
Black middle-aged male with gray mustache and beard wearing a sweater.

Stroke can devastate communities. To disrupt stroke, we need to disrupt complacency and a lack of awareness by making stroke and its long-term implications top of mind in communities. 

Help us do this by widely sharing our free, public friendly Know Stroke campaign materials, which will help members of every community support each other in the lifelong effort it takes to prevent stroke. 



These resources and tools were created for diverse audiences and can be ordered for distribution to: 

•    Health care facilities
•    Government agencies
•    Businesses
•    Nonprofit organizations 
•    Civic groups
•    Other community settings

Digital Toolkit
Your one-stop shop for all Know Stroke materials, resources, and more. Download the digital toolkit today and share with your organization.

Social Media

Sample Posts

Knowing the symptoms of stroke and getting to a hospital quickly saves lives.

Stroke can happen to anyone—even if you’re young—and causes serious life-changing disruption. Getting to a hospital quickly saves lives. 

The stroke rate is rising in young adults under 49. The sooner you start taking action to prevent stroke, the better.

Social Media Graphics

Poster encourages African Americans to reduce their risk by stating they have twice as many strokes as White people.
Poster encourages American Indian and Alaska Native people to lower their risk by stating that stroke is a leading cause of death for this demographic.
Poster encourages Hispanics to lower their risk by stating that stroke is one of their leading causes of death.
Poster encourages knowing your risk by explaining that stroke is one of the leading causes of death for American Indians & Alaska Natives.
Save lives in your community. Make Stroke top of mind poster.
Poster encouraging viewers to the research conducted by NINDS, such as studying whether post-stroke rehabilitation can stimulate the brain to rewire.
Poster encouraging health professionals to the widely used NIH Stroke Scale and explains how they can use It to assess stroke severity.
Poster encourages pregnant women to lower their risk by stating there’s a high risk of stroke during pregnancy.
A carousel that drives home the signs of stroke and tells people to act F.A.S.T. to save lives.

Signs and Symptoms

Know Stroke Act F.A.S.T. to Save Lives infographic with signs and symptoms of stroke - Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, and Time to Call 911, encouraging fast action to call for emergency assistance.

Signs and Symptoms Infographic

Explains the signs of stroke and encourages people to call 911 immediately.

Download Signs and Symptoms Infographic 


Know Stroke 6 Ways to Lower Stroke Risk infographic.

Prevention Infographic

Lists the six ways to lower stroke risk: exercise, eat healthy, control cholesterol, manage diabetes, quit smoking, and treat high blood pressure.

Download Prevention Infographic 


Know Stroke Recovering from Stroke infographic.

Recovery Infographic

Explains why rehabilitation therapy is so important and what it involves, including relearning abilities or overcoming the loss of them.

Download Recovery Infographic 

Assess and Treat

Stroke Treatment Can't Wait Know Stroke infographic states that 2 million brain cells every minute during stroke, increasing the risk of permanent brain damage, disability, or death. Don't wait to take action against stroke, the leading cause of disability and death.

Access and Treat Infographic

Explains that stroke treatment can’t wait by using a vivid example showing how many brain cells are lost each minute after a stroke.

Download Assess and Treat Infographic 

Additional Resources

Know Your Stroke Risk infographic encourages black and African American men to understand their elevated risks for stroke and stroke-related disabilities.

African American Infographic #1

Encourages Black and African American audiences to understand their elevated risks for stroke and stroke-related disabilities.

Download African American Infographic #1 


Know Your Stroke Risk infographic encourages Black and African American men to understand their increased risk of death from stroke, compared to other populations.

African American Infographic #2

Encourages Black and African American men to understand their increased risk of death from stroke, compared to other populations.

Download African American Infographic #2 


Know Stroke Risk infographic encourages knowing your risk by explaining that stroke is one of the leading causes of death for American Indian and Alaska Native people.

American Indian/Alaskan Native Infographic

Encourages knowing your risk by explaining that stroke is one of the leading causes of death for American Indian and Alaska Native people.

Download American Indian/Alaskan Native Infographic 


Know Your Stroke Risk infographic encourages knowing your risk by explaining that women are more likely than men to die from stroke and the number of strokes increases with age.

Women Infographic

Encourages knowing your risk by explaining that women are more likely than men to die from stroke and the number of strokes increases with age.

Download Women Infographic


Know Your Stroke Risk encourages Hispanic audiences to lower their risk by stating that stroke is one of their leading causes of death.

Hispanic Infographic

Encourages Hispanic audiences to lower their risk by stating that stroke is one of their leading causes of death.

Download Hispanic Infographic


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