EDFacts Data Files

Prior to opening an EDFacts data file, please review the "Read Me" document for instructions.
Read Me—Instructions for Opening EDFacts Data Files

EDFacts is a submission system. We historically used the term “EDFacts data” as a shortcut to describe all data submitted via the EDFacts submission system. However, three offices in the US Department of Education use the EDFacts system to collect data:

  • National Center for Education Statistics – to collect Common Core of Data (non-fiscal) survey data authorized by the Education Sciences Reform Act (ESRA)
  • Office of Elementary and Secondary Education – to collect formula grant data required or authorized by Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended
  • Office of Special Education Programs – to collect formula grant data required or authorized by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

In prior years, EDFacts posted data on behalf of OESE and OSEP. Currently, both OSEP and OESE have websites to post data. For OESE and OSEP data, we will provide links where the data owners are now posting their data.

Assessment Proficiency

Data After SY 2020-21

Beginning with SY 2021-22, the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) is posting Assessment data at all three levels. The Assessment data files are posted on ED Data Express.

ED Data Express provides public access to the funding, participation, and performance data from school years starting from 2010-2011 onward on formula grant programs administered in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Most of the data are collected by school year and updated annually as the data become available.

Data for SY 2020-21 and Earlier

ED recommends users of the SY 2020-21 Assessment Data review the data notes and state explanations to understand the full context of state, local, and school implementation of the statewide assessments.

Beginning in SY 2020-21, the Achievement data files will be released solely in long format. In prior school years, the Achievement data files are released in wide format. See the file documentation for instructions on converting the files from long format to wide.

Beginning in SY 2020-21, Achievement results are no longer submitted to ED by performance level but by proficiency status. The Performance Level Mapping will be discontinued.

EDFacts File Long Title LEA Level
CSV File*
School Level
CSV File*
SY 2020-21
SY 2020-21 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Mathematics Long File (120 MB) Long File (23.1 MB Zip) Documentation Data Notes
SY 2020-21 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Long File (120 MB) Long File (22.8 MB Zip) Documentation Data Notes

The SY 2018-19 release of the Achievement results will be a transitional year with data files released in both wide and long format.

Beginning in SY 2015-16, the Performance Level Mapping tables will be available as a separate Excel spreadsheet. In prior school years, the mapping tables are included as an appendix in the file documentation.

EDFacts File Long Title LEA Level
CSV File*
School Level
CSV File*
SY 2018-19
SY 2018-19 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Mathematics Wide File (12.7 MB)
Long File (124.3 MB)
Wide File (55.7 MB)
Long File (26.9 MB Zip)
Documentation Data Notes

Performance Level Mapping
SY 2018-19 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Wide File (12.7 MB)
Long File (124.4 MB)
Wide File (54.3 MB)
Long File (26.6 MB Zip)
Documentation Data Notes

Performance Level Mapping
SY 2017-18
SY 2017-18 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (11.6 MB) Flat File (52.6 MB) Documentation Data Notes

Performance Level Mapping
SY 2017-18 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (11.8 MB) Flat File (53.4 MB) Documentation Data Notes

Performance Level Mapping
SY 2016-17
SY 2016-17 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (11.2 MB) Flat File (50.8 MB) Documentation Data Notes Revised!

Performance Level Mapping
SY 2016-17 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (11.3 MB) Flat File (50.8 MB) Documentation Data Notes Revised!

Performance Level Mapping
SY 2015-16
SY 2015-16 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (10.9 MB) Flat File (47.7 MB) Documentation Performance Level Mapping
SY 2015-16 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (10.9 MB) Flat File (47.2 MB) Documentation Performance Level Mapping

SY 2014-15 and Earlier

EDFacts File Long Title LEA Level
CSV File*
School Level
CSV File*
SY 2014-15
SY 2014-15 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (10.9 MB) Flat File (47.1 MB) Documentation
SY 2014-15 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (10.9 MB) Flat File (47.1 MB) Documentation
SY 2013-14
SY 2013-14 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (10.1 MB) Flat File (42.1 MB) Documentation
SY 2013-14 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (10.1 MB) Flat File (43.2 MB) Documentation
SY 2012-13
SY 2012-13 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (10.6 MB) Flat File (46.9 MB) Documentation
SY 2012-13 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (10.6 MB) Flat File (46.8 MB) Documentation
SY 2011-12
SY 2011-12 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (10 MB) Flat File (47 MB) Documentation
SY 2011-12 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (10 MB) Flat File (47 MB) Documentation
SY 2010-11
SY 2010-11 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (10 MB) Flat File (60 MB) Documentation
SY 2010-11 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (10 MB) Flat File (60 MB) Documentation
SY 2009-10
SY 2009-10 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (10 MB) Flat File (88.6 MB) Documentation
SY 2009-10 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (10 MB) Flat File (88.6 MB) Documentation

Assessment Participation

Data After SY 2020-21

Beginning with SY 2021-22, the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) is posting Participation data at all three levels. The Participation data files are posted on ED Data Express.

ED Data Express provides public access to the funding, participation, and performance data from school years starting from 2010-2011 onward on formula grant programs administered in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Most of the data are collected by school year and updated annually as the data become available.

Data for SY 2020-21 and Earlier

ED recommends users of the SY 2020-21 Participation Data review the data notes and state explanations to understand the full context of state, local, and school implementation of the statewide assessments.

Beginning in SY 2020-21, the Participation data files will be released solely in long format. In prior school years, the Participation data files are released in wide format. See the file documentation for instructions on converting the files from long format to wide.

EDFacts File Long Title LEA Level
CSV File*
School Level
CSV File*
SY 2020-21
SY 2020-21 Participation for State Assessments in Mathematics Long File (120 MB) Long File (22.6 MB Zip) Documentation Data Notes
SY 2020-21 Participation for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Long File (120 MB) Long File (22.2 MB Zip) Documentation Data Notes

The SY 2018-19 release of the Participation results will be a transitional year with data files released in both wide and long format.

EDFacts File Long Title LEA Level
CSV File*
School Level
CSV File*
SY 2018-19
SY 2018-19 Participation for State Assessments in Mathematics Wide File (12.4 MB)
Long File (124.1 MB)
Wide File (53.7 MB)
Long File (25.5 MB Zip)
Documentation Data Notes
SY 2018-19 Participation for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Wide File (12.4 MB)
Long File (124.1 MB)
Wide File (53.7 MB)
Long File (25.5 MB Zip)
Documentation Data Notes
SY 2017-18
SY 2017-18 Participation for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (11.6 MB) Flat File (52.5 MB) Documentation Data Notes
SY 2017-18 Participation for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (11.6 MB) Flat File (52.5 MB) Documentation Data Notes
SY 2016-17
SY 2016-17 Participation for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (11.0 MB) Flat File (49.7 MB) Documentation Data Notes Revised!
SY 2016-17 Participation for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (11.0 MB) Flat File (49.7 MB) Documentation Data Notes Revised!

SY 2015-16 and Earlier

EDFacts File Long Title LEA Level
CSV File*
School Level
CSV File*
SY 2015-16
SY 2015-16 Participation for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (10.6 MB) Flat File (46.6 MB) Documentation
SY 2015-16 Participation for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (10.6 MB) Flat File (46.0 MB) Documentation
SY 2014-15
SY 2014-15 Participation for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (10.5 MB) Flat File (45.4 MB) Documentation
SY 2014-15 Participation for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (10.5 MB) Flat File (45.3 MB) Documentation
SY 2013-14
SY 2013-14 Participation for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (10.4 MB) Flat File (46.2 MB) Documentation
SY 2013-14 Participation for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (10.4 MB) Flat File (46.1 MB) Documentation
SY 2012-13
SY 2012-13 Participation for State Assessments in Mathematics Flat File (10.3 MB) Flat File (45.6 MB) Documentation
SY 2012-13 Participation for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts Flat File (10.3 MB) Flat File (45.5MB) Documentation

Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate

Data After SY 2020-21

Beginning with SY 2021-22, the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) is posting Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR) data at all three levels. The ACGR data files are posted on ED Data Express.

ED Data Express provides public access to the funding, participation, and performance data from school years starting from 2010-2011 onward on formula grant programs administered in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Most of the data are collected by school year and updated annually as the data become available.

Data for SY 2020-21 and Earlier

Beginning in SY 2019-20, the data files will be released solely in long format. See the file documentation for instructions on converting the files from long format to wide.

The SY 2018-19 release of the ACGR data will be a transitional year with data files released in both long and wide format.

Beginning in SY 2015-16, the public file data documentation and data notes have been split into separate documents.

EDFacts File Long Title LEA Level
CSV File*
School Level
CSV File*
SY 2020-21 Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Long File (8.1 MB) Long File (25.4 MB) Documentation Data Notes
SY 2019-20 Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Long File (8.0 MB) Long File (24.0 MB) Documentation Data Notes
SY 2018-19 Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Wide File (1.5 MB)
Long File (8.3 MB)
Wide File (4.1 MB)
Long File (26.0 MB)
Documentation Data Notes
SY 2017-18 Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Flat File (1.6 MB) Flat File (4.3 MB) Documentation Data Notes
SY 2016-17 Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Flat File (1.5 MB) Flat File (4.1 MB) Documentation Data Notes
SY 2015-16 Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Flat File (1.3 MB) Flat File (3.4 MB) Documentation Data Notes

SY 2014-15 and Earlier

EDFacts File Long Title LEA Level
CSV File*
School Level
CSV File*
SY 2014-15 Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Flat File (1.3 MB) Flat File (3.2 MB) Documentation
SY 2013-14 Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Flat File (1.3 MB) Flat File (3.4 MB) Documentation
SY 2012-13 Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Flat File (1.3 MB) Flat File (3.2 MB) Documentation
SY 2011-12 Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Flat File (1.2 MB) Flat File (3.1 MB) Documentation
SY 2010-11 Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Flat File (1.2 MB) Flat File (3.1 MB) Documentation

Flexibility Subgroup Data Files

EDFacts File Long Title LEA Level
CSV File*
School Level
CSV File*
SY 2012-13
SY 2012-13 Graduation Rate—Flexibility Subgroups N/A Flat File (1.1 MB) Documentation
SY 2012-13 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Mathematics—Flexibility Subgroups N/A Flat File (21 MB) Documentation
SY 2012-13 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts—Flexibility Subgroups N/A Flat File (21 MB) Documentation
SY 2011-12
SY 2011-12 Graduation Rate—Flexibility Subgroups N/A Flat File (417 KB) Documentation
SY 2011-12 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Mathematics—Flexibility Subgroups N/A Flat File (19 MB) Documentation
SY 2011-12 Achievement Results for State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts N/A Flat File (19 MB) Documentation

* Note: All csv files represent a raw data set.

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Last Modified: 05/03/2024