Become a consent workshop facilitator

Find out what we're looking for from a consent workshop facilitator and details on how to apply.

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Consent is everything

*This opportunity is available for current NTU and Confetti students, alumni fellows, and current NTU/NTSU/Confetti colleagues.

Why should I become a consent workshop facilitator?

You'll be part of a culture-changing programme that will reduce the prevalence of sexual violence and increase awareness of the support available. But there are lots of other benefits too:

  • You'll gain useful transferable skills to apply in the workforce and in your academic career such as: public speaking, communication, teamwork, facilitation and having difficult conversations.
  • You can add it your HEAR certificate.
  • You'll join a network of like-minded individuals. We schedule fun events throughout the year to help consent facilitators to get to know each other.
  • As a thank you gift, you will be awarded £5 per workshop, which will be credited to your NTU student card either throughout the academic year or at the end of Term Two (only available for student volunteers).

What is required of a consent workshop facilitator?

This opportunity requires a time commitment throughout the 2024/25 academic year, but we're flexible and will work with you to make to easier to take part where possible. Find out more about what is required below.

Facilitator training sessions

To be part of the programme, you'll attend three facilitator training sessions that are between 1.5 to 2.5 hours each. These will take place in mid-September to early October. You can see our available training dates on the application form.

The duties you'll perform

As a facilitator you will:

  • actively provide feedback to the Consent Lead Team (a group of staff in NTSU and SSS who help run the programme) throughout the year to assist in assessing the programme
  • promptly read and respond to emails or Microsoft Teams chats about the programme
  • respond and signpost appropriately any disclosures made to you during or after workshops
  • inform the Consent Lead Team promptly if you are unable to facilitate a workshop.

The requirements to be a facilitator

To be selected as a facilitator, you'll need to:

  • be able to travel to Clifton, City, Brackenhurst and/or Mansfield campuses to deliver face-to-face workshops. But we'll do our best to schedule you for workshops on the campus you study at
  • have an interest in, and commitment to, sexual violence programming
  • be consistent and reliable in attending and conducting workshops
  • commit to a minimum of ten workshops across the academic year (15 hours in total).

Hear from some of last year's facilitators

Hear from some of our previous consent facilitators on why they loved being a part of this programme.

Jayanga Amunugama, Fashion Marketing Management and Communication (MMC)

"Being a facilitator was an exciting experience. I joined because of the insightful knowledge it provides to fresh undergraduates. Despite the sensitive content, the workshops were thoughtfully designed for effective delivery, ensuring student engagement.  Volunteering while balancing my MA schedule was made possible by the flexibility of the programme leaders.

"This experience significantly boosted my confidence, improved my communication skills, and allowed me to connect with new people. I wholeheartedly recommend volunteering as a facilitator — it’s a rewarding journey!"

Tyana Brown-Robinson, Psychology

"Being a Consent Is Everything facilitator has been a transformative experience. It not only equipped me with valuable communication skills but also provided me with a platform to address important societal issues. Most importantly, it helped me overcome social anxiety and fear of public speaking, unlocking doors to personal and academic success I never thought possible."

Ria Lyons, Fashion Marketing Management and Communication

"The workshops are one of the best things I’ve done with my time at NTU. I am in my final year and the team are so flexible with academic obligations, and always eager for feedback to keep the workshops up to date and as representative as possible.

"Facilitation and presentation skill building aside, I’ve learnt so much about myself and the student body regarding consent and the culture surrounding it. Developing positive and respectful relationships in the classroom has been incredibly rewarding and healing for me. I have always felt supported and encouraged by my co-facilitator too. I really admire the work this programme does and I’m so proud to be part of a team with a shared drive for positive, inclusive change."

How to apply

Applying is easy, just complete the form below before midnight on Thursday 19 September 2024 and we'll get back to you to arrange an interview.

Apply to become a consent workshop facilitator

Email the Consent Lead Team for more information, or if you have any queries.

As part of our commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, we strive to ensure our facilitators represent the diversity of our students. Therefore, we strongly encourage applications from students of colour and from men.

  • Last updated: 23/05/2024