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Meghana Indurti

Welcome to My Ex-Boyfriend Orientation

Help yourself to some cinnamon buns. They’re a labor of love. But I’m used to labor—like, for example, all the emotional labor that predominantly fell on me during our courtships.

Ideas for How Taylor Swift Can Harness Her Powers for Good

When Taylor posted on Instagram urging people to register to vote, tens of thousands signed up. The Illuminati wish they had this kind of power.

An Intervention for My Friend Who’s Done Too Much Therapy

Ignorance is bliss. Self-awareness is a mental prison.

I Tried Turning Thirty So You Don’t Have to (Honest Review)

Things will be different: the sex will get better, you will look hotter, your plants will stay alive, and you will be sleepy all the time.

Girl Dinners Throughout History

As long as humans have traversed this planet—by foot, by horse, by Lime scooter—they’ve been too lazy to Martha Stewart together a full supper.

Classes You’re Allowed to Take in Florida

Whether they’re raving about trans people, roasting snowflakes for liking oat milk, or making fun of women, students will finally be able to own the libs.

If A.I. Handled Delicate Situations in Your Life

Texting my mom that I have to put her in a nursing home: “I am writing to inform you that I no longer have space for you at my place of residence.”

Nancy Pelosi’s Last Fund-Raising E-Mail

Our democracy is relying on YOUR $15! What were you even gonna spend it on? Three coffees? Wow.

We at Instagram Want You to Know That if You Don’t Use Reels We Will Hurt You and Your Family

You’re not sinking this Meta ship. The Winklevoss twins couldn’t do it, and neither will you.

Tips for Riding Out the Upcoming Recession 

Think outside the box for quick cash. Go to a grandpa convention and get every single old guy to pull a quarter out of your ear.

The Guy Who Writes Confusing Parking Signs Explains Body Autonomy

Your body totally belongs to you. Except during business hours, sex, bathroom breaks that last longer than a Pink Floyd song, and . . .

An A.A.P.I. Heritage Month Wish List

Make every meeting in May optional. For everyone. We’re feeling generous.

A Breakup Letter from the U.S. Government to Big Oil

I should have left you after the first oil spill.

Vehicle Registration with Olivia Rodrigo, Acting with Kamala Harris, and Other New MasterClass Sessions

Here is our latest suite of unconventional classes that you won’t find anywhere else!

Relationship Advice from Your Aunt Who Has Been Divorced Six Times

Don’t go to bed angry. Stay up and fight. Defend your honor and never give in.

Help! I’m Watching a Christopher Nolan Movie Without Subtitles

I made out the word “inverted.” That’s something. Now I must use that one word to work out what the hell is going on.

Family Members at Thanksgiving, Ranked

This year, I’m going to work on my boundaries.

Fight the Power! Brought to You by the Power

Step up to the plate and purchase our anti-capitalist products.

Welcome to My Ex-Boyfriend Orientation

Help yourself to some cinnamon buns. They’re a labor of love. But I’m used to labor—like, for example, all the emotional labor that predominantly fell on me during our courtships.

Ideas for How Taylor Swift Can Harness Her Powers for Good

When Taylor posted on Instagram urging people to register to vote, tens of thousands signed up. The Illuminati wish they had this kind of power.

An Intervention for My Friend Who’s Done Too Much Therapy

Ignorance is bliss. Self-awareness is a mental prison.

I Tried Turning Thirty So You Don’t Have to (Honest Review)

Things will be different: the sex will get better, you will look hotter, your plants will stay alive, and you will be sleepy all the time.

Girl Dinners Throughout History

As long as humans have traversed this planet—by foot, by horse, by Lime scooter—they’ve been too lazy to Martha Stewart together a full supper.

Classes You’re Allowed to Take in Florida

Whether they’re raving about trans people, roasting snowflakes for liking oat milk, or making fun of women, students will finally be able to own the libs.

If A.I. Handled Delicate Situations in Your Life

Texting my mom that I have to put her in a nursing home: “I am writing to inform you that I no longer have space for you at my place of residence.”

Nancy Pelosi’s Last Fund-Raising E-Mail

Our democracy is relying on YOUR $15! What were you even gonna spend it on? Three coffees? Wow.

We at Instagram Want You to Know That if You Don’t Use Reels We Will Hurt You and Your Family

You’re not sinking this Meta ship. The Winklevoss twins couldn’t do it, and neither will you.

Tips for Riding Out the Upcoming Recession 

Think outside the box for quick cash. Go to a grandpa convention and get every single old guy to pull a quarter out of your ear.

The Guy Who Writes Confusing Parking Signs Explains Body Autonomy

Your body totally belongs to you. Except during business hours, sex, bathroom breaks that last longer than a Pink Floyd song, and . . .

An A.A.P.I. Heritage Month Wish List

Make every meeting in May optional. For everyone. We’re feeling generous.

A Breakup Letter from the U.S. Government to Big Oil

I should have left you after the first oil spill.

Vehicle Registration with Olivia Rodrigo, Acting with Kamala Harris, and Other New MasterClass Sessions

Here is our latest suite of unconventional classes that you won’t find anywhere else!

Relationship Advice from Your Aunt Who Has Been Divorced Six Times

Don’t go to bed angry. Stay up and fight. Defend your honor and never give in.

Help! I’m Watching a Christopher Nolan Movie Without Subtitles

I made out the word “inverted.” That’s something. Now I must use that one word to work out what the hell is going on.

Family Members at Thanksgiving, Ranked

This year, I’m going to work on my boundaries.

Fight the Power! Brought to You by the Power

Step up to the plate and purchase our anti-capitalist products.