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Confederate symbols and statues throughout the South have been coming down in recent weeks — but the bronze bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest remains protected inside the Tennessee State Capitol. 

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When Officer Destin Legieza was killed on June 17 in a collision with a drunk driver, an entire community was left mourning. It was the first officer the Brentwood Police Department, which was established in 1971, had lost in the line of duty. And what a great loss it was. 

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I was delighted to hear the recent news that racing is returning to the Nashville Fairgrounds Speedway next week! The last race, the All American 400, was held all the way back in November. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, races — like so many other fun activities — have been repeatedly postpon…

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Every day in Tennessee and in America, we hope to see good things from our political leaders. 

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Throughout its history, Nashville has been a strong crossroads where people have gathered for trade and other social activities. In recent decades, we have become known for music, sports, tourism, logistics, health care and more. We attract strong, established businesses right alongside new …

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Again and again, Nashville has been promised by its mayors that they will make The Fairgrounds Nashville a successful place for all, including supporters of the historic racetrack. Despite the pats on the head that fairgrounds supporters have received from past mayors, no real progress has b…

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Each celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day stirs many memories and thoughts. Younger readers won’t recall the changes firsthand, but I am proud of the progress we’ve made as a country since the transformative upheaval of the civil rights movement. But the pride I feel is tempered by reco…

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As 2019 draws to a close, it is of course a time reflect and to celebrate, and I cannot think of a group more deserving of our appreciation than our public school teachers. They have a tough job with high expectations from the kids under their tutelage, the students’ parents, their peers and…

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Alarm bells were ringing loudly last week when Tennessee Comptroller Justin Wilson told Metro leaders that the state sees a city with its finances in disarray — and if that disarray is not addressed promptly, his office could be forced to impose dire measures.

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The decision to “divert” funding from the long-planned and long-stalled Gulch-SoBro pedestrian bridge toward fixing a number of other, more important infrastructure needs is a good move by Mayor John Cooper.

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After nearly three years, the U.S. House of Representatives has reached its tipping point with the president of the United States.

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Before he’s even taken office, Mayor-Elect John Cooper is already rolling up his sleeves and getting to work. In a city weary of campaigns, Cooper is showing that he has gotten the message: “Take care of Metro’s neglected issues.”

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We’ve seen Nashville’s recent prosperity cause growing pains, most notably for those who struggle to make ends meet. Unaffordable housing, struggling public education and rising costs of living are growth’s challenging consequences, making things difficult for the everyday Nashvillian.
