Extended Data Fig. 1: European sex- and age-specific temperature-related risk of death and heat-related mortality. | Nature Medicine

Extended Data Fig. 1: European sex- and age-specific temperature-related risk of death and heat-related mortality.

From: Heat-related mortality in Europe during the summer of 2022

Extended Data Fig. 1

Panels (a-d) depict the cumulative relative risk of death (unitless) in Europe during 2015-2019. Panels (e-h) display the weekly heat-related mortality (weekly deaths) aggregated over Europe during the summer of 2022. The shadings represent the 95% confidence intervals. All-age data by sex was not available in the United Kingdom (red and blue lines in panels a,e). Data by sex and age groups was not available in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Germany (panels b-d, f-h).

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