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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

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IdLikeToBeAFraser · 01/07/2024 11:13

LBC keeps asking this question - the two that Nick has done and there was another one the other day that I overeard but can't remember who the presenter was and never did hear who the interviewee was.

It's funny because LBC largely doesn't seem to get the issues but for whatever reason they do seem to be 100% behind this idea that labour need to actually SAY something.

What I cant work out is why aren't all these transactivists AS furious as the rest of us - with the exception of Angela Raynor, I haven't heard any labour politicians saying that yes, the transwoman absolutely MUSt use the women's toilet either.

UpThePankhurst · 01/07/2024 11:15

It points out the total abnegation of responsibility - which basically says to women, fuck you, you're on your own with these entitled blokes who want entitlement to your body and your intimate moments as your submission to their so very important identity. Show respect. Get a tit out today.

Runor · 01/07/2024 11:17

So “not my monkey, not my circus” - complete with some indications that Ashworth thinks the whole debate is far beneath him.

”establishments will make their own rules” {and there will be no mechanism to protect them if they choose a route the TRA’s don’t like}

I think we know exactly where this is going

Runor · 01/07/2024 11:20

IdLikeToBeAFraser · 01/07/2024 11:13

LBC keeps asking this question - the two that Nick has done and there was another one the other day that I overeard but can't remember who the presenter was and never did hear who the interviewee was.

It's funny because LBC largely doesn't seem to get the issues but for whatever reason they do seem to be 100% behind this idea that labour need to actually SAY something.

What I cant work out is why aren't all these transactivists AS furious as the rest of us - with the exception of Angela Raynor, I haven't heard any labour politicians saying that yes, the transwoman absolutely MUSt use the women's toilet either.

As many many posters have pointed out, Stonewall is remarkably quiet - maybe they’ve got a deal?

UpThePankhurst · 01/07/2024 11:21

The Song of the Left

I’m not a misogynist arsehole
(I’m really quite nice to my wife!)
But dear ladies, you really must realise that
Some poor men have a difficult life.

You see some men are ever so clever
And some men are ever so sad
And together we worked out your role in our needs
And we thought you’d be grateful and glad!

Now won’t you be kind and respectful?
Why make all this toxical fuss?
You surely, by now, must have realised that
You are not proper humans like us?

So take off your clothes like a good girl
Just get out your tits for a lad
What else is the point of a single sex space
Beyond cheering up males who are sad?

tearingitu · 01/07/2024 11:33

Genius up

Anarkandanaardvark · 01/07/2024 11:36

Brilliant @UpThePankhurst 👏

WickedSerious · 01/07/2024 12:26

UpThePankhurst · 01/07/2024 11:21

The Song of the Left

I’m not a misogynist arsehole
(I’m really quite nice to my wife!)
But dear ladies, you really must realise that
Some poor men have a difficult life.

You see some men are ever so clever
And some men are ever so sad
And together we worked out your role in our needs
And we thought you’d be grateful and glad!

Now won’t you be kind and respectful?
Why make all this toxical fuss?
You surely, by now, must have realised that
You are not proper humans like us?

So take off your clothes like a good girl
Just get out your tits for a lad
What else is the point of a single sex space
Beyond cheering up males who are sad?

Get this on a t shirt.

lcakethereforeIam · 01/07/2024 12:29

You can sing that to the tune of my Bonnie lives over the Ocean, if you leave out the chorus. Unless some clever viper can come up with some lyrics for that

Bring back, bring back, oh bring back female dig-ni-ty-e-e....?

There's got to be better.

Kucinghitam · 01/07/2024 12:33

UpThePankhurst · 01/07/2024 11:21

The Song of the Left

I’m not a misogynist arsehole
(I’m really quite nice to my wife!)
But dear ladies, you really must realise that
Some poor men have a difficult life.

You see some men are ever so clever
And some men are ever so sad
And together we worked out your role in our needs
And we thought you’d be grateful and glad!

Now won’t you be kind and respectful?
Why make all this toxical fuss?
You surely, by now, must have realised that
You are not proper humans like us?

So take off your clothes like a good girl
Just get out your tits for a lad
What else is the point of a single sex space
Beyond cheering up males who are sad?

That's amazing!

Geiyotue · 01/07/2024 12:38

lcakethereforeIam · 01/07/2024 12:29

You can sing that to the tune of my Bonnie lives over the Ocean, if you leave out the chorus. Unless some clever viper can come up with some lyrics for that

Bring back, bring back, oh bring back female dig-ni-ty-e-e....?

There's got to be better.

Women, oh women, oh why do you think you have equity?
Women, you women, you're always inferior to me.

FuzzyPuffling · 01/07/2024 14:02

Here's a chorus...

Bring back, bring back, oh bring back genetics to meeeeee
Bring back, bring back some proper XX dignity.

UtopiaPlanitia · 01/07/2024 14:52

That video says it all: I don't mean to be flippant, says Labour politician being flippant about women's rights in daily life being affected by legislation brought in by Labour.

Flowers4me · 01/07/2024 15:00

Brilliant @UpThePankhurst

FlirtsWithRhinos · 01/07/2024 16:26



A triumph!

CantDealwithChristmas · 01/07/2024 16:44

IdLikeToBeAFraser · 01/07/2024 11:13

LBC keeps asking this question - the two that Nick has done and there was another one the other day that I overeard but can't remember who the presenter was and never did hear who the interviewee was.

It's funny because LBC largely doesn't seem to get the issues but for whatever reason they do seem to be 100% behind this idea that labour need to actually SAY something.

What I cant work out is why aren't all these transactivists AS furious as the rest of us - with the exception of Angela Raynor, I haven't heard any labour politicians saying that yes, the transwoman absolutely MUSt use the women's toilet either.

LBC is, broadly, the talk radio station of the working and lower middle class - the very classes who are most immune to TRA madness. So no they may not 'get' the complexities of Butlerian gender woo or Jane Clare Jones's marxist materialist critiques, but they definitely 'get' how their listeners feel about the idea that womanhood is all about feelz.

They know that the TRA movement is posh wanky bullshit for a leisured class who want something to be opporessed about. And no, they're not going to let it lie.

Good on Nick Ferrari.

Bunpea · 01/07/2024 20:38

Runor · 01/07/2024 11:20

As many many posters have pointed out, Stonewall is remarkably quiet - maybe they’ve got a deal?

Yes, I think there’s a lot dealing (between Labour and anti- gender critical organisations) going on at the moment. The pro- trans lobby in Labour e.g. Angela Eagle, Stella Creasey etc are suspiciously quiet.

Stonewall quietly yesterday removed ‘cross dressers’ from its list of people it regards should be protected as being trans…a first small shuffle (it probably hoped would go unnoticed) in a series to shift its position to something where it will be immune from prosecution perhaps.

Tracker1234 · 01/07/2024 20:42

I love Ferrari… he had on James Clevely and Yvette Cooper the other day and Cooper came across as a pompous killjoy.

cavalier · 03/07/2024 21:57

Ferrari is great .. no messing and straight to the issue

PickleC · 03/07/2024 22:10

So his position is 'don't know, don't care, can't understand why you are bothering to ask'. Welcome to the brave new world

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