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Eating at a Rick Stein place in Padstow

10 replies

BlauerEngel · 02/06/2010 17:27

We're going on holiday to Cornwall in the third week of July, and I fancy a nice lunch at one of the Rick Stein restaurants/cafes in Padstow.

There will be DH and myself, who both have foodie tendencies, my DM, who just wants a nice plate of cod'n'chips, and the kids, who are at a fish finger level of culinary sophistication. I've obviously ruled out the restaurant and the bistro as being too fancy, but am undecided between the Cafe and the fish bar. There are no bookings for the fish bar, and I imagine there is a risk of not getting a table at all in the high season.

So, has anyone else been to either of these with the whole family, and what was it like? Is the fish bar as crowded in summer as I imagine, and would it be worth booking at the cafe for that reason? Anything else worth knowing?

OP posts:
EvilTwins · 02/06/2010 17:40

Both the cafe and the fish bar are fabulous. DH and I took our DTDs to Padstow for a holiday two summers ago, when they were two and a bit, and we ate in both. We had a great lunch in the cafe- service was excellent and the childrens' menu was perfect (both DTs had fish goujons and french fries, and ate very well) and DH and I had "proper" food. We booked in advance and sat outside which was lovely. We had two or three take-aways from the fish bar during the week we were there because it was so good. It was always busy when we were there (and we were there in September, so not high-season) and if you eat in, you sit at long benches and take your chances that there will be enough room -hence the take aways. The food was fantastic though. Best chips I've ever had...


BlauerEngel · 02/06/2010 19:08

Thanks for the answer. We're only planning on going to Padstow for the day, and are otherwise further south in Cornwall, so we have to choose one or the other, unfortunately. I'm really tempted by what you say about the lovely chips , can't get decent chips in Germany. I think we'll take a risk with the fish bar and squash up on the bench - maybe if we go as soon as it opens at 12 we'll have a chance of some seating.

Um, if you're still there EvilTwins (what a great name!), we'd like to combine a day in Padstow with Tintagel. How far are they apart by car? Looks like 15 mins or so on the map.

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EvilTwins · 02/06/2010 19:12

It took a bit longer than that, IIRC - more like 45 than 15.

If there's no room to squash up on benches in the fish bar, then there are plenty of places to sit outside - we had chips whilst sitting on the harbour wall.

Am also salivating just thinking about it...

BlauerEngel · 02/06/2010 19:52

That's a pity about 45 minutes, maybe we'll just have to have two days (and two lunches) on the north coast, then!

Chips on the harbour wall sounds pretty good, but TBH at the moment I'd have a pile of chips anywhere. Covered with Sarsens, all floppy and steaming in the bag. God, I've got to stop this, tis nothing but culinary porn.

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CMOTdibbler · 02/06/2010 19:58

We have had some lovely lunches in the fish and chip shop. Food is luvverly - DS had squid and chips last time, I had grilled monkfish, and DH had plaice. This time, we put DH in the queue at 10 to 12, and DS and I wandered around the fish shop and looked at the live lobsters till 12 and they let you in.

BlauerEngel · 02/06/2010 22:26

Good tip, thanks CMOT

OP posts:
meanymum · 09/06/2010 21:18

Only tried the fish and chip bar when we went and queued up outside to ensure we got a place as soon as it opened. Loved it! We also bought pasties to take out from the Rick Stein deli place in Padstow and they were wonderful!

ReshapeWhileDamp · 10/06/2010 07:57

Is it crazily busy in August? I might have a chance at getting to Padstow in mid-august this summer and am already salivating at the thought of squid and chips!

serin · 20/06/2010 19:46

It is busy but worth it.

Mummyinthedark · 27/06/2010 20:42

Don't right off st petroc's brasserie - it is very informal and summer lunchtimes almost every table is a family with young kids so it's nice and relaxed.
do book, but you don't need to phone weeks in advance, maybe a few days in my experience.

We try to do it on days we know will be sunny and we can cycle from Wadebridge up the Camel Trail, have lunch and cycle back.

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