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Brighton Pav: Green or Red - WWYD?

25 replies

greenorlabourwhattodo · 02/07/2024 18:13

Labour - Tom Grey, looks like a nice local bloke, good campaigning history.
Green - Sian Berry, looks shit, Caroline Lucas was fab and but Sian doesn't look like she'd do anything for Brighton to help people. Green policy is MENTAL.

Vote Labour based on Candidate
Vote Green based on Labour's ignoring of Cass and removal of spousal veto.
Vote Green but lie to people as say I voted for Labour as Tom is the better option locally.


OP posts:
BlackForestCake · 02/07/2024 18:54

I can see you have listed pros and cons of voting Labour, but you haven't any positive reason to vote Green so why is it an option?

TheCultureHusks · 02/07/2024 18:56

I would never in a million years vote Green in this situation.

greenorlabourwhattodo · 02/07/2024 18:59

not voting green. Well I read their manifesto and do not want to pay 8% NI and do not want nuclear disarmament. The last country that did that was Ukraine.

I think a lot of people in Brighton will vote green just coz we like having the only green MP. Caroline was great as I said, but Sian doesn’t strike me in the same way.

OP posts:
OldCrone · 02/07/2024 19:17

Vote Green based on Labour's ignoring of Cass and removal of spousal veto.

Why would you vote Green? This is from their manifesto.

The Green Party supports self-ID, so that trans
and non-binary people could be legally recognised
in their chosen gender through self-declaration.
We also support ending the spousal veto so that
married trans people can acquire their gender
recognition certification without having to obtain
permission from their spouse, and to change
the law so an X gender marker can be added to
passports for non-binary and intersex people who
wish to use it.

They don't even mention the Cass review.

Holeinamole · 02/07/2024 19:28

Tricky. I really don’t like the Greens and them not having a single MP in Parliament would be wonderful. How big are their chances in Bristol?

AtrociousCircumstance · 02/07/2024 19:29

Greens are the most anti-woman of all.

combinationpadlock · 02/07/2024 19:33

we desperately need someone in parliament who is going to prioritise the environment. Or failing that, we need people in parliament who know they were nearly beaten by a green, and that to keep their constituency, they are going to have to prioritise the environment more themselves.

Omlettes · 02/07/2024 19:33

Was in the GP for 8 years and left because of Challenor and the way the GP handled it. Sian Berry was very involved and supportive of Challenor even after it all came out and helped hound Andy Healey out of the party.
She is very bad news, I will not be voting GP. Nor, after a condescending response from myLabours GP office will I be voting for them.
For the first time ever I will spoil my ballot.

Omlettes · 02/07/2024 19:36

'we desperately need someone in parliament who is going to prioritise the environment. Or failing that, we need people in parliament who know they were nearly beaten by a green, and that to keep their constituency, they are going to have to prioritise the environment more themselves.'
We absolutely do, but the GP are no longer it. We need to pressure all the parties, and not assume the GP first priority is the environment any more.

greenorlabourwhattodo · 02/07/2024 19:41

I mean when you lay it out like that esp that Sian Berry supported Chanellnor then it’s spoil my ballot or vote Labour.

Does anyone else wish they could drink the koolaid? If I only believe that Kier will implement Cass and protect women’s single spaces.

OP posts:
combinationpadlock · 02/07/2024 19:47

Omlettes · 02/07/2024 19:36

'we desperately need someone in parliament who is going to prioritise the environment. Or failing that, we need people in parliament who know they were nearly beaten by a green, and that to keep their constituency, they are going to have to prioritise the environment more themselves.'
We absolutely do, but the GP are no longer it. We need to pressure all the parties, and not assume the GP first priority is the environment any more.

For the vast majority of people in the Green party, the environment IS their main priority

RoyalCorgi · 02/07/2024 19:54

Vote Labour! Berry is dreadful, absolutely dreadful.

greenorlabourwhattodo · 02/07/2024 20:03

Ok Labour it is

OP posts:
UtilitarianNameChange · 02/07/2024 20:32

The Labour candidate was considered the best option for GC members when the candidate nominations were happening locally, what that was based on I could not say! Possibly just that he’s not Eddie Izzard!

Hurrayelectionday · 04/07/2024 08:46

It’s just occurred to me that I haven’t had a single knock on the door nor encountered any canvassing. I can’t imagine we are still a safe Green seat?! It was useful having Caroline Lucas in Parliament and she had my vote but SG - a big nope.

I looked up Tom Gray (Grey?) a while back and other than music royalties couldn’t figure much out what he was about. I figured it would be much clearer nearer the time… but I’m none the wiser.

@UtilitarianNameChange “not Eddie Izzard” is probably good enough!

I will be voting labour as much - as I care about what’s happening with the erosion of women’s rights. We badly need a change of government.

Quisisana · 04/07/2024 08:50

Sadly I think the GP are both bad for the environment and bad for women. No way would I vote for them.

PiningForTheMoon · 04/07/2024 11:52

I’m in the same constituency and I’m still undecided.

I have never voted Tory and there are lots of stuff ai don’t like about the Conservatives. But how can I vote for Labour when people like David Lammy are in the party?

I hoped that Keir’s declaration at the weekend might help me to choose but I want more definite answers and ai want consistency across the party.

I actually moved here to be in a Green constituency (naïve) but there’s no way I’m voting for them this time.

Valdor · 04/07/2024 11:57

Red. Greens knocked yesterday, it's too close. Sian is terrible.

IWilloBeACervix · 04/07/2024 12:14

Sian Berry lives in London, was voted into the London council and immediately dropped her seat, (so one of her favourites could have it) to be able to stand for Brighton.
If I were in Brighton I’d be voting Labour to keep her out.

maltravers · 04/07/2024 12:43

IWilloBeACervix · 04/07/2024 12:14

Sian Berry lives in London, was voted into the London council and immediately dropped her seat, (so one of her favourites could have it) to be able to stand for Brighton.
If I were in Brighton I’d be voting Labour to keep her out.

This above, Berry clearly has no integrity and that’s before you consider the greens’ woeful attitude to women (or “non-men” as they charmingly termed us for a while) and mad ideological pursuit of all things GI/trans.

combinationpadlock · 04/07/2024 17:27

IWilloBeACervix · 04/07/2024 12:14

Sian Berry lives in London, was voted into the London council and immediately dropped her seat, (so one of her favourites could have it) to be able to stand for Brighton.
If I were in Brighton I’d be voting Labour to keep her out.

she lives in Brighton.

there is going to be a big labour majority. I think an few small alternative voices will be helpful. For a start, will be able to give the environmental perspective on labour policies.

UtilitarianNameChange · 04/07/2024 17:51

PiningForTheMoon · 04/07/2024 11:52

I’m in the same constituency and I’m still undecided.

I have never voted Tory and there are lots of stuff ai don’t like about the Conservatives. But how can I vote for Labour when people like David Lammy are in the party?

I hoped that Keir’s declaration at the weekend might help me to choose but I want more definite answers and ai want consistency across the party.

I actually moved here to be in a Green constituency (naïve) but there’s no way I’m voting for them this time.

My best friend of 30+ years recently moved back to London (Camden) after a decade in Brighton.
Said she couldn’t tolerate the Green council’s batshittery any longer.
Like you she once thought the Greens would be a net positive but the reality was rather different.

Omlettes · 04/07/2024 18:29

combinationpadlock · 02/07/2024 19:47

For the vast majority of people in the Green party, the environment IS their main priority

That may be true of a lot of members but not further up the chain.


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TWETMIRF · 04/07/2024 18:36

A party for the environment wouldn't be pushing hard to put perfectly healthy people on a cocktail of unnecessary drugs for the rest of their lives just because they don't follow sexist stereotypes.

Valdor · 04/07/2024 18:42

combinationpadlock · 04/07/2024 17:27

she lives in Brighton.

there is going to be a big labour majority. I think an few small alternative voices will be helpful. For a start, will be able to give the environmental perspective on labour policies.

I can quite Sian directly. I emailed her last week

”challenge the idea that the rights of women and girls are in competition with transpeople's rights. Indeed, having listened to service providers I know that's simply not the case.”

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