University Council

The University Council, in accordance with the Board of Trustees Policies, has the power to:

  • Participate in the selection of faculty committees.
  • Advise the president on the appointment of administrative officers, including the selection of a president.
  • Participate and advise the president and the vice presidents in preparing and administering the annual budget, setting goals and priorities for the utilization of resources and providing periodic evaluation of progress in achieving goals and priorities.
  • Participate and advise the president in determining basic policies with respect to campus planning and building construction and utilization.
  • Aid in developing basic policies for the university.
  • Establish such standing and temporary committees as may be necessary for the discharge of its responsibilities; to define the membership, jurisdiction and authority of such committees; to resolve disputes among committees thus established; and to act on the reports submitted by such committees.
  • Advise the president, and the vice presidents, on policies affecting the quality of student life on campus.

Contact Us

University Council
Altgeld Hall 103

Benjamin Creed
President, Faculty Senate
Chair, University Council

Pat Erickson
Administrative Assistant

Tiffany Puckett
Faculty Advisory Council to the IBHE

Carrie Kortegast
Faculty Personnel Advisor

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