
A Colombian government decree said coal is used by Israel as an energy source to make weapons and other military goods.
Experts said that there was no need for a new refinery in eastern Libya [Getty]
Disputed authorities in eastern Libya plan to allow the Russian company Taftnet to build an oil refinery, amid concerns over expanding Russian influence.
Saudi Aramco is planning on selling shares worth more than $10 billion dollars, with sales potentially transferred to the PIF to finance domestic projects.
Algeria's state oil company Sonatrach has signed a memorandum with ExxonMobil to develop two gas fields in the North African country.
Iran and Pakistan are looking at ways to complete a long-delayed gas pipeline project between the two countries, Iran's consul general to Pakistan said Monday.
Yellow gas pipes against a blue backdrop
Dana Gas said that while there was 'very minor damage to the facilities', it has 'temporarily suspended production and instituted specific procedural changes'.
Ali Hussein Julood
Hussein Julood launched UK legal proceedings against BP, just over a year after his son Ali died aged 21, in what is believed to be the first case of its kind.
Kuwait oil prices [AFP]
Iran's attack on Israel has injected fresh anxiety into oil markets already roiled by regional tensions from the war in Gaza.
The reopening of the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline, which has been shut for a decade, would provide a rival route to a pipeline from Iraq's Kurdistan region.
In a a tit-for-tat with the United States, Iran will unload tonnes of crude oil from a tanker it seized last August.