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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Helen Whately (Con) / Mel Dawkins (Lab) - any thoughts?

4 replies

Violet80 · 03/07/2024 15:15

I'm Faversham and Mid Kent, usually Tory run and pretty sure it will be again tomorrow.

I have no enthusiasm about voting this time. I don't want the Tories in power anymore, I want a change, but am so conflicted about who to vote for. Local talk is mostly about potholes, I've searched online and and Mel Dawkins doesn't seem to have much press or detailed info I can find on her views?

I would have voted Labour if they still stood for the traditional things they used to. I honestly don't know who to vote for though. Thanks to Keir Starmer and many Labour MP's being so dismissive of the rights of women and girls, or protecting same sex spaces, and prioritising being kind / treating trans identifying people with dignity and respect etc etc. I'm sick of hearing it.

Is there even any point looking into my local candidates particularly? The Labour machine will just quash any MP's that go against the script won't they?

So maybe I should just think in terms of the party and their leader, rather than my local candidates individually? I'm a feminist, I have a teen dd I want to protect, should I just vote for the usual Conservative MP? She's likely to win anyway. Dh is voting Labour, I guess we would just cancel each other out if I vote Tory... Sigh

Any advice / thoughts please?

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LaundryOnTheLine · 03/07/2024 15:29

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CassieMaddox · 03/07/2024 15:30
Norugratsatall · 03/07/2024 18:19

I'm also Faversham OP and have the same dilemma. Desperately hope we can get Whately out this time.

Violet80 · 04/07/2024 19:34

@CassieMaddox Thanks that's really helpful, and any links to Rosie Duffield can only be positive imo

@Norugratsatall It really has been a dilemma, if we had Rosie Duffield like Canterbury it would have been a no brainier! Well it's time to decide for me now, dh home from work so as soon as dinner's finished we're heading down to our village hall to vote!

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