We are dedicated to Movement building for social justice and healing. We know that Movements are bigger than one organization and comprised of many leaders and many strategies. Therefore we carry out our work in these three basket areas: Community Education, Action & Advocacy, and Community Affiliates


Vision Statement

Native Movement envisions a society that embraces Indigenous values of reciprocity and respect with all beings. Our actions are grounded in ceremony, justice, and love in support of regenerative communities.

Mission Statement

Native Movement is dedicated to building people power, rooted in an Indigenized worldview, toward healthy, sustainable, & just communities for ALL. Native Movement supports grassroots-led projects that align with our vision, that endeavor to ensure social justice, Indigenous Peoples’ rights, and the rights of Mother Earth.



Gender Justice & Healing

Campaigns include:

  • MMIW2S

  • LGBTQ2S+

  • Community Safety

Environmental Justice & Food Sovereignty

Campaigns include:

  • No New Oil, Gas, & Mining

  • Land Back

  • Food Sovereignty

  • Energy Justice

Climate Justice & Just Transitions

Campaigns include:

  • No False Climate Solutions

  • Just & Equitable Economic Transitions

  • Local, Tribal, State, National, and International Climate advocacy

OTHER AREAS of Campaign Focus include:

  • Trainings & Workshops

  • Facilitated Discussions

  • Training for Trainers

  • Youth Cohort

  • Filmmakers Intensive

Community Affiliates Program

  • Community Affiliate Support (fiscal sponsorship)

  • Regranting - Wealth redistribution

Narrative Sovereignty