Before, during and after checklist

Find out what requirements you must meet and the documents you must provide before and after your study abroad experience.

Before you go

It usually takes about three to six weeks after the application deadline closes to hear back from your tutor regarding your study abroad application.

Upon learning that your application is successful, here are some things you can consider to better prepare yourself for your study abroad journey.

Arrange your visa

You can find out more information on what is needed and where to apply for a visa from your host institution or the relevant Embassy/High Commission.

Guidance on how to secure a visa.

  • Apply early as most embassies quote six weeks as a minimum processing time.
  • Check necessary paperwork.
  • Check the FCDO webpage for travel information about your host country.

Arrange your accommodation

You must arrange and apply for accommodation before you travel. Be sure to submit your application within the specified time frame to help secure your preferred accommodation.

You have several options to choose your accommodation abroad.

  • Partner universities may offer, but not guarantee, accommodation for exchange students.
  • You can ask for guidance from the host institution or organisation.
  • Avoid making financial commitments (e.g. deposits) until necessary and review the providers refund policy.
  • ISEP placements and external international summer school programmes often include accommodation in the programme costs.

What happens to your accommodation in Nottingham?

  • When going on a semester abroad, consider short term accommodation instead of year-long contract.
  • Explore the possibility of subletting your accommodation while you’re overseas but ensure to confirm with your provider beforehand.
  • Use NTU Accommodation message board to advertise available space:

Consider sustainable travel

If you're studying, working, or volunteering in Europe and are committed to travelling sustainably, you can apply for the Green European Travel Scholarships offered by the NTU Global to help with your travel costs.

You can also consider taking the Sustainability in Practice (SiP) module available on the NOW Learning Room. It explores sustainability issues from a personal and theoretical perspective, which might help you study abroad in a more sustainable manner. You'll receive a digital certificate of achievement upon completion to include in your CV and enhance your employability.

Speak to our Student Exchange Buddies

Student Exchange Buddies (SEBs) are students who have personally experienced studying abroad and understand what it is like to navigate a new environment. They are an excellent resource to provide helpful hints and practical tips both before you depart and while you are overseas.

If you're travelling to a country where you don't speak the local language, it's a good idea to learn a few phrases and common responses. You can learn a new language through the University Language Programme or practice your language skills at the Global Lounges' Language Café sessions.

Attend a pre-departure session

Before you leave for your study abroad, you will be invited to a Pre-Departure Session led by NTU Global colleagues. The session will be held in May for Semester One and full year students, and in November for Semester Two students.

The Pre-Departure Session will give you the chance to ask questions to the Study Abroad Team, connect with students heading to your destination country, and gather important information about funding, accommodation, and visas.

You will also have the opportunity to hear from past study abroad students about their time overseas.

General checklist

You may find the following checklist helpful.

  • Consider safety and emergency procedures in your host country.
  • Shop around for airline tickets using services like Skyscanner.
  • Book your return ticket for insurance claim purposes.
  • Arrange your immunisations and health insurance if applicable.
  • Have medical and dental check-ups before you leave.
  • Make copies of your passport, flight information, itinerary, and leave these with family and friends.
  • Plan your trip, including transfers to your accommodation.
  • Submit all necessary paperwork for funding and study abroad applications.

While you're abroad

Find out what you need to do upon arrival at your destination and gain access to some useful NTU online resources.

Arrival and registration

Once you arrive at your destination, you must:

  • register with your host organisation,
  • complete all the necessary paperwork required,
  • attend any induction orientation sessions.

You must also:

  • notify NTU that you arrived safely,
  • check your NTU email regularly and respond accordingly,
  • regularly check the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) website,
  • register with a local doctor,
  • register with local in-country embassy.

NTU online resources

While you're abroad, you will still have access to NTU online resources and support. This includes:

You can also email NTU Global if you have any problems or concerns during your time away.

When you return

If you have received funding through NTU Global, you must:

  • complete the After Mobility section of the International Mobility Agreement (IMA), which triggers the release of your final funding payment,
  • complete the Study/Work Abroad Experience questionnaire on Mobility Online.

There are also other things you could do post-study abroad to continue sharing your experience and gaining international experience on campus.

Attend the Returners' Event

In November, once you return from your study abroad, you will be invited to our Study Abroad Returners Event to celebrate all your hard work and effort during your mobility abroad.

It's an excellent opportunity to reflect on your international journey and explore how your study and/or work abroad experience can positively impact your future.

Become a Student Exchange Buddy

Once you've returned from studying abroad, you can become a Student Exchange Buddy. In this role, you'll offer advice, support, guidance and encouragement to:

  • incoming exchange students, and
  • NTU students who are considering studying abroad or who are about to go out on exchange.

Join the photo competition

We encourage you to share photos and videos from your time abroad with us for possible use in our future marketing and promotions.

Additionally, we host photo competitions open to all students who studied or worked abroad during the academic year. Each competition features themes based on your programme.

Make sure to capture plenty of photos and join the competition for a chance to win prizes!

Sign up for Global Employability Award

The Global Employability Award, delivered by the Employability team and NTU Global, supports students in becoming global graduates through meaningful experiences.

Open to all students, it appeals to those interested in working internationally, enhancing their international profile, or working with diverse communities in the UK.

Your study or work abroad experience could count toward the award. Register now to start gaining extracurricular international experience and add your points when the award commences.

Volunteer for Language Café sessions

If you have acquired a second language during your study abroad and wish to continue practicing, you could join our weekly Language Café sessions held in Global Lounges to help other students learn and practise languages in an informal, relaxed setting.

Organise cultural events at the Global Lounges

If you wish to promote the culture, food, traditions of the place you went to study abroad by holding a cultural stand at the annual Global Week, or organizing a cultural event in our Global Lounges, please email us at

  • Last updated: 05/07/2024