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Rage at Holyrood as SNP 'sneak out' Cass Review response on General Election results day

8 replies

fromorbit · 05/07/2024 20:22

Luckily the SNP weren't as clever in the rest of their election campaign. Scottish NHS is accepting the report i.e the pesky women were right all along.

J.K. Rowling
The use of puberty blockers has been halted in Scotland. Our government chose a nice, quiet news day to slip out the announcement that they'll be implementing the recommendations of the #CassReview.

MSPs and campaigners have been waiting for a response to the Cass Review for nearly three months... and to their utter fury and disbelief it has now been published at the same time as the biggest political story in years

OP posts:
Userxyd · 06/07/2024 06:57

Thanks for sharing. So Kier Starmer in the debates did concede he agreed with safe spaces for biological women. Yet eg. Scotland Greens saying they hope they can now achieve the GR reform they've been waiting for.
Rosie Duffield, Kemi, Tonia all still have seats. Cass in HoL - where do we stand on SS spaces and safety for WAG?

ArabellaScott · 06/07/2024 07:03

Well, good. It's.a start.

Thingybob · 06/07/2024 07:43

Has anyone read the response?

This jumped out at me at the end

"National Gender Identity Healthcare Reference Group
Established in early 2022, the National Gender Identity Healthcare Reference Group advises on the ongoing implementation of actions outlined in our 2021 Framework. The Reference Group includes Health Board representation, LGBT organisations, clinicians, academics and people with lived experience of using gender identity healthcare. This reference group is not a clinical oversight forum.
It brings together a wide range of stakeholders for the collective aim of improving provision of gender identity healthcare.
It is right that the specific recommendations from the Cass Review are considered by senior clinicians and not by the Reference Group"

TheywontletmehavethenameIwant · 06/07/2024 08:30

Thingybob · 06/07/2024 07:43

Has anyone read the response?

This jumped out at me at the end

"National Gender Identity Healthcare Reference Group
Established in early 2022, the National Gender Identity Healthcare Reference Group advises on the ongoing implementation of actions outlined in our 2021 Framework. The Reference Group includes Health Board representation, LGBT organisations, clinicians, academics and people with lived experience of using gender identity healthcare. This reference group is not a clinical oversight forum.
It brings together a wide range of stakeholders for the collective aim of improving provision of gender identity healthcare.
It is right that the specific recommendations from the Cass Review are considered by senior clinicians and not by the Reference Group"

Thanks for this, I'm going to save it for now, perhaps I can email it to my AM and ask her why Wales's response isn't in the same vein.

It is right that the specific recommendations from the Cass Review are considered by senior clinicians and not by the Reference Group"

I'm especially going to work that part in to my email.

theilltemperedclavecinist · 06/07/2024 09:45

It's just cynical politicking to criticise them for the timing. The response could have been ready for anything up to six weeks, but electoral rules barred them from releasing it until after the election.

lcakethereforeIam · 06/07/2024 10:45

I'm tending to agree the criticism re. timing is possibly not entirely warranted, but if it makes a few eye catching headlines 🤔

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