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How do I choose a village in the New Forest area to stay in?

51 replies

HaventSleptForAYear · 23/06/2008 20:07

Will be stopping off for a couple of nights over a weekend in July from visiting friends in London, before visiting students in Winchester on the Monday.

Would like (unless there are any other suggestions) to stop off for 2 nights in a B&B with DH & 2DS (3.5 & 1.5).

Have spent several hours () today researching, seen loads of places (although loads that don't want kids either) but have no idea how to narrow my search down.

Any advice?

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HaventSleptForAYear · 24/06/2008 08:18

Argh. Can nobody help me???

Will put this in chat soon if not !

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aDad · 24/06/2008 08:44

Brockenhurst perhaps?

I'm no expert although grew up not far away, but it's bang in the middle of the forest. Will you be in a car? If not it's linked by train to Winchester which m ay be useful for you.

just bumping for you really...

HaventSleptForAYear · 24/06/2008 08:49

Ahhh - thanks aDAD!

Was considering Brockenhurst as you say because it looks like it's actually IN the forest.

We will be in a car because we are coming over from France for a week.

I know lots of people have been to the New Forest, have read that there are traffic jams in Lyndhurst so will avoid there.

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aDad · 24/06/2008 08:52

I do remember queues of cars from my childhood, but it is one lovely forest.

With two DSs, you might be tempted to visit Beaulieu motor museum for part of one day if you are a bit 'forested out', although maybe they are a bit young to be totally car mad just yet!

HaventSleptForAYear · 24/06/2008 08:56

DH HATES traffic with a vengeance, perhaps if we base ourselves in Brockenhurst we could just walk/bike everywhere.

I'm not sure if the DS are old enough to appreciate the museum yet - but could be a good option if the weather is like last summer's.

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littlelapin · 24/06/2008 09:11

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piglit · 24/06/2008 09:17

I live very near Fordingbridge and would suggest you come over our way rather than Lyndhurst/Brockenhurst. It's much, much quieter here and there are some lovely villages like Godshill and Woodgreen - both of which have lots of B&Bs.

As Lapin says Moors Valley is very toddler/child friendly and there's loads to do for them there.

HaventSleptForAYear · 24/06/2008 09:24

Thank you littlelapin and piglit (like your name!).

DH will go nuts if we are stuck in traffic and I have only just talked him into coming over with me so want to make the weekend good iyswim.

Fordingbridge sounds good - will try the search facility on that site littlelapin.

Was considering renting a caravan on the Sandyballs campsite but it looks a bit huge for us!

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BigGitDad · 24/06/2008 09:26

Brockenhurst is nice, there is a river for the kids to play in (very shallow) lovely cream tea shop and butchers in the high street. Plus there are loads of cycle tracks if you want to go off riding.
Traffic at Lyndhurst is a pain, my advice if you are travelling is make sure there are no fairs or shows on at the county (?) ground (It's between Lyndhurst and Brockenhurst)when you are there.
Minstead has a lovely pub cslled the Trusty Servant for food, can get a bit packed though at weekends.
That said Fordingbridge is lovely too as an earlier poster pointed out.

piglit · 24/06/2008 09:27

Sandyballs might be worth considering. It's child friendly (my dc use the soft play and toddler park there occasionally) and it also has indoor and outdoor swimming pools as well as a nice spa place that does fab pedicures/massages etc.

HaventSleptForAYear · 24/06/2008 09:29

But isn't it huge piglit?

Will look up any events biggitdad (not sure I like your name so much )

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littlelapin · 24/06/2008 09:31

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piglit · 24/06/2008 09:33

It is pretty big but that also means there are loads of facilities in case it rains. The problem with a B&B would be that if it rains you might spend your entire stay visiting a soft play or wandering around Fordingbridge or Ringwood.

Spidermama · 24/06/2008 09:36

I love The Balmer Lawn hotel. It's quite expensive but they can often cut you a deal if you ask.

It's great for kids and the food is out of this world.

jennyshere · 24/06/2008 09:37

Shut your eyes and just point to one on the map!

Kbear · 24/06/2008 09:38

There is a fab pub on it's own right in the middle of the forest - anyone know the name of it? We find it by accident every time we go!!!

HaventSleptForAYear · 24/06/2008 09:40

Wish I could be that sort of person jennyshere !

I have looked at the Balmer Lawn but I think it's out of our budget - I doubt they'd do me a deal for the 1st weekend of the school holidays (is it??)

OK piglit - maybe I'll call the campsite and see if they have any caravans left.

Loads of the b&bs I have searched for (even specifying child facilities) will only allow children over 8 or 10.

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HaventSleptForAYear · 24/06/2008 09:41

Have noted the Trusty Servant - thanks !

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littlelapin · 24/06/2008 09:46

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suzywong · 24/06/2008 09:47


HaventSleptForAYear · 24/06/2008 09:49

We're coming on the ferry but to Dover.

We're going to London first on Tuesday 15th and then have to be in Winchester on the Monday after that.

So want to stay for the weekend somewhere reasonably accessible to Winchester and then get the ferry back from Dover (Portsmouth is overnight and I don't fancy that with no cabins left with 2 DS)

OP posts:
cosima · 24/06/2008 09:49

we are off to lymington and i've heard that its gorgeous

littlelapin · 24/06/2008 09:52

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HaventSleptForAYear · 24/06/2008 09:52

Have found these ones littlelapin - not sure if they will do weekends in July (the one you stayed in said NOT) but will contact them.

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littlelapin · 24/06/2008 09:53

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