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Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation


The controversy over online misinformation and social media has opened a gap between public discourse and scientific research. Public intellectuals and journalists frequently make sweeping claims about the effects of exposure to false content online that are inconsistent with much of the current empirical evidence. Here we identify three common misperceptions: that average exposure to problematic content is high, that algorithms are largely responsible for this exposure and that social media is a primary cause of broader social problems such as polarization. In our review of behavioural science research on online misinformation, we document a pattern of low exposure to false and inflammatory content that is concentrated among a narrow fringe with strong motivations to seek out such information. In response, we recommend holding platforms accountable for facilitating exposure to false and extreme content in the tails of the distribution, where consumption is highest and the risk of real-world harm is greatest. We also call for increased platform transparency, including collaborations with outside researchers, to better evaluate the effects of online misinformation and the most effective responses to it. Taking these steps is especially important outside the USA and Western Europe, where research and data are scant and harms may be more severe.

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Fig. 1: Academic research on the use of social media by country.

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C.B., B.N., D.M.R., E.T. and D.J.W. wrote and revised the paper. D.M.R. collected the data and prepared Fig. 1.

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Correspondence to David M. Rothschild.

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The authors declare no competing interests, but provide the following information in the interests of transparency and full disclosure. C.B. and D.J.W. previously worked for Microsoft Research and D.M.R. currently works for Microsoft Research. B.N. has received grant funding from Meta. B.N. and E.T. are participants in the US 2020 Facebook and Instagram Election Study as independent academic researchers. D.J.W. has received funding from Google Research. D.M.R. and D.J.W. both previously worked at Yahoo!.

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Budak, C., Nyhan, B., Rothschild, D.M. et al. Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation. Nature 630, 45–53 (2024).

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