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NHS challenged by women forced to share changing room with transwoman

248 replies

MrsOvertonsWindow · 26/05/2024 07:02

The Daily Mail reporting on a group of 36 nurses complaining that they're forced to share an open plan changing room with a man who claims to be a woman, behaves inappropriately, is sexually active (trying for a baby with his partner) yet is given access to women undressing as he claims to be trans.
Following two formal written complaints where the response was that they needed to be be "more inclusive', 'broaden their mindset' and 'be educated and attend training" six of the nurses are now going to an employment tribunal claiming sexual harassment and sexual discrimination.
Note the article uses he pronouns.

Nurses made to share changing room with trans colleague to sue NHS

In a formal complaint, the nurses say they were stunned after the 'sexually active' trans nurse admitted to trying for a baby with a female partner and had stopped taking female hormones.

OP posts:
DustyLee123 · 26/05/2024 07:08

Good. We need more of this.

AlisonDonut · 26/05/2024 07:09

Jesus Christ. From the 'reframe your trauma' playbook.

Well done to those nurses but for fucks sake, they shouldn't have to go through all this.

Ritasueandbobtoo9 · 26/05/2024 07:12

Name the hospital. Let’s see who the institution allowing abuse of women is.

DustyLee123 · 26/05/2024 07:14

No they shouldn’t have to go through it, and the worry that they might lose their job.

Abitorangelooking · 26/05/2024 07:16

I often wonder if the person telling women they need to be kind / inclusive/ exposed to someone of opposite sex is in that situation themselves. Or do they work in an office so don’t need to get changed on arrival.

It’s a bit like prisons, it’s all very well chucking women under the bus when you believe you’ll never be in that situation. A major problem is unions are so captured that they are failing to properly represent/ protect their members and their rights to single sex spaces.

FrancescaContini · 26/05/2024 07:17

AlisonDonut · 26/05/2024 07:09

Jesus Christ. From the 'reframe your trauma' playbook.

Well done to those nurses but for fucks sake, they shouldn't have to go through all this.

Was going to say “reframe your trauma”.

What a terrible way to treat female nurses 😔

aweegc · 26/05/2024 07:19

If the trust was doing everything it could to resolve the issue sensitively, Nurse would have been given another place to change. And women wouldn't have been told to reeducate themselves.

Also, as someone who was raped by a male nurse (boyfriend at the time) and sexually assaulted by doctors twice when I was ill, alone, vulnerable and much younger, this behaviour towards the nurses ought to get Nurse either only dealing with males OR chaperoned at all times. Ideally sacked, but we know that'll never happen. All the women who say they don't care whether their nurse is male or female..yeah. Some might be angels in scrubs, but the problem is how can you tell which ones get their kicks from seeing you uncomfortable and vulnerable...

I feel very sorry for the nurses. I'm glad they're - the ones who feel able to - taking the trust to a tribunal. I hope to goodness they win.

lovehatelovehate · 26/05/2024 07:22

This makes me so angry, especially reading about the nurse who had been sexually abused and was terrified. This should never have happened. Those poor women.

aweegc · 26/05/2024 07:23

Ritasueandbobtoo9 · 26/05/2024 07:12

Name the hospital. Let’s see who the institution allowing abuse of women is.

This. Because every woman in the local community should be aware of who might be intimately handling them when they're vulnerable. Then they can make an informed decision about declining male nurses or going to an alternative hospital, if there is one.

Even if Nurse somehow doesn't intimately handle patients, HR obviously don't have a problem with a Nurse behaving that way towards women, so who knows who else is working there..?

MrsOvertonsWindow · 26/05/2024 07:24

This is happening not only in workplaces (where women may face disciplinary action for speaking out for their right to privacy & dignity) but in public facilities up and down the country - swimming pools, communal changing rooms etc). In this case there are no cubicles and nurses for health & safety reasons must undress in order to put on a sterile uniform.
Yet another important case.

OP posts:
aweegc · 26/05/2024 07:25

Ritasueandbobtoo9 · 26/05/2024 07:12

Name the hospital. Let’s see who the institution allowing abuse of women is.

This. Because every woman in the local community should be aware of who might be intimately handling them when they're vulnerable. Then they can make an informed decision about specifying nurses of the same biological sex as them or going to an alternative hospital, if there is one.

Even if Nurse somehow doesn't intimately handle patients, HR obviously don't have a problem with a Nurse behaving that way towards women, so who knows who else is working there..?

[reposted with different wording in case I inadvertently broke a rule]

Wattnow · 26/05/2024 07:35

Jesus. There's a shortage of nurses. Looking forward to an NHS consisting only of HR, inclusion managers and men who want to get changed with women.

FrancescaContini · 26/05/2024 07:38

Wattnow · 26/05/2024 07:35

Jesus. There's a shortage of nurses. Looking forward to an NHS consisting only of HR, inclusion managers and men who want to get changed with women.

Yes. Some NHS staff returned to their home countries after Brexit 🤦‍♀️

(referring to the nurses and doctors, not the penpushers) edited for clarity

334bu · 26/05/2024 07:51

Brave women

LivelyFinch · 26/05/2024 07:54

So they weren't really a "transwoman" just a sexual predator exploiting the quite obvious loophole.

There seems to be some massive grooming and madness infecting the whole of the human race at the moment.

Theydontknowaboutus · 26/05/2024 08:16

Thanks for sharing - that's absolutely awful, especially the hr response. Where is the respect and inclusivity for those nurses?

EasternStandard · 26/05/2024 08:17

I hope they win

AthenaWhite · 26/05/2024 08:26

LivelyFinch · 26/05/2024 07:54

So they weren't really a "transwoman" just a sexual predator exploiting the quite obvious loophole.

There seems to be some massive grooming and madness infecting the whole of the human race at the moment.

They are a transwoman because they say they are, that's how this works. Or do they stop being trans when they do something wrong. All transwomen are men and don't belong in women's spaces.

highame · 26/05/2024 08:27

A major problem is unions are so captured that they are failing to properly represent/ protect their members and their rights to single sex space

Unions have never supported women. They still believe in the 'family wage' in other words, a man earns enough money to support his family. It doesn't matter that women join unions and should therefore expect support. Misogyny is write large in their manifesto's

teawamutu · 26/05/2024 08:28

Is there anywhere we can dig for them?

Rainbowshit · 26/05/2024 08:34

I'm so furious that women are being abused in this way by their employers.

This needs to stop. Good on those nurses. I'm behind you all the way.

HermioneWeasley · 26/05/2024 08:36

The HR team have followed the CIPD guidance. I wish the CIPD were being sued as well

Delawear · 26/05/2024 08:37

Really awful that the nurses should even have to take it this far. Support them 100%


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334bu · 26/05/2024 08:39

It took the unions 10 years before they deigned to join the fight for female carers to get equal pay in Glasgow. Glasgow had also been a Labour stronghold until 2017 and it was only then that the unions decided that the women's case was worth fighting.

ThreeDimensional · 26/05/2024 08:39

Well done to those nurses! Hope they win.

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