in my future career.”

When you first came, did you feel welcomed?

“I felt extremely welcomed; everyone was very friendly and helpful. I took part in Welcome Week, and also did some tours of the city, visited the Global Lounge and of course the Freshers’ Fair.”

In what way are you supported by the academic staff?

“The academic staff are always very helpful and supportive. They are happy to help you if you haven’t understood something in your module. I have found it very beneficial having a tutor to advise me and support me during my years at university.”

What do you enjoy most about living in Nottingham? Is it what you expected?

“Nottingham has been a lovely surprise for me. I think it’s the perfect size for a student, everything you need is within walking distance. It is lively and vibrant. What I like the most are the many independent local businesses; I have my favourite coffee shops where I study and meet my friends. It’s not too far from London so it is also good in terms of distance to airports, and enjoying a weekend in the capital.”

What has been your greatest achievement as an NTU student?

“I feel like I have achieved many things during my time at NTU. But the most important achievement is having figured out exactly where I want to be professionally once I finish university.”

Read Allegra’s Year Abroad blog for more information on her time in South America, and be inspired.

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