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How to Make Virtual Interviews Part of Your Hiring Process

December 29, 2022
A woman works at a desk with a computer

Hiring can be a time-consuming process. Around half of recruitment managers say it takes an average of three interviews to find the right candidate, while 22% of recruiters need four interview rounds.

Scheduling an in-person job interview is often the trickiest part of the process. That's why virtual interviews have become so common, with 88% of employers saying that at least part of their recruitment process takes place online.

Naturally, there are some advantages and disadvantages to this approach. Let's take a closer look at how virtual interviews can impact your hiring process.

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NFP acquired Helios HR, an award-winning human capital and talent acquisition consulting firm, in January 2022. The Helios HR team partners with clients across the globe ranging from startups to the Fortune 500 to help them attract top talent, navigate the modern workplace, and develop future leaders. To discover more, visit
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