Niche data

Niche has the most comprehensive data on U.S. schools and neighborhoods.

We rigorously analyze dozens of public data sets and over 100 million reviews and survey responses to help you understand what a place is really like.

Illustration of speech bubbles with stars for reviews

Real reviews & outcomes

We’ve gathered over 100 million reviews and survey responses from students, parents, and residents to help you better understand what a school or neighborhood is really like.

Illustration of a data chart

Comprehensive data

We use the most up-to-date data available from dozens of public data sources including the Department of Education, U.S. Census, and FBI.

View All Data Sources

Illustration of badge for best school

Rankings, grades, and profiles

From rigorous analysis, we refine and simplify complex data into comparable rankings, grades, and profiles for schools and neighborhoods. See how we calculate our Best Places to Live, K-12, and College rankings.

Illustration of student on laptop

Rigorous analysis

Our Data Team uses advanced algorithms and statistical techniques to compare, score, and connect millions of data points to thoroughly analyze U.S. schools and neighborhoods.

Interested in licensing our data?

Niche has the most comprehensive data on U.S. K-12 schools, colleges, and places (neighborhoods, cities, ZIP codes, etc.). We offer data solutions for the education and real estate industries as well as custom solutions for brands and market research. Our rankings, reviews, and statistics power applications, research, and media coverage of U.S. schools and neighborhoods.

Data Sources

K-12 Schools and Districts

US Department of Education K12 data on graduation rates and state level test scores.

Private School Universe Survey (PSS) from National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
Source for list of private schools and their information such as enrollment figures.

Common Core Data (CCD) from National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
Source for list of schools and school districts and their information such as enrollment figures.

Common Core Data (CCD) School District Finance Survey (F-33) from National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
School district data on finance information.

Civil Rights Data Collection
K12 data on AP/IB classes, disciplinary actions, athletics, etc.

School Attendance Boundary Survey (SABS) from National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
Source for school boundaries.

Niche K-12 Student and Parent Surveys
Survey administered to millions of parents, high school students, and recent alumni on Take the survey and help others find the school that’s right for them.

Niche K-12 Data Update through Niche Partner Accounts
A Niche Partner Account is administered to school representatives giving them access to add or update data related to their school.

Are you an affiliate of a school? Claim your school to get access to manage your profile and update your data.

Colleges and Graduate Schools

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) from National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
Source for list of accredited colleges, majors and their information, such as enrollment and tuition.

Office of Post-Secondary Education (OPE) from US Department of Education
College data on athletics, campus crime and loan default information.

The Center for Measuring University Performance
College data on faculty awards and student awards.

College Scorecard Data
Data on post-graduate earnings from the U.S. Department of Education.

National Science Foundation
Data on college expenditures by department.

Niche College Student Survey
Survey administered to millions of current students and recent alumni on Take the survey and help others find the college that’s right for them.

Niche College Data Update through Niche Partner Account
A Niche Partner Account is administered to college representatives giving them access to add or update data related to their school.

Are you an affiliate of a school? Claim your school to get access to manage your profile and update your data.

Places to Live

American Community Survey (ACS) from US Census Bureau
Source for local information such as population, home value, income levels.

Uniformed Crime Report from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Source for crime statistics.

National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Source for weather information.

Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) from US Census Bureau
Source for list of areas and boundaries.

County Business Patterns from US Census Bureau

ZIP Code Business Patterns from US Census Bureau

Food Environment Atlas from US Department of Agriculture

Volunteering and Civic Life in America from Corporation for National & Community Service

Exempt Organizations Business Master File from IRS

Urban Neighborhood Boundaries and Statistics

Secondary source for neighborhood boundaries.


Niche Local Survey
Survey administered to millions of people living in neighborhoods across the U.S. on Take the survey and help others find the area that’s right for them.