Health Inc. : Shots - Health News As spending on care rises, the business of health keeps getting more important. We feature news on and analysis of drugmakers, health insurers, hospitals, doctors and others in the business of providing health care.

Health Inc.



Mario Ricart , an insurance agent with Sunshine Life and Health Advisors, talks with Naylie Villa about buying insurance under the Affordable Care Act on Nov. 5 in Miami. Joe Raedle/Getty Images hide caption

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Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Flemming Ornskov, CEO of Shire, says the company's offer for ViroPharma is part of a broader push into orphan drugs. Bloomberg via Getty Images hide caption

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Bloomberg via Getty Images


Lela Petersen, owner of the Anything And Everything store in Flagler, Colo., expects the cost of health insurance for her and her husband to drop by my more than half next year. Jeff Brady hide caption

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Jeff Brady

In Colorado, A Couple Finds Relief In Obamacare

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Do you have questions about the bronze plan? hide caption

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Independent online insurance brokers, like eHealth, haven't yet been able to sell subsidized health insurance policies. hide caption

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Maryland's Evergreen Health Co-op will eventually be owned by its policyholders. For now, the co-op is scrambling to find customers after the state's online health exchange got off to a rocky start. hide caption

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Have you thought about getting a PET scanner? hide caption

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The specialty grocer Trader Joe's says next year it will end its policy of offering health benefits for part-time workers. Instead, the store will offer part-timers cash to help buy coverage. Bloomberg via Getty Images hide caption

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Bloomberg via Getty Images


People get information on California's health exchange at a table at Union Station in Los Angeles on Tuesday, the exchange's opening day. Reed Saxon/AP hide caption

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Reed Saxon/AP


Assisters get up to speed on how best to explain the new health coverage choices during training on Sept. 25 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. Morgan Walker/NPR hide caption

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Morgan Walker/NPR

First Step In Health Exchange Enrollment: Train The Helpers

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Colorado has taken its own route to building a health exchange. hide caption

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Health care delivery is expected to change, with more care provided by nurse practitioners and fewer people having a doctor for life. hide caption

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U.S. House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (center) and colleagues gather before a Sunday vote on Capitol Hill. The House passed two new provisions to a federal spending bill to delay Obamacare for a year and to repeal the medical device tax. Alex Wong/Getty Images hide caption

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Alex Wong/Getty Images