Talking about news in the Nextflow ecosytem and speaking with pioneers in the field.

Episode 43 Data Studios

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Iterative Nextflow development in the cloud & tertiary analysis.

  • Technical discussion
  • 6 August 2024

In this episode Phil Ewels hosts Rob Newman and Rob Syme to explore Data Explorer and Data Studios. These can revolutionise bioinformatics development, reducing friction with cloud computing and speeding up both pipeline scripting and tertiary analysis. We talk about:

Episode 41 New syntax in Nextflow 24.04.

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Workflow output definitions, topics, eval and more.

  • Technical discussion
  • 9 July 2024

Join us in exploring the latest Nextflow release, 24.04. Phil Ewels and Ben Sherman dive deep into the new updates in Nextflow’s most recent version. We discuss advanced retry strategies, job arrays, resourceLimits, Singularity’s OCI mode, and the game-changing Workflow Output Definition.

Episode 40 Origins of nf-core - SciLifeLab NGI

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All about Sarek and bytesize talks

  • Community
  • 25 June 2024

Join us to hear Phil Ewels chat with Maxime Garcia and Franziska Bonath about how nf-core started at the National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) at SciLifeLab in Sweden. We chat about how the nf-core/sarek pipeline grew alongside and eventually joined nf-core, as well as the early days of nf-core bytesize talks and outreach organisation.

Episode 39 Spatial proteomics at Pixelgen

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Meet nf-core/pixelator - the Molecular Pixelation pipeline

  • Community
  • 11 June 2024

Tune in to hear all about Pixelgen Technologies - creators of a novel technology for doing single-cell spatial proteomics.

Episode 38 Seqera Pipelines & Seqera Containers

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Talking about new community projects from Seqera and how they can help bioinformaticians

  • Community
  • 28 May 2024

Evan Floden (CEO and co-founder of Seqera) joins Phil Ewels (Product Manager for OSS at Seqera) to talk about two of the big announcements at the recent Nextflow Summit Boston 2024 - Seqera Pipelines and Seqera Containers.

Episode 37 New nf-core / EuroFAANG pre-print

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Discussion about this new manuscript and how it came about with some of the key authors.

  • Community
  • 14 May 2024

Join Phil Ewels, Cedric Notredame, Jose Espinosa-Carrasco and Friederike Hanssen as they discuss the brand new pre-print describing updates to the nf-core community and framework together with the experience of the EuroFAANG consortia as they integrated with nf-core.

Episode 36 The Nextflow Ambassadors Program

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A closer look at the Ambassadors program's origins, recent highlights and next steps.

  • Community
  • 30 April 2024

Join us in this episode of the Channels podcast for a closer look at the Nextflow Ambassadors, a worldwide initiative designed to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and community growth. It is intended to recognize and support the efforts of our community leaders and marks another step forward in our mission to advance scientific research and empower researchers. Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas and Geraldine Van der Auwera discuss the origins of the program, recent highlights and next steps, including the open call for new Ambassadors, which will close June 14.

Episode 35 Nextflow plugins: development walkthrough

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A walk through of how to create and publish a plugin from scratch.

  • Tutorial
  • 16 April 2024

Ever wondered about how Nextflow plugins work? Join us for this walk through tutorial, as Ben Sherman guides Phil Ewels to create and publish a plugin from scratch. Right from the first line of code to creating a release and publishing the plugin.

Episode 34 Nextflow in materials science: Jakob Zeitler

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We speak to Jakob from Matterhorn Studio about how they use Nextflow and Seqera Platform in materials science research.

  • Interview
  • 2 April 2024

In this episode of Channels, we talk to Jakob Zeitler - Head of R&D at Matterhorn Studios.

Episode 33 GA4GH interoperability standards and Nextflow

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Hear about GA4GH and its efforts to develop interoperability standards for pipelining infrastructure.

  • Technical discussion
  • 19 March 2024

In this episode of the podcast, Geraldine Van der Auwera and Ben Sherman talk about the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) and its efforts to develop interoperability standards for pipelining infrastructure.

Episode 32 Interview: Josh Chorlton

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Infra and backend for Nextflow and MultiQC in clinical practice.

  • Interview
  • 5 March 2024

In this episode of Channels, Phil Ewels talks to Josh Chorlton - CTO & cofounder of BugSeq Bioinformatics Inc.

Episode 31 Learning Nextflow in 2024

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A recap of our current training formulas, how we got here and where we’re heading to next.

  • Training
  • 20 February 2024

Join us in this episode of the Channels podcast as Geraldine Van der Auwera and Chris Hakkaart discuss options for learning Nextflow in 2024. A recap of our current training formulas, how we got here and where we’re heading to next.

Episode 30 Fusion file system

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Super-fast data access for Nextflow pipelines

  • Technical discussion
  • 6 February 2024

In this episode of Channels, Phil Ewels talks to Paolo Di Tommaso (creator of Nextflow, Seqera CTO & cofounder) and Jordi Deu Pons (software engineer @ Seqera) about Fusion - a file system written specifically for Nextflow.

Episode 29 Nextflow 2023 - 2024

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We recap some of the biggest features to be added to Nextflow in 2023 and take a look at some of the things coming in 2024.

  • Technical discussion
  • 23 January 2024

Join us in this episode of the Channels podcast as Geraldine Van der Auwera and Phil Ewels recap of some of the biggest features to be added to Nextflow in 2023 and take a look at some of the things coming in 2024.

Episode 28 Seqera and Nextflow in public health

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Rob Lalonde interviews Kelsey Florek about using Nextflow, nf-core pipelines and Seqera platform for genomic surveillance in public health labs.

  • Interview
  • 8 January 2024

In this episode, Rob Lalonde of Seqera interviews Kelsey Florek, Senior Genomics and Data Scientist at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene.

Episode 27 2023: Year in review

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What happened this year in the Nextflow world, with particular emphasis on the many exciting developments in nf-core.

  • Community highlights
  • 11 December 2023

In this Community Highlights episode, Phil Ewels and Geraldine Van der Auwera discuss what happened this year in the Nextflow world, with particular emphasis on the many exciting developments in nf-core.

Episode 26 Code & community at the 2023 nf-core hackathon

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Hear from participants of the nf-core hackathon discussing their work and the value of community

  • Interview
  • 21 November 2023

In a special edition of the Channels Podcast, Geraldine Van der Auwera interviews four members of the Nextflow community attending the 2023 nf-core hackathon: Raquel Manzano, Edmund Miller, Rieke Hanssen and Francesco Lescai. Recorded in-person at the Nextflow Summit Barcelona, we hear a bit about what they have been working on, how they came to use Nextflow and what motivated them to join the nf-core hackathon.

Episode 25 Interview: Geraldine Van der Auwera

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Meet Geraldine Van der Auwera, the latest addition to the community team at Seqera!

  • Interview
  • 6 November 2023

In a special edition of the Channels Podcast, Phil Ewels chats to Geraldine Van der Auwera! Recorded in-person at the Nextflow Summit Barcelona, we hear a bit about Geraldine’s background - her work at the Broad with GATK and WDL, and the path that brought her to Seqera and the Nextflow community.

Episode 24 Nextflow runtime updates: Requesting resources

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Today in the Channels podcast, we're talking about computing resources.

  • News and Views
  • 9 October 2023

Today in the Channels podcast, we’re talking about computing resources… Ben Sherman takes us through new and upcoming runtime improvements in the Nextflow, leading to better performance fine tuning and simpler syntax for pipelines.

Episode 23 Clever containers: Wave & Wavelit

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Paolo Di Tommaso gives us the rundown on Wave containers. We talk about how wave makes pipelines faster and more secure, all with simpler & cleaner code!

  • News and Views
  • 25 September 2023

Software containers using Docker / Singularity are a core part of modern data science, found at the heart of Nextflow pipelines. On today’s show, we bring on the creator of Nextflow – Paolo Di Tommaso – to tell us the good, the bad and the ugly of containers.

Episode 22 Nextflow language updates: Better error messages

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In this episode of the Channels podcast, it’s all about developer experience! We chat about debugging, error messages and language servers.

  • News and Views
  • 11 September 2023

In this episode of the Channels podcast, it’s all about developer experience! 👩🏻‍💻🎉

Episode 21 Live debugging Nextflow, Ambassadors & Training

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Ever wanted to peer inside Nextflow as it runs your pipeline? We play with an interactive debugger to do just that. Also, a first peek at a new Nextflow Ambassador program!

  • News and Views
  • 28 August 2023

In this News and Views episode, Phil Ewels, Chris Hakkaart and Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas play with interactive debuggers in IntelliJ to try to understand what’s happening in their pipeline. We also give a first look at plans for a brand new “Nextflow Ambassador” program that we’ll be launching soon, as well as a revamped training course that was rescued from the precipice.

Episode 20 Tower CLI, infrastructure as code and some Seqera road map previews

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Evan Floden and Harshil Patel discuss reproducible compute with the Tower CLI and new data tools on the Seqera road map.

  • News and Views
  • 14 August 2023

In this News and Views episode, Phil Ewels talks to Evan Floden and Harshil Patel from Seqera about automation of pipeline testing, Nextflow Tower CLI and automation. We wrap up with a sneak-preview of some future road map items coming soon to Nextflow Tower.

Episode 19 Nextflow runtime updates: Talking tasks

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We discuss task provenance, cloud cache databases and task grouping.

  • News and Views
  • 31 July 2023

In this News and Views episode, Phil Ewels and Chris Hakkaart talk to Seqera software engineer Ben Sherman about what’s going on “under the hood” with Nextflow. We touch on task provenance, cloud cache databases and task / sub-workflow grouping. Gotta cache ‘em all!

Episode 18 Learning Nextflow in 2023

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Rob Syme tells us about new Nextflow training material and opportunities to learn Nextflow in 2023.

  • News and Views
  • 17 July 2023

In this News and Views episode, Chris Hakkaart and Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas talk to Rob Syme about the exciting new Nextflow training material and ways to learn Nextflow in 2023.

Episode 17 Nextflow language updates: Power to the processes

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Ben Sherman tells us about future improvements to Nextflow syntax for processes.

  • News and Views
  • 3 July 2023

In this News and Views episode, Phil Ewels and Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas talk to Ben Sherman about the exciting work in progress related to the Nextflow language.

Episode 16 Infrastructure team: nf-validation and nf-core components

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Join us as we discuss the new nf-validation Nextflow plugin and talk nf-core components: modules and subworkflows.

  • News and Views
  • 19 June 2023

In this News and Views episode, Phil Ewels and Chris Hakkaart talk to Júlia Mir Pedrol and Matthias Hörtenhuber - the nf-core infrastructure team.

Episode 15 Coming soon to Nextflow: From command-line to cleanup

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We talk to Nextflow developer Ben Sherman about some exciting new features coming soon to Nextflow: a new CLI v2 interface; submission of job arrays and intermediate file cleanup during runs.

  • News and Views
  • 5 June 2023

In this News and Views episode, Phil Ewels talks to Ben Sherman about upcoming features in core Nextflow development: a new CLI v2 interface; submission of job arrays and intermediate file cleanup during runs.

Episode 14 Summer podcast season, Nextflow release highlights.

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Welcome back to the Summer 2023 series of the Channels Podcast! In this episode we kick things off with some of the highlights from the latest Nextflow releases. There were a lot of goodies in there..

  • News and Views
  • 22 May 2023

In this News and Views episode, Phil Ewels, Chris Hakkaart and Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas discuss the hottest topics in the Nextflow world.

Episode 13 Nextflow turns 10!

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Phil Ewels, Paolo Di Tommaso and Evan Floden look back on 10 years of scientific workflows.

  • Special episode
  • 22 March 2023

Today marks 10 years since Paolo Di Tommaso made the first commit for Nextflow!

Episode 12 S3 file names, Spack package manager support and local hackathon sites.

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S3 file names, Spack package manager support and local hackathon sites.

  • News and Views
  • 1 February 2023

In this News and Views episode, Chris Hakkaart and Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas discuss the hottest topics in the Nextflow world.

Episode 11 The Sarus container engine, staging outputs and the GITHUB_TOKEN

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The Sarus container engine, staging outputs and the GITHUB_TOKEN.

  • News and Views
  • 25 January 2023

In this News and Views episode, Chris Hakkaart and Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas discuss the hottest topics in the Nextflow world.

Episode 10 The Flux executor, bytesize transcripts and improved error messaging

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The Flux executor, bytesize transcripts and improved error messaging.

  • News and Views
  • 18 January 2023

In this News and Views episode, Chris Hakkaart and Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas discuss the hottest topics in the Nextflow world.

Episode 9 End of DSL1 and AI pipelines

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Updates to the Nextflow language and putting ML pipelines to good use..

  • News and Views
  • 11 January 2023

In this News and Views episode, Phil Ewels, Chris Hakkaart, and Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas discuss the hottest topics in the Nextflow world.

Episode 8 nf-test, mentorships and debugging resume

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nf-test, mentorships and debugging resume

  • News and Views
  • 21 December 2022

In this News and Views episode, Phil Ewels, Chris Hakkaart, and Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas discuss the hottest topics in the Nextflow world.

Episode 7 Robert Petit

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Pathogens, Bactopia and awesome shirts

  • interview
  • 14 December 2022

Rob Lalonde of Seqera interviews Robert Petit, a senior bioinformatics scientist at Wyoming Public Health Laboratory. In this interview, Rob and Rob discuss public health challenges unique to Wyoming, genomic surveillance, the Bactopia pipeline, and the latest fashion trends among leading bioinformaticians in the state.

Episode 6 Introducing "Channels" the rebranded podcast

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An introduction to the News and Views episode format

  • News and Views
  • 8 December 2022

In this News and Views episode, Phil Ewels, Chris Hakkaart, and Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas discuss the hottest topics in the Nextflow world.

Episode 5 Evan Floden

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CEO and Co-founder of Seqera

  • interview
  • 11 March 2022

In this Podcast, Rob Lalonde, CCO of Seqera speaks with Dr. Evan Floden, CEO and co-founder of Seqera. Rob and Evan talk about the history of Nextflow, Evan’s journey as the co-founder of a start-up, Breaking Bad, and the future of bioinformatics. Evan also provides a live demo of Nextflow Tower.

Episode 4 Cedric Notredame

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The Origins of Nextflow.

  • interview
  • 16 December 2021

In this Podcast, Rob Lalonde of Seqera speaks with Cedric Notredame, head of the Notredame Lab at the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain. In this far-ranging discussion, Rob and Cedric talk about cloud, pipelines, and trace the evolution of Nextflow from its early days as a research project to its current role in the global COVID effort.

Episode 3 Lorena Pantano

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Inside a Bioinformatics Startup – with NextRNA Therapeutics

  • interview
  • 15 September 2021

In this podcast, Rob Lalonde of Seqera speaks with Lorena Pantano, head of Computational Biology at NextRNA, a firm leading the next revolution in RNA-directed therapeutics located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In this fascinating discussion, Rob and Lorena talk bioinformatics, life in a startup, and women in technology.

Episode 2 Nils Homer

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Fulcrum Genomics – methods and software for analyzing next-generation sequencing data.

  • interview
  • 1 April 2021

In this Podcast, Rob Lalonde speaks with Nils Homer, founding partner at Fulcrum Genomics. Nils shares his unique perspectives on breaking into the bioinformatics industry, advances in technology and tools, and what to expect in the next three to five years.

Episode 1 Phil Ewels

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Talking open source, bioinformatics and maple syrup with Phil Ewels of SciLifeLab

  • interview
  • 2 March 2021

In this Podcast, Rob Lalonde speaks with Phil Ewels of SciLifeLab Sweden, part of NGI Stockholm. In this fascinating discussion, they cover everything from nf-core to future bioinformatics challenges.