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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

It's the morning after, what next?

26 replies

averylongtimeago · 05/07/2024 08:57

As expected, Labour have won, with a big majority.
So: what next for women's rights?

Many will have voted Labour despite their misgivings about their stance on gender woo. I'm not judging anyone for voting to get rid of the Tories, I'm very happy that our local revolting Tory has finally been outed and we have a labour Mp for the first time in over 20 years.

So: what next, how can we stop Labour from destroying the advances against the gender steamroller?

OP posts:
Iamawomenphenominally · 05/07/2024 09:03

Wondering the same thing today.

I had no belief that the Tories gave a shiny shit about women's rights either btw. Their claims to be anti trans were just the same as their claims they'd introduce National Service, a desperate attempt to increase votes. I voted Labour as they are broadly where my political beliefs lie. The issues of women's rights did make a huge sticking point for me (and I'm not a huge fan of Kier as leader) but they were the least scary group for me this election which given their stance on women's rights shows what slim pickings we had. 😔

We have a lot of work to do protecting women's rights and women's spaces. I'm hoping the tide turning in Scotland will help us in England but we all need to be Janes. To keep up the conversation. To make it a public talking point. To not let it lie.

PeppercornMill · 05/07/2024 09:21

The trans issues continue to bring down many politicians.

Labour plan to ban any other therapy than affirmative transgender therapy within 100 days.

If there are loud enough protests and they can't get the legislation passed silently the resentment will grow.

If I was Labour and wanted to keep the good will I wouldn't touch the trans issues for a couple of years.

dougalfromthemagicroundabout · 05/07/2024 09:36

I think we need to pivot to court cases against businesses. At the moment they implement woke policies (like allowing any man who wants to into mislabelled women's spaces) because there's not been much push back, but it's essentially consumer fraud.

The case against a gym is important in that regard (sorry can't remember the name of the woman bringing it - bloody menopause).

If it becomes unattractive to insurers and consumers to have mixed sex spaces then that will help.

maudelovesharold · 05/07/2024 09:40

Their claims to be anti trans were just the same as their claims they'd introduce National Service

I couldn’t bring myself to vote for them, but I don’t think the Tories are anti-trans? It’s not anti-trans to protect women’s rights.

Theeyeballsinthesky · 05/07/2024 09:43

Feet to the fire basically

Constant pressure

DesparatePragmatist · 05/07/2024 09:47

I'm planning to write to my new Labour MP to tell him I want him to be a voice for women's rights, and children's and autistic people's safety, and make it clear that I want Labour to improve their policy stance on this markedly. I'd love this to be part of a massive nationwide response from constituents. I'd even more love someone like Sex Natters to co-ordinate a letter-writing campaign and help with wording and points - maybe they already are!

DesparatePragmatist · 05/07/2024 09:48

*Sex Matters - this board could be called Sex Natters... 🙄

YahdahYahdayYoo · 05/07/2024 09:51

DesparatePragmatist · 05/07/2024 09:47

I'm planning to write to my new Labour MP to tell him I want him to be a voice for women's rights, and children's and autistic people's safety, and make it clear that I want Labour to improve their policy stance on this markedly. I'd love this to be part of a massive nationwide response from constituents. I'd even more love someone like Sex Natters to co-ordinate a letter-writing campaign and help with wording and points - maybe they already are!

Good point. I'll do the same. I have a new LD MP who at the very least accepts biological sex. I'm hoping to move her thinking forward.

user1471538275 · 05/07/2024 09:55

We keep on keeping on.

We have gained legal standing - our views are now shown to be acceptable and we should hold on to that.

We can and should talk openly about what we believe.

We should resist and reject the use of gender ideology language and ideas - without rancour, just continuing to use sexed language and if challenged we have the right to say 'that isn't part of my belief system'.

In short, we carry on fighting - we can do it quietly or openly depending on what we can manage/our personal circumstances.

dougalfromthemagicroundabout · 05/07/2024 09:59

We also need to push on child safeguarding and schools being held to account when they are breaching safeguarding. Which they're already doing. Mixed sex toilets are illegal, so any school doing that needs a court case against them. This is what I want to fund next.

Parents need to band together to push back too, it's happening in my DD's school, and it's having an effect.

TheABC · 05/07/2024 10:01

Three-pronged approach.

  1. Push back against gender ideology in schools. The new education secretary is a full on TWAW handmaiden, but Cass is now in the House of Lords.

  2. Support and fund court cases. The Wings over Scotland High Court case will be a flash point, as will Sarah's case against Rape Crisis in Sussex.

  3. Take control of the narrative. We're asking for single sex spaces, sports and safeguarding. That's not anti-trans and it's not unreasonable.
Valdor · 05/07/2024 10:03

Write to your new MP - TODAY and ask them to state they support women's rights, state your position etc et c and ask them to represent you in parliament. That is their job regardless of if you voted for them

It's really easy, take 3 minutes

Go do it now. I have already written to Sian Berry

DialSquare · 05/07/2024 10:05

I too will be writing to my new Labour MP. Let's see what he comes back with.

averylongtimeago · 05/07/2024 10:14

Yes! "We all need to be Janes"


OP posts:
HoneyButterPopcorn · 05/07/2024 10:20

YahdahYahdayYoo · 05/07/2024 09:51

Good point. I'll do the same. I have a new LD MP who at the very least accepts biological sex. I'm hoping to move her thinking forward.

Mine refused to engage. She is always just having photo ops with the bloody mayor who is well TWAW so I guess we are stuffed.

Billyballyboo · 05/07/2024 10:22

My labour MP has consistently refused to address my concerns and just emails back guff about inclusivity and how the party are committed to equality etc. I expect nothing from them apart from a worse situation - self ID, erosion of sex based spaces, sex being replaced with gender etc. We keep campaigning.

HoneyButterPopcorn · 05/07/2024 10:25

How can they bang on about ‘inclusivity’ of a group of (mostly) men who popped up a few years ago screaming about their ‘rights’ which are actually women’s hard fought for rights?

men in women’s spaces and places exclude women - so not very inclusive is it?

UpThePankhurst · 05/07/2024 10:33

DesparatePragmatist · 05/07/2024 09:47

I'm planning to write to my new Labour MP to tell him I want him to be a voice for women's rights, and children's and autistic people's safety, and make it clear that I want Labour to improve their policy stance on this markedly. I'd love this to be part of a massive nationwide response from constituents. I'd even more love someone like Sex Natters to co-ordinate a letter-writing campaign and help with wording and points - maybe they already are!

My new Labour MP is a misogynist twit with the Daddy Knows Best tone pinned right down, and has the true Labour incapacity to hear anything a woman says, or to cope with anything other than the Views of Self Righteousness. Writing anything to him is fairly pointless.

It's fine. Let's see if he can do any better with the local situation than the previous incumbent, it would be great if he could, and I'll wait to see how to support and work with women's organisations. There's a lot of things they're promising in theory that are about to have a whole lot of reality to face. And identifying as the reality not being there is not going to work too well.

Valdor · 05/07/2024 10:39

Billyballyboo · 05/07/2024 10:22

My labour MP has consistently refused to address my concerns and just emails back guff about inclusivity and how the party are committed to equality etc. I expect nothing from them apart from a worse situation - self ID, erosion of sex based spaces, sex being replaced with gender etc. We keep campaigning.

So - let me tell you a secret - ChatGPT, the 4o version, is stupidly good at arguing back in letters, without you sounding angry or irrational. I literally put the response to my own letters in, say "this is what they said, tell them they are wrong because of this and this and write me a reply" and it does and its great and takes 30 seconds.

TheywontletmehavethenameIwant · 05/07/2024 15:23

We have groups like Sex Matters etc and personality's like JKR etc who will continue to monitor the situation. They won't be able to bring anything thing in quietly or through the back door because we will be watching. 👁😳👀

cavalier · 05/07/2024 15:23

maudelovesharold · 05/07/2024 09:40

Their claims to be anti trans were just the same as their claims they'd introduce National Service

I couldn’t bring myself to vote for them, but I don’t think the Tories are anti-trans? It’s not anti-trans to protect women’s rights.

Absolutely and I feel for many of the trans community because they just want to get on with their lives and not impinge on our safe spaces … There’s a menace of this rubbish seeping out to intimidate women and whoever it is is loving it

Ramblingnamechanger · 05/07/2024 16:12

I would like to see an early meeting between the leadership and the women’s and feminist groups suggested by JKR. This would show some willingness to engage at the very least. If they won’t on this , then I can’t see them being particularly keen on women’s rights more generally

duc748 · 05/07/2024 18:18

Ramblingnamechanger · 05/07/2024 16:12

I would like to see an early meeting between the leadership and the women’s and feminist groups suggested by JKR. This would show some willingness to engage at the very least. If they won’t on this , then I can’t see them being particularly keen on women’s rights more generally

There'd be furrowed brows at that round the Cabinet table from the likes of Dodds and Nandy. Actually I'd be surprised if it happened.


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radiatorbed · 05/07/2024 18:23

maudelovesharold · 05/07/2024 09:40

Their claims to be anti trans were just the same as their claims they'd introduce National Service

I couldn’t bring myself to vote for them, but I don’t think the Tories are anti-trans? It’s not anti-trans to protect women’s rights.


Abhannmor · 05/07/2024 18:31

duc748 · 05/07/2024 18:18

There'd be furrowed brows at that round the Cabinet table from the likes of Dodds and Nandy. Actually I'd be surprised if it happened.

Poor Dodds. Her brow is always furrowed.

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