University Benefits Committee 
(NIU Bylaws, Article 8.2)

Membership of University Benefits Committee

8.2 University Benefits Committee

8.2.1 Composition The University Benefits Committee is directly responsible to the president and shall consist of:

(A) A chair, elected by and from the committee;

 Two faculty members appointed by the president upon the recommendation of the Faculty Senate;

 Two operating staff members appointed by the president upon the recommendation of the Operating Staff Council;

 Two supportive professional staff members appointed by the president upon the recommendation of the Supportive Professional Staff Council;

 One representative of the administration, appointed by the executive vice president and provost;

 Senior administrator responsible for human resource services or designee;

 One member from the retired employees, appointed by the NIU Annuitants Association;

 One member from the Faculty Senate Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee, as liaison;

 The manager of insurance and employee benefits and others who may be directly involved in the administration of employee benefits may assist the committee as resource personnel. The committee chair and secretary shall be elected by and from members of the committee at the first committee meeting in the fall. The term of office for faculty, operating staff, and supportive professional staff members shall be three years, staggered, beginning in the fall semester. Representatives of the administration shall serve until their successors are appointed. 

8.2.2 Duties To act as an advisory body to the president on any and all employee benefits pertaining to faculty, operating staff, and supportive professional staff. To review present benefit plans and proposals received from the University Council, the Operating Staff Council, Supportive Professional Staff Council, and the committee itself. To make recommendations to the president concerning employee benefits.

University Benefits Committee 
The UBC meets on the first Thursday of the month, 1 p.m.
Meeting Minutes

Faculty (2)
William Goldenberg
William Goldenberg
Tyler Wood for McCord
Michael Kushnick Michael Kushnick Michael Kushnick
FS Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee representative (liaison)
Cynthia Campbell TBD in the fall
Operating Staff (2)
Ellen Hamrick Bridgett Davis Bridgett Davis Bridgett Davis
Fall-Zac Birch
Spring-Cindy Kozumplik
Cindy Kozumplik for Birch Cindy Kozumplik for Birch
Supportive Professional Staff (2)
Joe Lovelace for Armstrong
Joe Lovelace for Armstrong
*John Boswell John Boswell John Boswell
Representative of the administration appointed by the Provost
Emily Hochstatter Emily Hochstatter
Senior administrator responsible for Human Resource Services or designee
John Acardo John Acardo
Annuitants Association representative
Terry Borg Terry Borg
@Manager of Insurance and Employee Benefits
Liz Guess
Liz Guess

* chair/co-chairs
@ ex officio

Contact Us

University Council
Altgeld Hall 103

Benjamin Creed
President, Faculty Senate
Chair, University Council

Pat Erickson
Administrative Assistant

Tiffany Puckett
Faculty Advisory Council to the IBHE

Carrie Kortegast
Faculty Personnel Advisor

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