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Neuropsychiatric disorders

Support for network theories of schizophrenia

A computational neuroimaging study has shed new light on the relationship between morphological changes in the brain in schizophrenia and the network architecture of the brain, providing evidence to support two network theories of the disorder.

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Fig. 1: Network theories of schizophrenia tested in the new study.


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M.P.v.d.H is supported by a European Research Council consolidator grant (ID 101001062 CONNECT) to M.P.v.d.H.

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Correspondence to Martijn P. van den Heuvel.

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M.P.v.d.H works as a data analysis consultant for Roche and is part of the editorial board of Human Brain Mapping. S.L.S. declares no competing interests.

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van den Heuvel, M.P., Seoane, S.L. Support for network theories of schizophrenia. Nat Rev Neurol 20, 381–382 (2024).

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