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Bridget Phillipson as Education Secretary

10 replies

BonfireLady · 04/07/2024 23:29

It's obviously no surprise that Bridget has been elected. The first MP to be elected has sadly demonstrated on multiple occasions that she doesn't understand the impact of gender identity belief on vulnerable children.

Bridget, I doubt you'll read this. You've won now so MN voters don't matter, right?

If you happen to stumble on this thread, here is the ask:

  1. bring the Gender Questioning Children guidance in as a statutory measure, with adjustments to help schools to support children who are specifically vulnerable to body disassociation
  2. deliver on the removal of gender identity belief from the curriculum (RHSE and academic subjects)
  3. prioritise the safeguarding that has been identified in the KCSIE 2024 guidance for gender questioning children and those who feel that they may be LGB
OP posts:
FigRollsAlly · 05/07/2024 00:43

She comes across as quite hard and dogmatic and criticised the Cass report for some of its tone/language so I’m feeling a bit pessimistic. Still, at least we have Hilary Cass herself in the Lords now!

BonfireLady · 05/07/2024 11:41

Yes, I'm pessimistic too.

I haven't yet responded to the RHSE consultation but will do before the deadline. It may feel futile but I'm hoping that pressure will be kept on the new government to prioritise safeguarding in schools and to mitigate the harmful impact of gender identity belief.

Ironically, Dr Cass is a believer but is a safer pair of hands than Bridget Phillipson on this one.

Without decent Gender Questioning Children and RHSE guidance, the pipeline from schools to gender clinics will be maintained. Even the KCSIE guidance that is coming in in September says that the section covering gender identity (belief) is subject to change.

I don't want to go in to details but my own "journey" on the education side of things has taken a frustrating and potentially concerning twist. The headline is that (lack of) safeguarding is the focal point. I think it's navigable but it's not going to be much fun.

OP posts:
Signalbox · 05/07/2024 12:17

Think it’s important that as many women as possible complete the consultation. We can’t risk going backwards on this. We must get this brainwashing out of schools. We can send Labour a strong message via the consultation.

Review of the RSHE statutory guidance - Department for Education - Citizen Space

Find and participate in consultations run by the Department for Education

WarriorN · 05/07/2024 13:03

Will there perhaps be a big reshuffle?

MarkWithaC · 05/07/2024 13:13

WarriorN · 05/07/2024 13:03

Will there perhaps be a big reshuffle?

I think so. I don’t know though whether he’ll move her, or if he thinks the public is happy with someone like Philipson in education. Time for us all to write to our MPs and make our opinions heard, I guess.

Floisme · 05/07/2024 13:27

I'd previously understood that Phillipson was secretly GC. If she is, she must be a very good Poker player to keep it so hidden.

I'm also watching to see whether they leave Wes Streeting in charge of health. I'll bet there's a lot of lobbying going on right now to move him.

WarriorN · 05/07/2024 15:07

For non twitters

Bridget Phillipson as Education Secretary
BonfireLady · 05/07/2024 15:53

Floisme · 05/07/2024 13:27

I'd previously understood that Phillipson was secretly GC. If she is, she must be a very good Poker player to keep it so hidden.

I'm also watching to see whether they leave Wes Streeting in charge of health. I'll bet there's a lot of lobbying going on right now to move him.

I don't trust her one bit. I had also heard this but if she's secretly "GC", she's hiding it well!

When interviewed by Laura Kuenssberg (who unfortunately muddled up the RHSE and Gender Questioning Children guidance when asking the question), she said that the GQC guidance had language in it that was problematic and partisan.
Most of the document was very dry and factual, so I can only assume that she was referring to the part about the contested belief.
When the legal review of this document got leaked to the press, this part was marked up as something like that. I can't remember the exact words on the mark up but will try and find it.

It's critical that the wording about it being a belief that not everyone holds stays in. It makes it clear that not everyone believes we have a gender identity i.e. it's not factual.

Yes, it'll be interesting to see if he remains in place on health. Given the alternatives, he's probably the best bet for a positive outcome re the Cass Report recommendations. So I hope he does.

Bridget Phillipson as Education Secretary
OP posts:
WarriorN · 05/07/2024 16:02

I'd heard this too but couldn't believe it after her interview a couple of weeks ago.

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