
Getting Started: Finding an Evaluation Agency

NACES does not perform credential evaluations. However, our members do and can assist you with all your needs pertaining to evaluation services. They can answer all questions related to your specific situation and process. All our members are in good standing, and should be contacted directly for assistance. They are located across the US and work with clients electronically from around the world. Therefore there is no need to be in geographic proximity to an agency. See the directory of NACES members below.

Directory of NACES Members

Please select a NACES member organization from the list below. This list provides links to each member’s website – contact our members directly for information about their services, fees, and requirements.

Current Members

A2Z Evaluations, LLC

Member since May 2009

Academic Evaluation Services, Inc.

Member since May 2008

Center for Applied Research, Evaluation and Education, Inc.

Member since March 1987

Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.

Member since March 1987

Educational Perspectives, nfp

Member since April 2003

Educational Records Evaluation Service, Inc.

Member since April 1993

Foreign Academic Credential Service, Inc.

Member since March 1987

Foundation for International Services, Inc.

Member since March 1987

Global Credential Evaluators, Inc.

Member since March 2004

Globe Language Services

Member since May 2022

Former Members

Education Evaluators International

Member 1991 – February 2009

Education International, Inc.

Member 1987 – January 2014


Member 2007 – December 2018

Evaluation Service, Inc.

Member 1991 – December 2022

Foreign Educational Document Service

Member 1994 – December 2013

Global Services Associates, Inc.

Member 2000 – December 2021