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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Women’s health

6 replies

Rosienose · 03/07/2024 21:09

OP posts:
Iheartmysmart · 03/07/2024 21:25

Doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. My dad went to his GP with a couple of symptoms of Parkinson’s. He was immediately referred for further tests which were fortunately clear. My mum went a few months later with the same symptoms and was told it was stress. It took numerous visits over three years to finally get referred. Guess what, she actually does have Parkinson’s and a referral when she first noticed the signs would have made a huge difference to her quality of life now. I’m beyond furious with her GP - who is male!

JellySaurus · 03/07/2024 21:29

An article about women's health, about conditions that only affect women, about medical society's attitudes to women's experiences. Excellent - and awful. But they have to wedge in genderwoo:

female, intersex and gender diverse populations

Because that's really relevant, isn't it? I'd like to believe they're talking about intersectionality, about how other aspects of your life influence your uniquely female experiences, but I doubt they are.

If they said And researchers will soon be able to examine how key diseases are experienced in female^ populations including intersex and gender diverse^ females, that would make sense. But, no, let's pretend that this pregnant person could be something other than female. Because that makes such a lot of medical sense, and process wonderfully relevant data.

fabricstash · 03/07/2024 21:29

There is a notable difference between how I have been treated and my partner over the years. GPs think female pain levels are make believe. I have female friends treated despicably! People (men) more interested in erectile dysfunction than female health

fabricstash · 03/07/2024 21:30

Iheartmysmart · 03/07/2024 21:25

Doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. My dad went to his GP with a couple of symptoms of Parkinson’s. He was immediately referred for further tests which were fortunately clear. My mum went a few months later with the same symptoms and was told it was stress. It took numerous visits over three years to finally get referred. Guess what, she actually does have Parkinson’s and a referral when she first noticed the signs would have made a huge difference to her quality of life now. I’m beyond furious with her GP - who is male!

This is appalling but not surprising

Seriestwo · 03/07/2024 21:37

Nothung changes.

PurpleWhiteGreen123 · 03/07/2024 22:12

Although plenty of female practitioners have written about this very subject and research has been conducted, things are slow to change with attitudes in the NHS.

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