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Brighto & Hove Trans Toolkit

11 replies

Bunty2727 · 05/07/2024 14:08

I live in Hove, I dont have children. However I still feel affected. I saw this case months ago, of a local family bringing a case because their child was being socially transitioned by the school. Every so often I have googled to see what happened. This is the most recent thing I can find, implies that the Kit is currently under review with the involvement of parents. Is this the case (if you are a parent in B&H)? Im wondering how many Stonewall/Trans Activists they have consulting them on its future use? Im seriously considering moving after decades of being happy here, Brighton is so captured.

OP posts:
IdealHomeExhibition · 05/07/2024 17:32

You just have to walk around Brighton for 5 minutes to see how captured it is. Everywhere you look it's men in dresses and women obviously on t with male partern baldness and teenage bum fluff.

HoneyButterPopcorn · 05/07/2024 19:44

Last time I was there I saw more men pushing fur babies around in prams.

odd place.

VictorianBigot · 05/07/2024 21:01

I’m in Hove too. I’ve never liked Brighton much or felt very safe there so avoid going into the centre. It is very captured. I’ve given up on dating now but when I was dating a couple of years ago I had several first (and last) dates with men who randomly slotted trans stuff into the conversation with the arrogant assumption I was 100% on board with what they were saying. As if it were a given in the way condemning Hitler is a given. I don’t know if they thought it made them sound compassionate or woke or what but I doubt they actually gave a shit about trans people. A lot of the dating profiles say ‘No TERFS’. I’ve also had it with women I’ve got friendly with.

I did Bumble BFF for a while and there were a lot of men in wigs on that. A lesbian friend gave up on online dating because she said it was saturated with men in dresses.

I genuinely have no idea how common this is in other areas, if Brighton is just a vocal bubble. I’m hoping to be in a position to move away in the next couple of years. Women like me are clearly unwelcome.

hellointernet12 · 06/07/2024 05:12

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hellointernet12 · 06/07/2024 05:18

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Grammarnut · 06/07/2024 07:58

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So they'd like the world to be one long fetish party? Mmmm.

RayneBowTrout · 06/07/2024 08:50

I live in Hove and have done for over 2 decades and I too feel like moving. At the last LWS in Brighton I managed to listen and talk to a few local women over the ca'cockphoney of the masked, women hating, bully boys and I came away so mad, sad and anxious and the residue of these feelings still cling. Although the article is quite old I haven't found anything more recent.

UpThePankhurst · 06/07/2024 09:24

Identifying as being kind and free and inclusive is not the same as actually being kind, free and inclusive. And as always with identifying, the actions are cancelling out the words.

And yes, it's all as tedious as fuck, and those who would actually like to just meet other LGB people and be normal as opposed to playing the identity games and the behold the magical wonder of me games have all gone underground. You'd think they could have just had another club next door to the identitarian ones and everyone could have left each other alone and been fine, you know, mutual tolerance. But the be kind and tolerant gang don't tolerate that.

VictorianBigot · 06/07/2024 09:55

@RayneBowTrout I watched the livestream of LWS and saw the footage of the walk up Church St afterwards. It was horrifying. I felt so anxious watching all the abuse and it’s been on my mind since. I said on another thread that I’ve so much admiration for the women who attended.

@hellointernet12 I’ve had a similar experience. Dropped when you’re no longer useful or right-on enough. A close friend I’d have done - and did - bloody anything for dropped me over a combination of my GC beliefs (aka reality) and because I wouldn’t get into discussions with her over Israel/Palestine. I think she’s now involved with some sort of antifa thing. I’ve stopped trying to meet new people because it doesn’t seem worth the effort. Just biding my time until I can get out of here.

Valdor · 06/07/2024 09:59

@Bunty2727 lease send an email to Bella Stanley head of the council stating your concerns as a resident. Bella has a habit of pretending she has never heard about any issues and we like to catch her out.

just a quick one. Say anything but please send it.

Brighton & Hove City Council - Councillor details - Councillor Bella Sankey

Delivering 24 hour council services to residents, visitors and businesses in Brighton & Hove

UtilitarianNameChange · 06/07/2024 10:32

My best friend of 30+ years recently sold up and left Brighton after living there for more than a decade. A combo of the Green council’s weed-infested bike lanes to nowhere (she’s a dedicated cyclist) and shit recycling boxes, no female-only change at the baths and the general lost-reality vibe.

She’s back in Camden (and pissed off about the heath ladies bathing pond!) and I no longer have to go to Brighton 2x a year to see her (phew).

Would love an update on the Toolkit as that one has been used to influence schools elsewhere to (Herts specifically).

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