Extended Data Fig. 7: Sensitivity to the period of calibration of the epidemiological associations. | Nature Medicine

Extended Data Fig. 7: Sensitivity to the period of calibration of the epidemiological associations.

From: Heat-related mortality in Europe during the summer of 2022

Extended Data Fig. 7

Panels (a,b) depict the cumulative relative risk of death (unitless) in Europe (a) and the weekly heat-related mortality (weekly deaths) aggregated over Europe during the summer of 2022 (b), together with their 95% confidence intervals (shadings). Panels (c-f) display the regional relative risk of death (unitless) at temperature 95th percentile (c,d) and the regional heat-related mortality rate (summer deaths per million) aggregated over the summer of 2022 (e,f). Values were obtained from epidemiological models calibrated with data from the periods 2015-2019 (black in a,b; and maps in c,e) and 2015-2022 (red in a,b; and maps in d,f). Summer refers to the 14-week period between May 30th and September 4th of 2022 (weeks 22-35).

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