Extended Data Fig. 8: Impact of erythritol at different physiological concentrations on platelet aggregation responses. | Nature Medicine

Extended Data Fig. 8: Impact of erythritol at different physiological concentrations on platelet aggregation responses.

From: The artificial sweetener erythritol and cardiovascular event risk

Extended Data Fig. 8

Human platelet-rich plasma was incubated with erythritol (red) at low levels observed in fasting patients (18 μM) and higher concentrations observed after erythritol ingestions (6 mM) versus vehicle (saline, blue). Shown are thrombin receptor-activating peptide(TRAP)6-stimulated (panel A) and ADP-stimulated (panel B) platelet aggregometry responses. Data in bar graphs are represented as means (±s.d.). Two-sided P values were calculated by Mann Whitney Test. Numbers of independent biological replicates (n) are indicated.

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