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Bedruthan Steps or Fowey Hall???

12 replies

punchy · 17/02/2009 19:41

My husband and I are thinking of spending a few days at Tredethick Farm next month which is near Fowey with our 18 month old. We also want to spend the weekend in a hotel so we can have a lovely dinner on our own. Has anyone been to both Bedruthan and Fowey Hall or does anyone have a strong opinion - good or bad - on either of them? We can't decide which to choose.

OP posts:
scienceteacher · 17/02/2009 19:44

We've been to Bedruthan Steps - we went five years in a row, until our family size made it prohibitive.

It is great - a holiday for children and parents.

hertsnessex · 17/02/2009 19:44

havevnt been to fowey hall, but been to bedruthan and loved it x

sassy · 17/02/2009 19:47

We are great mates with the Head Chef at the sister hotel to Fowey Hall - his food is orgasmic. kids facilities at aforesaid sister hotel great too. Fowey maybe a little warmer (south coast, Bedruthan pretty exposed). But bedruthan v popular and always highly recommended.

happywomble · 17/02/2009 19:49

Bedruthan is great. We have been several times. Enjoy as many visits as you can before you get tied down to school holidays.

punchy · 18/02/2009 08:53

Thanks for the messages. Anyone else? I think I'm leaning towards Bedruthan Steps although still undecided!

OP posts:
bettybeetroot · 19/02/2009 00:21

we stayed at fowey for a weekend last year and had a lovely time - it was homely and romantic - i liked the fact the rooms were a bit rough around the edges in a shabby chic kind of way. we stayed in the main building with a lovely view. i cannot comment on bedruthen as not been myself but heard lots of good things. i think fowey is definately a romantic weekend type destination. i would definately go back for a weekend rather than a weeks holiday.

InTheScrum · 19/02/2009 00:23

Not been to either, but Budock Vean is tremendous

bluesky · 19/02/2009 21:32

been to fowey a few times, but not Bedruthan. Loved Fowey, and they have a spa now! Food fantastic. Gardens great. I liked Fowey to wander round, lovely little shops, and the boats, harbour etc.

We've just been to Rosevine, which is owned/run by ex Fowey couple. FANTASTIC! Can really recommend.

saggyhairyarse · 24/02/2009 20:53

I got food poisoning at Fowey.

bluesky · 25/02/2009 15:21

Husband got it at Woolley! Dodgy.

trixymalixy · 25/02/2009 15:32

Bedruthan is fab, although i have had better food. The spa and all the facilites are great.

thinkingabout3 · 26/02/2009 18:56

Fowey is the most wonderful hotel, we absolutely adored it. It's small and personal compared to Bedruthan which is a bigger almost corporate hotel. Fowey is like being in a country house hotel, relaxing with the papers by the open fire..........Bedruthan is more modern. I'd choose Fowey.

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