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POW candidate mocked by Northumbria police for reporting threat.

95 replies

WarriorN · 04/07/2024 19:12

1/2 Breaking!!!! A #PartyofWomen candidate reported a threat to @ northumbriapol @ POWLizPanton

They did not take the threat seriously and put the phone down on her… or so they thought. In fact, the line stayed open and we have the recording of what was said:

PC 1: What does she think happens? You have put yourself out there, as the voice of the people, and people out there don't like what you have to say.

PC2: She accepted that in all fairness. I don't think there's any real credible threat.

PC1: Ah she won't accept that. She's made reference to getting punched and tagging her leaflet. But you were giving them out! You cannot take back the fact that you are handing the fucking things out! I don't get it!

Male voice: "If anyone's going to come and punch her it's going to be . . .”

PC1: “ME!”

PC2: (Laughing) Punch a Nazi!

Two of the officers were female. They work for @ sCCJardineNP

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OP posts:
namesnamez · 04/07/2024 20:45

Recording won't play for me, anyone else?

namesnamez · 04/07/2024 20:46

Also mass reporting on Twitter by the looks of it, every comment is hidden as 'spam'

PurpleSparkledPixie · 04/07/2024 20:47

Good. I went back to get that last PCs words and it had gone. Something about "and this is why I want to fucking kill them all".

ChishiyaBat · 04/07/2024 20:49

PurpleSparkledPixie · 04/07/2024 20:47

Good. I went back to get that last PCs words and it had gone. Something about "and this is why I want to fucking kill them all".

The one officer said "this is why I won't vote" and the other one said "this is why I want to kill them all" or close to that.

PronounssheRa · 04/07/2024 20:51

Last words were along the lines of:

That's why I won't vote
I want to kill them all.

I think at that point she was talking about politicians or prospective candidates, in general rather than just women.

PepeParapluie · 04/07/2024 21:05

This is horrifying. I don’t know why I’m surprised given the track record of police in this country, but that is so shocking to hear. There had better be an investigation into this, this can’t be left unaddressed.

Christinapple · 04/07/2024 21:07

Is this the one who was warned by police then went online abusing the police and using homophobic and transphobic slurs?

UpThePankhurst · 04/07/2024 21:09

Oh so punching her is fine and the police behaviour absolutely justified?

PepeParapluie · 04/07/2024 21:09

I can see the post of the audio again here

PepeParapluie · 04/07/2024 21:11

Christinapple · 04/07/2024 21:07

Is this the one who was warned by police then went online abusing the police and using homophobic and transphobic slurs?

If you mean is this the same candidate as the one KJK phoned the police about while she was streaming, no, I don’t think so.

Not that it would make any of this okay if it was the same one.

dotcombubble · 04/07/2024 21:11

PepeParapluie · 04/07/2024 21:05

This is horrifying. I don’t know why I’m surprised given the track record of police in this country, but that is so shocking to hear. There had better be an investigation into this, this can’t be left unaddressed.

Oh it will be," lessons will be learnt "

Christinapple · 04/07/2024 21:19

PepeParapluie · 04/07/2024 21:11

If you mean is this the same candidate as the one KJK phoned the police about while she was streaming, no, I don’t think so.

Not that it would make any of this okay if it was the same one.

Looks like a different one. Doesn't the fact not 1 but now 2 of these candidates are having trouble with the police tell you something?

I heard the KJK phone call and tbh I don't think KJK is doing her candidates any favours.

ArabellaScott · 04/07/2024 21:19

PepeParapluie · 04/07/2024 21:09

I can see the post of the audio again here

Thanks. What I found most chilling is taht the police think the solution to threats is for women to 'not go out'.

It's worse than disagreeing with a candidate's politicised and declining to support or protect them; it's saying that women should know not to say anything in public or to them expect threats.

Thoroughly depressing.

POW candidate mocked by Northumbria police for reporting threat.
POW candidate mocked by Northumbria police for reporting threat.
POW candidate mocked by Northumbria police for reporting threat.
ArabellaScott · 04/07/2024 21:20

Other screenshot.

Women, don't expect police to do anything to help.

POW candidate mocked by Northumbria police for reporting threat.
OvaHere · 04/07/2024 21:22

Wow. Disgusting behaviour.

PepeParapluie · 04/07/2024 21:24

You’re right @ArabellaScott, it’s chilling. A woman worried for her safety asks the police for help and their attitude is ‘don’t go out’, and ‘I can’t help you’. And ‘well if you express the wrong opinion yes you will get yourself into trouble’ (not a quote to be clear, just paraphrasing the message), which is clearly victim blaming and very frightening for free speech.


I feel very sad and worried tonight on the eve of this government change, I’m worried there is more of this to come.

PepeParapluie · 04/07/2024 21:24

Christinapple · 04/07/2024 21:19

Looks like a different one. Doesn't the fact not 1 but now 2 of these candidates are having trouble with the police tell you something?

I heard the KJK phone call and tbh I don't think KJK is doing her candidates any favours.

It tells me that the police have an issue with women. Especially ones who dare to speak up.

Hotgirlwinter · 04/07/2024 21:27

Absolutely no surprise there.

As with all posts about the police one must caveat that there are individuals doing amazing work, truly gods work to protect and fight for our most vulnerable.

Buuuut as a collective they can get in the bin.
It’s not a few bad apples, it’s a few good ones and the rest absolute trash

PronounssheRa · 04/07/2024 21:28


POW candidate mocked by Northumbria police for reporting threat.
POW candidate mocked by Northumbria police for reporting threat.
POW candidate mocked by Northumbria police for reporting threat.
yourhairiswinterfire · 04/07/2024 21:29

Doesn't the fact not 1 but now 2 of these candidates are having trouble with the police tell you something?

Her 'trouble with the police' being that she phoned them for help, to report a threat, and they joked about punching her and wanting to kill politicians when they thought they'd slammed the phone down on her.

That tells us something alright, that maybe it's the police that are the problem...

ArabellaScott · 04/07/2024 21:31

PronounssheRa · 04/07/2024 21:28


That reads very badly, but it's clearly a joke.

That's why I find it far more worrying that in all seriousness they are suggesting women should stay silent and out of politics, or stay in and expect to be threatened. That part was entirely serious, and shows a horrifying grasp of what the police's duty is.

Christinapple · 04/07/2024 21:32

PepeParapluie · 04/07/2024 21:24

You’re right @ArabellaScott, it’s chilling. A woman worried for her safety asks the police for help and their attitude is ‘don’t go out’, and ‘I can’t help you’. And ‘well if you express the wrong opinion yes you will get yourself into trouble’ (not a quote to be clear, just paraphrasing the message), which is clearly victim blaming and very frightening for free speech.


I feel very sad and worried tonight on the eve of this government change, I’m worried there is more of this to come.

"A woman worried for her safety"

But this specific woman we're referring to is a candidate for a party whose main focus is anti-trans, and the "worried for safety" party is directly related to how people are going to react when she chooses to go onto their property to dish out her anti-trans material to them? As I said in another thread (about the other POW candidate in trouble with police) how are actual trans people going to feel when they enter their property to hand them that??

Did I get it right? We're not talking about a random woman just walking down a street minding her own business?

And yes, obviously threats/causing fear is unacceptable and illegal, but people have a right to use their voice and express their opinions and I do hope people are telling these POW candidates (and other extreme-right hate parties) what they think of them when they have chosen to enter their property to give out hate.

RubyTrees · 04/07/2024 21:32

That tells us something alright, that maybe it's the police that are the problem...

And not just the male ones.

daffodilandtulip · 04/07/2024 21:33

I'm currently experiencing sexual harassment from a neighbour. The police laughed and said he won't carry out his threats, and won't do anything.

ArabellaScott · 04/07/2024 21:35

daffodilandtulip · 04/07/2024 21:33

I'm currently experiencing sexual harassment from a neighbour. The police laughed and said he won't carry out his threats, and won't do anything.

Horrendous. Can you complain?

I have a few friends who've unfortunately experienced abuse and threats recently, and our local police have been entirely exemplary, supportive and proactive.

Women everywhere should feel confident that the police have their back if they are brave enough to make a report.

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