Attending your workshop

Find out when your consent workshop is, what to do if you can't attend, and the impacts of not attending.

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Consent is everything

When is my workshop?

We'll release the timetable in mid-September and your school will inform you of when to expect your workshop. If you're a Year One undergraduate student, the consent workshop for your course will be in Term One, Term Two, or early in Term Three.

Am I required to attend?

NTU and NTSU keep an attendance record for all workshops. We embed attendance of this workshop in your student record. We regularly send attendance out to your Academic School. The Dean of your Academic School gets a list of all students who do not attend their workshop.

Choosing to not attend your workshop may inhibit future opportunities at the University. This includes applying for leadership positions within the University or your Academic School. This includes the Fresher's Team and Course Rep positions, so it's important to attend your session.

I can't attend my scheduled workshop

We've carefully timetabled workshops into a designated slot. We've done this around the rest of your course schedule. We strongly recommended you attend during your designated time. Previous students also preferred attending in their designated slot, with people they knew.

If, under extreme circumstances, you can't attend your designated workshop, email us. This can include sickness. We'll arrange an alternative workshop for you to attend.

Exemption process for survivors

We recognise there are students within our NTU community who may not feel able to attend this workshop due to a prior experience of sexual violence. Please email us so we can exempt you from attending the workshop. You don't need to go into detail about what you've experienced when you email us.

If you prefer, NTU colleagues can exempt you by emailing us on your behalf.

We encourage any student who feels they may need support to access our Sexual Violence Support service. This is a specialist service for survivors of sexual violence. It sits within our Student Support Services.

Find out more about Sexual Violence Support.

Can I see the content beforehand?

We've designed the workshop to be sensitive and empowering. We recognise some students may feel more comfortable seeing the content in advance. We're happy to share copies of the PowerPoint in advance for any student who wishes. Please email us.

I'm a mature student. Do I have to attend?

The workshop content is valuable and relevant for all our students, regardless of age. We recognise our students are a diverse population, so we've designed the content to be inclusive. Many mature students who attended last year found the workshop beneficial.

I'm not currently having sex, or won't be having sex. Do I have to attend?

We understand not all NTU students are engaging in sexual activity at the moment. This can be for a variety of reasons. Such reasons can include someone's sexual preference, identity, or religious beliefs.

We're confident that, regardless of this, the workshop is still extremely beneficial. This is for a number of reasons, as follows.

Learning about consent and what is and isn't harmful behaviour is important. Doing so allows all our students to contribute to a respectful campus and society. The workshop empowers students to keep themselves and fellow students safe. It does this through building skills and confidence.

The workshops cover important information about:

  • our support services, and
  • what to do if you or a friend has experienced something harmful.

We know our students are more likely to confide in their friends. The workshop discusses how to have that conversation.

Finally, you'll learn important skills around consent and respect. You can then apply these later on in life if relevant or transferable to other situations.

  • Last updated: 08/05/2024