In Ukraine, Daily Life in the Face of War

Through years of conflict, people in eastern Ukraine have sought a semblance of normal existence—one that’s now under siege.
Nazar a Ukrainian soldier in full uniform in a trench holds a drink to his mouth with one hand and rests the other hand...
“What’s most important is to carry on,” Nazar, a Ukrainian soldier stationed near Stanytsia Luhanska, said last week.

In the weeks before Vladimir Putin launched an invasion of Ukraine, as Russian troops took up positions along the Ukrainian border, my friends and acquaintances in Kyiv went to lengths to maintain their cool. In bars and restaurants across the city, and in endless conversations at people’s homes, I heard far less alarm about the prospect of war than I did from Washington, London, Berlin, or Paris. That changed last week, starting with Putin’s announcement that Russia was, in effect, annexing the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine. Practiced self-possession was no longer sustainable. People didn’t immediately panic—very few, at that point, packed up and left—but they did begin to talk in darker tones about what might come next, about what the Russian military machine could do to Kyiv and to the rest of the country.

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On the day of the announcement, I took an overnight train from Kyiv to eastern Ukraine, close to what is known as the “line of contact” in the grinding war in the Donbas. Shelling had increased dramatically, and the train was almost empty. Travelling from city to city, town to town in the east, I saw the effortful composure of the capital replaced by something else. The quality of anxiety and exhaustion is different here. In towns like Stanytsia Luhanska, Hirske, and Popasna—all of which had, in 2014, been claimed by pro-Russian separatists and then wrested back—people have been living with a Russian-backed assault for eight years. Amid routinized brutality, they have tried to fashion some semblance of a normal existence. They’ve experienced war not as a grand struggle of civilizations but as something nasty and gruelling, to be managed and survived. But now, as the Russian military unleashes the full force of its arsenal throughout the country, any pretense of normalcy has been ripped away.

Mark Neville, a British-born photographer who lives in Kyiv, has travelled through eastern Ukraine and captured the sense of determination he found there. Neville’s previous work has documented other places in turmoil: in his “Port Glasgow Book Project,” he recorded the resilience of a community in Scotland amid post-industrial decline; as the U.K.’s official war artist, he embedded with British forces in Helmand, Afghanistan, and produced a book, “Battle Against Stigma,” about mental-health issues among the soldiers. In 2015, the Kyiv Military Hospital asked Neville, who himself suffered from post-traumatic stress, to make a Ukrainian version of this book. Since then, he has spent much of his time in the same cities and towns in the Donbas that I’ve been visiting. A new volume of his photographs, drawing from his travels in Ukraine, is titled “Stop Tanks with Books.”

“What I find most remarkable is the resilience of the people there,” Neville says. “As a photographer, I’ve been in many places where people are going through incredible trauma. They would reach out to me for help, for money, to get them out, and I would say, ‘The only way I can help is to take your picture and tell your story.’ But with Ukrainians, and with some of the many hundreds of thousands of people who have been displaced, no one—not one—has asked me for anything. The only thing they want is to sit me down and tell me what’s happened to them. They have lost people, seen people wounded terribly, seen their streets obliterated. All I want is for people who are looking at these pictures to recognize a version of themselves. Schoolkids taking gymnastics lessons, people just going about their lives despite the shelling and more. For eight years! Can you imagine?”

Joshua Yaffa

Khristina Ovcharenko, a third-grade teacher, in her classroom in Stanytsia Luhanska, in early February. She left the area on February 17th, hours after a nearby kindergarten building was shelled. Ovcharenko, who has been a teacher for eleven years, said that children who are old enough to remember the start of the separatist rebellion “stand out—they’re more anxious, less calm.”
Alla Melnichuk watched the conflict escalate from her home in Hirske. “There was whistling overhead, and instead of ducking and covering, as the instructions say, I went, Huh? Fear didn’t come until later,” she said.
“My entire family is in Russia, even though I was born here, and I consider Ukraine my homeland, too,” Karina Shyian said, in Popasna. “I have family there, and I have family here. So I’m neither against Russia nor against Ukraine. I am for peace.”
In Lysychansk, a single train track at a defunct beverage factory was used as a pedestrian bridge to a park, until it was bombed by Russian-backed separatists, in June, 2014. Ukrainian forces regained control of the area later that summer, but the bridge was never repaired.
Nastya, Masha, and Yana at an athletic center in Stanytsia Luhanska, where children take free gymnastics lessons. “There’s never enough time,” Tatiana Kopanaiko, an instructor, said. “I wish I could give every child some personal attention.” As fighting intensified before the Russian invasion, she continued holding practices: “We had some shelling recently, after lunch, but when we put the music on you can’t hear a thing.”
A woman passes through a checkpoint near Stanytsia Luhanska, on February 9th. As fears of a Russian invasion mounted, some residents evacuated into Kyiv-controlled territory; others crossed into separatist-held territory or boarded buses headed for Russia.
Olexander, a twenty-year-old Ukrainian soldier, near Stanytsia Luhanska in a makeshift barracks, which has since been destroyed by bombing.
Anna Bilko, an anesthesiologist, moved with her family to a farm near Stanytsia Luhanska in 2014, just as the separatist conflict was breaking out. "We did not regret moving," she said. "Only the fact that we didn't go farther into Ukraine, to get farther away from this war." She started raising goats because her young children "drank a lot of milk" and she and her husband run a cheese-making business. In the lead-up to the current invasion, the farm lost electricity. "When you hear the shooting—quieter one moment, louder the next—you feel very scared,” she said. “Our animals are very stressed out.”