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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Ridiculous propaganda video from Australia

131 replies

Namechange98242 · 29/06/2024 13:00

This has to be a parody, right?!

OP posts:
Thelnebriati · 29/06/2024 13:04

Of course its a nasty woman who steps out of the lift, and nice men who offer to share a bus seat or help with a package. Men have nothing to fear and nothing to lose, and they aren't constantly aware of how vulnerable they are in relation to the people around them.
In Gavin de Beckers book 'The Gift of Fear', women are warned that there is no organisation of white knight men who are dedicated to helping women with their bags, and now we are being scolded for taking personal safety seriously.

fedupandstuck · 29/06/2024 13:05

Nope not a parody

Have a look at the other videos, particularly the "footy" one. Women are expected to welcome male people into contact sports with a smile. Anything else is apparently forbidden.

InWalksBarberalla · 29/06/2024 13:07

I wish it was a parody, but sadly not. The Victorian government is fully captured. They've put out at least one other ad as well - sports based one with a trans woman.

fedupandstuck · 29/06/2024 13:09

Also, women don't tend to walk out of a lift at the last minute just because a male person, regardless of dress, is present. If they do, it will be because they have a reason to feel fearful of men in general due to past history, or have an immediate fear reaction and decide in the moment not to ignore it. That's absolutely their prerogative and no one should face social opprobrium for those kinds of decisions.

Why couldn't they have had a man objecting to a transman in a lift? Or a man objecting to a transwoman joining their footy team. Ffs.

Waitingfordoggo · 29/06/2024 13:09

They don’t really seem to understand what ‘unsafe’ means. The trans identifying man feels offended and upset- yes I can believe that. But how is he unsafe just because someone has chosen not to travel in a lift with him? Surely if the woman was a threat to him she wouldn’t be trying to move away from him 😂

SlipperyLizard · 29/06/2024 13:11

It is awful, just telling women to ignore their instincts and their boundaries being trampled over.

The only good thing is they’ve used very obvious males, especially in the sports one, which any right thinking person will regard with horror.

fedupandstuck · 29/06/2024 13:14

A more realistic portrayal of someone feeling unsafe would be large strong looking man in the lift, who looks visibly enraged when a transwoman enters the lift. And stays in the lift, glaring at the transwoman.

TheCrenchinglyMcQuaffenBrothers · 29/06/2024 13:15

If they’d had the ‘horrible’ woman - you know the original cunty kind - with a look of disgust or derision on her face then it might have landed. But her face clearly shows she’s scared. Scared to be trapped alone in a lift with a huge bloke and her instinct is to get out of there. Which illustrates the point perfectly, just not the one they think they’re making.
They’re just ever such a little bit thick, aren’t they?

NoBinturongsHereMate · 29/06/2024 13:19

And the body language of the poor vulnerable transwoman as she gets into the lift? Yes, unspoken words do indeed say a lot - and that sort of angry, too-long stare says 'run!'.

At least the comments all seem to get it.

Waitingfordoggo · 29/06/2024 13:23

From their website:

‘Each silent gesture or unspoken word carries weight. Think about what you’re really saying’

So it is no longer just about policing language and telling us off for misgendering or saying that people can’t change sex; it’s now also about monitoring our gestures and facial expressions, or actions we might take such as stepping out of a lift. 🙄

Keep your faces expressionless at all times lest someone should feel unsafe because they know you’re having thoughts about them!

NotSoFunThis · 29/06/2024 13:26

What offensive nonsensical BS. Could they make it any more obvious that women only exist as convenient props for men to use as they wish and not as equal and worthy human beings in their own

I don’t give a shit about how any man, trans identifying or not feels if I decide not to go into a small enclosed space with him. My safety is far more important. Not to mention that any decent man should understand and not take it personally and if they do, well too bad and they’re probably not decent men.

Some years ago I probably would have worried about being seen to offend or upset someone even if it meant putting myself at risk but I’ve just turned 40 and apparently acquired a severe case of “Idontgiveafuckitis”

But there is so much pressure on women to put their safety, needs, rights and desires aside whenever a man demands it. It’s beyond depressing to see governments facilitating and actively promoting it.

Ereshkigalangcleg · 29/06/2024 13:27

They’re just ever such a little bit thick, aren’t they?

I assume this advert was created by TRAs enjoying the gaslighting in plain sight, tbh.

Kendodd · 29/06/2024 13:36

What strikes me about this whole gender debate is the elephant in the room. Transwomen don't 'pass'.
Everyone can tell immediately. It's all a bit sad if you're transgender, even post op, because you're not fooling anyone. Even the TWAW lot know its not true and can spot a TW a mile away.

Circumferences · 29/06/2024 13:36

But... But I thought "we could never tell..."

TW are using our spaces all the time without us noticing.
But simultaneously, women can't object to TW who we see in our spaces.

WTF Australia?

NoBinturongsHereMate · 29/06/2024 13:38

Longer version with a sports one at the end. Sombody is definitely unsafe in that scenario:

Justme56 · 29/06/2024 13:59

It’s staged in such a terrible way. Most people would help if someone dropped something, wouldn’t bat an eyelid about who sat next to them on a crowded bus or who came along to the BBQ. Put a woman in an enclosed space with a male and the dynamic is completely different (whether it be a lift, a toilet or a changing room). As for the sport one, of course there maybe problems. We know males are usually much bigger and stronger than females and there are inherent safety risks. It’s not about how nice they are.

RoyalCorgi · 29/06/2024 14:05

Justme56 · 29/06/2024 13:24

A little more background.

Scary stuff, yet no longer surprising. I wish the press would report properly on this.

Kendodd · 29/06/2024 14:10

NoBinturongsHereMate · 29/06/2024 13:38

Longer version with a sports one at the end. Sombody is definitely unsafe in that scenario:

What a ridiculous advert.
Some of those people were just wearing clothes, that weren't even that unusual for either sex to wear. So what is this, a man in a flowery shirt , not even pretending to be a women, or anything else, is some sort of anomaly in society? WTF!

VictorianBigot · 29/06/2024 14:17

NoBinturongsHereMate · 29/06/2024 13:38

Longer version with a sports one at the end. Sombody is definitely unsafe in that scenario:

Shame they didn’t show the happy faces of the opposing sports team.

Helleofabore · 29/06/2024 14:28

It is telling that the only negative reaction was from a female person who did not wish to be in a small confined space with a male. There was no “negative” reaction shown by male people. There was no “negative” reaction shown that was motivated from unmistakable hatred or for any other reason.

Whoever wrote and produced this ad did so only from the anything less than 100% compliance is hateful and not to be accepted position. An extreme position.

This ad is sinister in this way. This is the equivalent of telling women and children that they must reframe their trauma. That they must lower their own personal boundaries and that their own discomfort is always wrong.

I guess it is clear that this Victorian government didn’t even think to get women’s perspectives on this.

Circumferences · 29/06/2024 14:35

The full version is even more bizarre!

A woman leaves an enclosed space with a bloke. Oh dear, Sad face.
What, and a bloke gives up his seat for another bloke who looks a bit like a hippy?
Someone drops a box.....
And what, a female team of sports players "happily" accept a total beefsteak of a bloke in a wig onto to their team? Really?

This is so weird. A sort of hypnosis experiment.

HoneyButterPopcorn · 29/06/2024 14:40

Quite often I’m in a little world of my own - and have to make a dash for the list or tube door when I realise I’m on my floor/stop.

So now I’m supposed to ask permission and explain myself in case a man ‘feel unsafe’ as I leap
foe the door (yeah right, overweight middle aged woman can fell a burly young bloke with one withering look, I wish) ?


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misscockerspaniel · 29/06/2024 14:53

Kendodd · 29/06/2024 13:36

What strikes me about this whole gender debate is the elephant in the room. Transwomen don't 'pass'.
Everyone can tell immediately. It's all a bit sad if you're transgender, even post op, because you're not fooling anyone. Even the TWAW lot know its not true and can spot a TW a mile away.

I will trust my gut instinct over "be kind" any day of the week.

The other elephant in the room is why are females being pressurized - surely politicians (and society) should be highlighting the need for males/men to be respectful of other males using toilets, however they are dressed, if this is why transwomen feel unable to use male loos/changing areas etc. Stuff validation and the need for third spaces. It is males/men who need to be re-educated, not women.

What is so difficult for Starmer, Rayner et al to understand?

meatandgreetretreat · 29/06/2024 16:41

Came on here to post about this disgusting ad.
So the bloke in the lift got his feelings hurt.
Women are being told not to follow their instincts to avoid this. Reminds me of the Pronouns Are Rohypnol piece.
Imagine if the bloke could have a modicum of self awareness and NOT put the woman in that situation to avoid her feeling uncomfortable?

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