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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

NotYourCisterinAus · 04/07/2024 02:14

I stopped watching the ABC after the Let Women Speak debacle in Melbourne last year. They were so eager to leap in with the "far right" and "Nazi" slurs.

To be honest, that was just the straw that broke the camel's back as far as I was concerned. I'd been getting increasingly frustrated by their trans puff pieces, and the way they labelled anything they disagreed with as "far right". (Haven't these people ever read the fable about the Boy Who Cried Wolf? There's a real far right in Australia, but we're not going to recognise it if everything right of the Labor Party is called "far right".)

The sad thing is, the ABC was once a trusted news source. Now I question everything they say.

GeorgeOrwellsTurningGrave · 04/07/2024 07:09

I have a very good, usually smart, friend in TV (in the UK) who has started to call anyone who disagrees with her adopted post modernist views 'Far Right'. It's a mind virus.

TheSandgroper · 04/07/2024 08:00

@NotYourCisterinAus yes, for a legislated evenhanded organisation, they have a lot of firm opinions.

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